Chapter 7.1 The Secret

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Iris fell asleep quickly that evening. Her body was still tired from her time in the dungeons and cage. Her mind was overflooded with new information and concepts to consider, so she drifted asleep as soon as her head touched the pillow. After a while, she was startled awake. She was not sure if she had a bad dream or heard some noise. She opened her eyes. It was dark inside a tent, but there was a pale light of moon entering through the tent's open flaps, which were waving slightly as if someone just moved them. Iris looked over to Kara's side, but it was empty. Iris got up, still half-asleep, and stuck her head out of the tent.

It was dark outside, even though the full moon was shining brightly. The camp was silent, most of the folks already fast asleep. Low, dying campfires were illuminating the night, making the nearby shadows seem deeper. Iris' eyes quickly caught a silhouette of the person moving swiftly through the camp, a long, blond braid dancing at her back at a fast pace. The girl cocked her head curiously. Where would Kara go alone in the middle of the night? If she needed to relieve herself, she would go to the bushes behind the tent, not across the whole campsite. But if there was trouble, she shouldn't go alone.

Not thinking twice, Iris quickly put on her shoes and followed the woman's trail, trying not to make too much noise. She was aware that even if some dangers were lurking around, she wouldn't be much help anyway, as she still knew nearly nothing about her magic. But maybe she could at least raise the alarm if something happened. She was no expert on Rebels' customs yet but sneaking out of the camp in the middle of the night seemed awfully reckless.

Kara reached the end of the tents and moved smoothly along the small pathway leading deeper into the forest, guided only by moonlight. She looked around once, but she didn't spot Iris, who was far behind her. The girl wanted to call her, but instinct told her not to. After all the betrayals she experienced in the last few days, she was warier. What if Kara is up to something? Iris thought. She used to work for a City Guard, which Inquisition currently oversee. What if she still works for them? Iris didn't want to believe it. She came to like the woman. She was friendly and seemed like a decent person, but Iris couldn't be sure of that. Maybe following her further wasn't the wisest idea, but Iris had to be sure.

It wasn't easy, though. The path was narrow, and Iris had to step carefully not to make a sound. A few times, she had to dodge behind the trees when Kara suddenly looked back. Her steps were hasty, and she didn't look as if she cared if someone heard her. After a while, when all the lights from the camp disappeared completely, Iris felt cold sweat covering her back. Maybe it wasn't such a great idea. What if Shadows were lurking nearby? It was not likely this close to the encampment, but she could get lost on her way back, take a wrong turn and then...

Iris had shaken off her thoughts when sudden sparks of light appeared in front of her. Kara slowed her pace visibly and stopped at the lakeshore. The water was calm and dark, reflecting moonlight in a brilliant white glow. Iris stopped in the distance, hiding behind a massive tree trunk from where she could see Kara. The place seemed to be empty, so it didn't look like she was meeting with anyone.

The woman kneeled, put her hands on the grass and leaned forward over the lake as if she were trying to peer into the water itself. Iris frowned. What on holy sunbeams was she trying to do? Suddenly Kara spoke up, her voice clear but quiet. Iris had to focus on distinguishing the words.

'I'm here, love.' She leaned closer to the surface. Her face was almost touching the water. 'Please, you have to hang on, just a little more.'

Iris craned her neck to take a better look, but she couldn't see anything in the lake. But it seemed like Kara was talking to someone, but that shouldn't be possible. She didn't hear the other voice. Maybe if she could get closer. Iris slowly and silently started to move toward the next tree, careful not to step on any loose sticks.

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