Chapter 14.2 Regroup

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She started to thrash and kick wildly, trying to break free.

'Oi, hush! It's me!' growled a familiar voice to her ear. She froze, her eyes wide. 'I let you go now, so no screaming, all right? They will hear us!'

As soon as she was free, she spun around. 'Jayden?' she gasped with a mixture of surprise and relief.

'No time for a chat,' the young man said, grabbed her hand and dragged her behind him. 'Quickly, there is a good hiding place not far from here.'

The shouts from behind got louder. Iris was doing her best to keep up with Jayden, but she was tripping and slowing him down. He didn't let go of her hand.

'I knew it was here,' he whispered triumphantly, coming to a vast thick tree. It was covered in vines and moss. He ran his hand over the trunk. After a few seconds, he moved the vines as if they were curtains, exposing the dark hollow space inside.

'Get in. Quickly,' Jayden rushed her. She didn't hesitate and slid inside. It was dark and smelled of rot and moss. The space was small, and it might be comfortable for one person.

'Are we both going to fit in here?' she whispered when he entered, pushing her into the wooden wall.

'Shut up, and just squeeze further in,' he hissed.

'There is no more space!'

He ignored her and pushed some more. They end up squeezed together facing each other, but Jayden managed to cover the entrance with vines, concealing them in almost complete darkness. The shouts outside were so close now, and they could distinguish the words.

'Hush now,' Jayden whispered to her ear. Iris felt a sudden flash of heat on her face. They were so close now as if they were embracing. She could feel the racing heart in his chest, pounding as fast as her own. She was grateful for the darkness; she didn't want him to see how uncomfortable he was making her right now.

There was a sound of crushed leaves and sticks just outside their hideout. They both stopped breathing, too afraid they'd be heard. Iris felt a cold sweat covering her back, and she shivered. She felt Jayden squeeze her tighter in silent encouragement.

'Nothing here!' shouted a voice close to them.

'Let's check further down this side. I'm sure I heard someone running this way!'

The steps and hooves sound slowly receded. Iris finally took a long shaky breath.

'Are they gone?' she whispered.

'For now,' said Jayden, his warm breath tickled her ear. 'Let's wait a bit more in case they come back.

They waited. Iris didn't know how long it took. But even if she was highly uncomfortable in a tight spot, she was grateful for Jayden's presence. If not for him, she would surely be caught by those Inquisitors. The thought of being alone in the dark, hiding from the pursuers, was a daunting one.

'Thank you,' she whispered.

'Hush! I think they are coming this way again,' he whispered back. And after a moment, she heard the hoofbeats too. The knights seemed to return the way they came. The Mages stayed still for a long while afterwards, waiting for any further signs of their pursuers.

When the familiar sounds of the forest came back, Jayden finally sighed.

'I think they are gone now,' he said. 'Wait here while I look.' He cautiously lifted the vines and stepped out. Iris felt sudden cold replacing the warmth of his body, and she felt her cheeks burning too. What was she thinking in a situation like this? 'It's safe. You can come out now,' called Jayden.

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