Chapter 10.1 Into the Cave

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The next day they moved out right after dawn. Iris still felt exhausted, even after a few hours of sleep. Her muscles hurt, and the bump on her head was throbbing with pain. None of them was talking. The atmosphere was rather gloomy. Jayden walked behind her, his jaw clenched, glaring at anyone who dared to come close to him.

But as the hours passed and nothing jumped out of the shadows trying to kill them, they relaxed a bit. Even the young Mage seemed to let go of his anger. When they stopped for a break at noon, he let Arlo engage him in some lively discussion. Iris noticed him smiling a few times, which was unusual. He looked like a completely different person with a smile. Someone could even call him friendly-looking, but Iris only scoffed and laughed at her thoughts. Yeah, friendly, right.

'How is your head?' Myrica asked, sitting next to her on the grass.

'Still throbbing. Hurts like hell when I accidentally touch it.'

'I have something that might help.' Myr took out a small jar from her pocket and unscrewed the lid. Her long, elegant fingers scooped a little bit of a creamy green substance, and she gently rubbed it on Iris' swollen forehead. It felt cool and had a strong herbal scent, bringing her some relief.

'Thank you, Myr, it feels great.'

'You fought well yesterday. I was impressed. I thought you would be rather... useless.'

'Why? Did you talk to Jayden by any chance? I'm sure he'll tell you all about how hopeless I am.' Iris scoffed. But she wasn't angry, not really. Truth be told, she was impressed with herself too. She would never imagine she could have held as long as she did yesterday. It made her feel better about herself. Maybe she wasn't worthless after all.

'He is a tough teacher, is he not?'

'More like a slave driver.'

'He is a good man, though,' Myrica said gently. 'He did not have an easy life, so he has a problem with trusting people.'

Iris looked surprised at her companion. The woman was looking at two men conversing on the other side of the clearing. 'How so?'

'Jayden has been with the Rebels even longer than I have. He was one of the first Mages Marcus saved. He was a teenager back then and was sold to Inquisition by his own father.'

'Oh, I see,' Iris mumbled.

'Since then, he treats Marcus like a father. This ideal parent he did not have. I think that is why he is so harsh on you. You remind him of what he was, what he still is. Maybe he fears you will take his place at Marcus' side?'

'But that's ridiculous! I would never....' Iris protested, but Myr only laughed.

'You, humans, are foolishly stubborn. Always making sure to conceal your true feelings, as if this was something to be embarrassed about.'

'Well, I see what you mean,' Iris agreed. 'Are the forest people different?'

She smiled gently. 'We do not lie so much as you do. We find it a waste of breath. Living in the wild is simpler than in your big cities. There is no need to keep secrets to gain advantage on others.'

'Sounds good. May I ask why you have left them?' Iris asked shyly.

The smile dropped from Myr's face. 'We do not often deal with humans. We tend to keep to ourselves and live peacefully in the wilds, where the ancient Spirits dwell. But since the Ritual fiasco, the whole world has been degrading. Your Church is taking more and more of our lands, chopping down our trees and burning our forests. They still mostly keep away, but it is only a matter of time before their greed pushes them to invade our lands. Someone has to stop them.'

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