Chapter 30 Traitor Of The People

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Iris could barely keep herself conscious while the worlds around her came in and out of focus. She gritted her teeth and put all her efforts into pressing herself against the tiny hands holding her. While they were surrounded by complete darkness, the terrible shrieks filled the air for a few seconds. When the light finally came back, and Iris started to distinguish people moving around frantically, the howls didn't stop. They became even more intense, echoing from the stone walls of the circular chamber.

The shrieks coming from the tear were high pitched, making ears hurt. It took Iris a moment to comprehend what was happening around her. The torches and impromptu fires were burning bright. The Inquisitors and the Mages cautiously circled the middle of the room, fending off any tendrils of darkness that tried to grab anything in their immediate proximity.

'We're back!' Cody shouted, trying to outcry the chaos around them. 'Iris needs help! She's hurt!'

Iris felt lightheaded, and her vision kept getting fuzzy. Suddenly someone kneeled right next to her and grabbed her chin, turning it toward him. She narrowed her eyes and blinked several times, trying to focus. He said something, but she couldn't distinguish the words.

'Iris! Draw the light!'


'Draw the light!' he repeated, and with one swift movement of a dagger, he cut the rope binding her wrists.

Iris raised her hand a bit toward the nearest fire, and her arm shook violently. At first, nothing happened, so she forced herself to focus on the dancing flames and tried again. This time the fire grew smaller while her hand illuminated with light. Suddenly she felt a comforting warmth spreading through her whole body, clearing away the haze surrounding her mind. She took a deep breath and looked at Jayden again. His face was pale, and his left eye was so swollen she doubted he could see anything.

'I'm good now,' she said but then grimaced. 'But it hurts like hell.'

Jayden raised his hand and hovered it barely inches from her bloody shoulder. 'I've got you,' he said, and his fingers alighted with a brilliant white glow.

Iris felt an odd pulling sensation as her torn flesh started knitting back together. The sickening pain dulled and became just a sore and itchy sensation. She instantly felt so much better.

'Woah, did you just heal her?' Cody gasped, his eyes big as saucers.

'That I did. Stay around, kid, and I show you how to do it too,' Jayden said with a smirk. Then he got up and offered his hand to Iris. She gratefully grabbed it and let him pull her to her feet. She swayed a little but kept her footing. 'I healed your wound, but I can do nothing about the blood loss. Will you be all right? We need all the Mages we can get right now.'

'I'll be fine.' She nodded.

'Good. Kid, do you know how to draw the light and keep it in your hands?'

'You mean like this?' Cody raised his hand, and the brilliant illumination danced on his fingers.

'He's so much better than you,' Jayden remarked.

'Shut up!'

'Enough dawdling!' Myrica shouted sternly. 'Everyone who can stand, go into the position right now!'

Jayden grabbed the siblings' hands and dragged them towards the other Mages.

'What are we doing?' Cody asked, not even trying to hide his excitement.

'Just watch me and to the same!' Jayden replied and looked at Iris. 'You too!'

'Mages, get ready!' Myrica commanded, her voice clear and loud over the shrieking monstrosity. 'Draw the light and keep it steady! Be ready to act on my signal!'

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