Chapter 14.1 Escape

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Iris was standing there and unable to move. Her mind refused to accept this simple truth. Even though she heard the commotion and fearful screams, she still refused to acknowledge it. The girl that bumped at her was long gone now. More and more people were passing her in a desperate dash deeper into the forest. She spotted a young woman pressing a small child close to her chest and dragging the other terrified kid by the hand. Iris shook off her stupor. There were whole families here—helpless women and children. The Inquisition made sure everyone knew what they do with people who harbour Mages. They were killed without mercy.

'No, no, no...' she whispered frantically and started making her way toward the centre of the camp, against the crowd of people pushing out. Only one thought in her mind - they must stall the attackers so the innocent people can escape. She ran toward the shouts and clash of steel. The light flashed ahead, dispersing the dark of the night. The Mages were holding their ground.

The Mages formed a line at the centre of the camp, their faces solemn, hands raised and glowing with light. In front of them stood a group of armed men and women, with Kara leading them, keeping the Inquisitors out. Iris noticed there were only regular knights, no sign of Mage Hunters they've encountered recently. She joined the line and drew the light from the nearby campfire.

There was a solid wall of light preventing the Inquisition to move farther into the camp. The only opening was guarded by their warriors, standing their ground relentlessly. Iris raised her hands and poured more light into the wall, reinforcing its strength. The Mage standing next to her nodded, his brows wet with sweat. It took a lot of concentration to keep the wall up while the knights kept pounding at it. But they needed to hold it a bit longer to make sure all civilians had time to flee.

Iris blinked, and suddenly all her surroundings changed. Once again, she stood alone in a place that looked not quite right. The trees bent in all the wrong angles and moved to a weird rhythm, even though there was no wind. She looked over to the wall of light. It was so bright her eyes were stinging just from looking at it. Countless dark shapes were coiling around it, reaching their clawed limbs towards it. There was also something else there lurking just outside her vision. It felt cold and ominous. She felt a cold sweat covering her back, making her shiver. The Shadows at the wall moved, slightly edging her way as if they've just noticed her. There was a shrilling howl in the air, and the shapes started moving towards her.

'Oh, no, no, no!' she gasped and closed her eyes. When she opened them again, she was back at the camp, as if nothing happened—no traces of Shadows anywhere. The Mage standing next to her didn't even notice something was happening with her. Maybe it was just her stressed mind playing tricks on her? She shook her head, squared her shoulders and focused on reinforcing the wall again.

There was a commotion behind the front line, and the Inquisitors took a few steps back. In sudden silence broken only by heavy breaths and the crackling of fires, the hooves crashing the forest floor echoed loudly. A massive warhorse entered the illuminated area, and surrounding knights stepped back. The rider was a tall and well-built man with dark hair and cold grey eyes. He wore black armour, ornated with a symbol of the Lord Sun. His narrow lips curved into a smile. He stopped a few steps from the warriors. Iris was impressed that Kara, who stood in front, did not move even an inch.

'Impressive hideout you have here,' said the man looking around, his eyes calculating. 'I am Cassius, the Grand Inquisitor. I will speak to your leader. Unless he is too much of a coward to step out from behind his henchmen.'

Marcus stepped forward from the Mage's line; his face was impassive. 'I don't believe we invited the Grand Inquisitor himself into our humble domain,' he said, his voice sure and steadfast.

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