Chapter 15.1 Secrets Revealed

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Myrica led them to a small cave deeper into the forest. They decided to rest. After all, they were all exhausted after what seemed to be an endless night. Iris didn't even remember lying down, and she was fast asleep. When she woke up, it was almost noon. Some of her companions were still sleeping. Myr was away in the forest, hunting, so she offered to help Arlo with breakfast.

Slowly everyone got up and ate. No one was talking about what happened yesterday, although the tension in the air was palpable. They were all too aware of the daunting task that awaited them, and Iris felt its weight crashing hard on her shoulders.

'All right, let's not waste any more time and get right back to business,' Marcus said finally when all of them finished eating and sat at the campfire. 'I filled in Myr and Arlo yesterday about our discussion regarding our present situation. Am I correct to assume we all agree that our topmost priority is stopping Inquisition?' Everyone nodded, although not overly eager.

'The question is, where do we even start?' said Kara voicing the doubts they all had.

'Indeed,' agreed Marcus solemnly. 'Our most significant disadvantage right now, besides our reduced numbers, of course, is our lack of knowledge. I'm afraid I'm no expert on the Shadow Magic. It was never a popular topic of study in the Order. No one thought it was needed, as it hasn't been seen in our realm for ages. I can only provide us with basic information, and I'm afraid it's not enough if we want to stand a chance against the Grand Inquisitor.

'Where can we find more knowledge?' asked Jayden. 'Are there any records left from the archives of the Order?'

'Unfortunately, no,' the old man shook his head. 'All the documents and research materials were either burned down or seized by the Inquisition,' he paused and looked at the forest woman. 'Myr, can your people help us in this regard?'

She slowly shook her head. 'I do not think so. We did not explore any other forms of magic except our own. And it seems that cannot count on any further support from my kind,' she added, her expression troubled. 'The sole fact that Inquisition found us, seeing through the Wild Magic illusion, means they got assistance from my tribe, which is most troubling.'

'Yes, that is certainly concerning,' said Marcus rubbing his chin. 'To be honest, I'm running out of ideas. Has anyone else has any suggestions that could help us?'

They all fell silent, looking at the fire or the walls of the cave and searching their minds for anything that could be remotely useful right now. Iris looked at Kara, and an idea popped into her head. The woman face was impassive. She bit her lip as if she were struggling with her reasoning. Finally, she uttered a heavy sigh and looked straight at Marcus.

'What if we could get to someone who's been in the Shadow Realm?' she asked tentatively. There was a tense silence while all eyes in the cave turned to her.

'What do you mean, Kara?' asked Marcus cautiously.

'What if... there was a person that was stuck there for a long time?'

Marcus jaw dropped. 'You don't mean....'

'Yes, I do,' she interjected, her blue eyes steeled with resolve.

'But that's impossible!' scoffed Marcus. 'Kara, we all know that no one survived the Ritual!'

'I thought so too, at first. But that's simply not true. I saw him, with my own eyes! And not just once!'

'Can someone tell me what they are talking about?' asked Arlo scratching his head.

Marcus ignored him, his eyes trained on Kara, his brow knitted. 'Why are you telling me about it just now? Why hide it?'

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