Chapter 18.1 Master Samuel

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They followed the Shadow to the palace. Iris was looking curiously around her when they approached the crumbled remnants of what used to be a wall. Even though the place looked alarming with all the shadows and darkness coiling around them, Iris felt oddly at peace. Her head almost stopped throbbing entirely, and all the tension that accompanied her since they'd entered the Shadow Realm disappeared.

While crossing the big empty area that must once have been a front courtyard, she noticed more shadowy creatures. They all cowered from them, hiding in the safe darkness of the corners of ruined buildings. They appeared almost human-like.

Alaife - that's how the Shadow asked them to call it – opened the heavy wooden door and gestured them to follow it. They entered the main building. Most of the walls remained solid, while the roof was a patchwork of holes. But there was no rubble inside as if someone cleaned it all up to make it look more like a place to live. In the main hall, they were walking on the thick carpet that probably had some intense hue back in its glory days, but now it was only plain grey, like everything that surrounded them.

'Isss thisss not exciting?' asked the Shadow when they approach another door. They looked solid and undamaged by the ruination that held all the palace in its grip. Iris noted that there were no other doors that she could see here. Mostly it was just empty frames indicating that there were some doors there at some point. But this one in front of them looked brand new. It didn't have any carvings and looked rather bulky, like not very experienced carpenter made it. 'The reunion after sssuch a long time!'

'Spare me your comments, Shadow,' hissed Kara, looking at the creature with hostility.

'Apologiesss, my lady.' Alaife bowed their head, and they sounded almost sad. Then they took a handle and used their shoulder to push the door. It opened with an ear-splitting sound of wood scratching the stone floor. It was not fit well into the frame.

The room they entered must have been some reception room in the past. It was spacious. The walls were once fitted with big windows that reached from the floor all the way to the ceiling – now only holes remained there. It felt as if the room was surrounded by columns supporting the roof.

In the middle of the chamber stood an oversized chair that looked like a throne. A man was sitting on it, his posture sloppy, with head propped on the elbow and another hand tapping at the armrest. Iris couldn't help thinking that he looked bored. But when they entered, he perked up, his back straightening, his head held up. Iris looked at him curiously.

He was human, there was no doubt about that. It must have been Kara's husband. But he looked slightly off, although it was hard to put the finger on the exact reason why. His face was thin and gaunt, his brown hair matted and peppered with grey, his skin was ashen, and his whole frame was incredibly lanky. He must have been handsome once, but now he looked more like a wreck of a man, exhausted by the hard life he had to endure. But his eyes were shining. And they were completely black.

Kara stopped dead in her tracks, her mouth opened, her face unnaturally pale. She looked as if she saw a ghost. Which was entirely accurate, considering she just met the man who was supposed to be dead for years now. It was one thing hoping for this to happen, then another seeing it with one's own eyes.

'Nightingale! It is you! I can't believe it!' the man bellowed. His voice, unlike his frail body, was strong and boomed in the spacious room. He jumped off his set and dashed towards them. Before anyone could react, he closed Kara in a tight embrace. She seemed to be too shocked to move, though, her eyes wide.

'S-Sam?' she stuttered, her voice weak and shaking. She gently pulled away and raised her hand, fingers hesitantly touching his face, as if she were probing if he was there. Then her eyes filled with tears, and a sob escaped her mouth. 'Oh, Lord Sun, it is you!'

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