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The sky looked as if it was on fire. The dawn was painting the firmament with brilliant reds and oranges, heralding the upcoming start of Lord Sun's journey. Such a simple sight was usually taken for granted, and yet, on that early morning, it caused surprising eruptions of cheers and laughter or even tears. People of Athia and all other kingdoms and lands worldwide stopped what they were doing to look up and stare at the perfectly illuminated sky. And when the Lord Sun had finally emerged from His slumber, He was so bright that people had to cover their eyes. Some of them fell on their knees, raising their thankful prayers to the sky, others cheered ecstatically, and some just stared in disbelief, not entirely sure if their eyes weren't deceiving them.

After a long eight years of turmoil, the world seemed to be whole again.

Iris was gazing at the sky through the hole in the ceiling, admiring the vivid colours she thought she would never see again. It was a perfect moment, and pure joy filled up her heart. She didn't believe it was possible, yet they'd made it. They fixed the world. Marcus' face popped into her head, his kind blue eyes sparkling, and a gentle smile graced his wrinkled face. She could almost feel the featherlight touch of his hand on her shoulder.

'Thank you,' Iris mumbled, knowing he couldn't hear her. But she was grateful all the same. If not for him, they would have never succeeded.

But the serene moment was rapidly cut short with the sound of drawn weapons. Iris averted her gaze from the sky, startled. One of the Inquisitors stood just a few feet away from her, his sword raised threateningly, aiming at her chest. The man's expression was stormy. His eyes focused on her were cautious and suspicious.

'The Grand Inquisitor,' he said, his voice cold and demanding. 'Where is he? What have you done to him, Mage?'

'I... I...' Iris stammered while she realised they hadn't fixed everything. They were still outlaw Mages standing in the middle of Inquisition Headquarters. And they were all drained of power while the knights slowly surrounded them. With their mutual enemy gone, any temporary truce ended as well.

'Lower down your weapons. We are not your enemies,' Kara growled, who appeared next to Iris, her blade raised, ready to strike at any sign of danger.

'You are surrounded, so I suggest you drop your weapons,' ordered the Inquisitor, who seemed to be in charge in Cassius stead. 'You broke into Inquisition Headquarters and assaulted the Grand Inquisitor. You are under arrest.'

The Mages, who were all cheering moments ago, went pale again and huddled closer together, casting wary glances at the knights.

'Oh, come on!' Arlo boomed, raising both of his hands in placating gesture. 'We've just slain this abomination that your Grand Inquisitor was keeping in the basement. We deserve some gratitude for that, no?'

'That doesn't change a thing. You are all outlaws, and you will be charged for your crimes against the Church. Now drop down your weapons, or we'll use force!'

The tense silence filled the air while both sides of the conflict were glaring at each other, neither one willing to step down. But the Rebels were outnumbered. With all Mages useless, there was no hope they could fight their way out of this one.

The stomps of heavy feet filled the chamber, and there was a commotion at the main door. Iris looked there, expecting to see more Inquisitors, but the men entering seemed completely different. They all wore golden parade armours that looked more like an ornament than an actual plate, and their helmets were decorated with crimson feathered plumes, matching the colour of livery on their chests.

King's Guards.

The unit marched in perfect sync and stopped with a loud stomp. Then a tapping sound of cane filled the room, and an old man in priest robes limped inside, following the guards.

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