Chapter 13.1 The Ritual

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They headed out at dawn – a long column of people in robes and simple travelling clothes and some armoured men for protection. Their destination was not too far from the camp. Myr said they should reach it after four hours of energetic march. Iris was walking at the end of the column, observing excited Mages chatting lively ahead of her. She was nervous because she still didn't feel ready, even despite Marcus affirmation that she didn't need a mastery of magic to help with the Ritual. Iris has a sinking feeling deep in her stomach that something would go wrong, that somehow, she wouldn't be able to aid the rebels in this most crucial moment.

'Hey, why the long face?' Kara asked, slowing her step to walk next to her.

'I'm nervous, I guess. It all seems so surreal. If the Ritual works, the world will go back to its former glory.' She looked up, where between the tree crowns, she could see a pale Lord Sun wandering through the grey sky. 'Is it possible? I still can't believe it.'

'No point in dwelling on the future.' Kara shrugged. But her face was solemn, and she didn't share the excitement and giddiness of other travellers.

'Are you all right?' asked Iris.

'Yeah. I...' she sighed and lowered her voice so that other people wouldn't overhear her. 'I don't know what to do. I'm glad we are going through with this Ritual. I really am. But that means strengthening the Veil between realms. So, if it does succeed...'

'You won't be able to get him back,' finished Iris quietly.

'Yes. I know I should be grateful. That there's probably no way to get him out of there. Hells, I'm still not sure if it's not just my mind playing tricks on me!' She sighed and clenched her fists. 'But I can't give up hope. Not as long as I live.'

Iris put her hand on Kara's shoulder. 'I don't know how to help you. But I promise if there is anything I can do, now or later, I'll do it. You don't have to carry this burden alone. We'll find a way. I'm sure we will.'

Kara smiled at her gently and patted her hand. 'Thank you, Iris. I didn't share my secret with you willingly, but now I'm glad you know.'

The remaining trek through the forest was luckily uneventful. They've seen no signs of Shadow nor Inquisitors. When they reached the massive clearing, Iris' eyes went wide. At the very centre of the opening stood four colossal stone pillars. They were covered in vines, moss and wild plants, although she could still see the intricate patterns sculpted all over their surface.

Marcus raised his hand, signalling them to stop and nodded to Myrica, walking beside him. The huntress stepped forward until she was a few steps away from the pillars. She fell on one knee and put her hands flat on the grass. She said something in her melodic voice, although Iris could not distinguish the words. When her voice resonated through the clearing, the pillars started glowing with a faint green light, and the ground under their feet trembled. The strange phenomenon disappeared as unexpectedly as it appeared.

Myr got up and nodded to Marcus. 'You can enter now.'

'What did she do?' Iris whispered to Kara.

'This is the holy place for the forest people,' the other woman explained. 'I believe she gave her regards to the Spirits or something of the sort.'

They entered the opening, and everyone busied themselves with preparations. Iris didn't have anything to do, so she was observing what others were doing. Marcus and Myrica were installing the Crystal of Illumination in the middle of stone pillars. They had a wooden tripod, created especially to hold the Crystal in place. They will all need their hands free to wield magic, so the artefact must be placed somewhere. It seemed disrespectful to leave it on the ground.

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