Chapter 6.1 The Rebels

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There was a sea of tents and campfires. Iris always thought that the Rebels were just a bunch of mad people, but this here looked like a small town. The Lord Sun slowly rose, chasing the shadows away, casting pale orange rays over the camp.

'Come, Iris,' Marcus said, putting a hand on her back and pushing her gently forward to follow the rest of the company. 'I know you're curious, and it's a lot to take in, but it was a long night. Let us rest, and then we'll talk.'

Iris nodded and moved to catch up with others. Her head was constantly turning from one side to another, taking in all the unusual sights. The clearing itself felt unnatural. It had a bizarre shape as if the ancient trees moved away to make room for people and their settlement. Some trees were growing right in the middle of the camp, surrounded by tents, their lower branches decorated with rope swings, moving slowly as the wind blew.

As the dawn approached, more and more people were coming out of their tents, chattering casually with each other, exchanging greetings and laughs. Most of them raised their hands in salutation to her companions as they passed. She noticed people looking at them with admiration in their eyes. Iris stopped abruptly as two small children ran in front of her, giggling cheerfully. She looked at them with surprise but couldn't suppress her smile.

Iris felt someone take her by the arm. She looked startled at Kara.

'Come with me, Iris. We'll get something to eat and then rest for a few hours. You look exhausted.'

The girl looked at Marcus questioningly. He was already deep in conversation with Jayden, but when he noticed her gaze, he only smiled, nodded, and waved a hand for her to go on.

Kara tugged on her elbow and steered her in a different direction. They passed a few more tents, and then Iris smiled at the delicious smell of food. Only then did she realise how starving she was. The past two days, her only food was half a slice of bread. Her stomach growled loudly at the thought of finally eating a decent meal.

They reached a big open tent, where a couple of people were busy cooking and serving food to a gathered crowd. They stopped at the end of the line waiting patiently for their turn.

'There are so many people here,' mused Iris out loud. 'They are not all Mages, are they?'

'No, of course not,' replied Kara. 'To be honest, we don't have many gifted people with us. That's why Marcus is actively seeking out all Mages he knows of and who are still alive.'

'Then who are all those people? Why are they here?'

'Some of them are families and friends of Mages, and that includes those who are no longer with us. The Church is prosecuting not only gifted people but those who had even a slight chance to manifest their power too. So, they all came here to hide. They are also people who are just sick and tired of the Church's tyranny.'

'Who are you then?' Iris asked curiously, but when Kara frowned, she quickly added, 'I mean, you don't look like a Mage....'

'No, I'm not,' she replied, her face visibly saddened. 'My husband was a Mage, a rather powerful one. He took part in the Ritual.'

'Oh, I'm so sorry,' Iris said quickly, feeling terrible for asking such a personal question without thinking.

'It's alright. It is what it is. I used to work in a City Garrison in Amberguard. After the Ritual failed, the Grand Inquisitor took command over our unit too. We got orders to seek Mages and bring them to the Inquisition. All of them, young, old, even children. I could not stand it, so I ran. Deserted.'

'I see.' Iris wanted to hear more of the woman's story, but they had already reached the food station.

The plump old lady took one look at her and said, 'Oh, dear. You look famished, darling! Here, have an extra serving!' she said, filling the bowl with oats till it almost spilt over the edges. 'Come for seconds whenever you like, sweetie.'

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