Chapter 20.1 Trapped

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They stood at a partly collapsed staircase which was the highest point in the ruined palace, providing them with a vantage point to see the surrounding area.

'It does not look good,' Myrica said, her golden eyes scanning the mass of coiling shadows filling most of the once empty plains. It was hard to distinguish singular creatures there. The air was filled with wild growls and howls competing with the fierce gusts of wind. They all moved together frantically and impatiently.

'Why are they just standing there? Why not attack?' Arlo asked, gesturing for the space encircling the ruins.

'Thisss place is protected,' Alaife said. 'Not only from realmfarersss, but alssso from local hossstile intrusssionsss.'

'How long will this barrier last?' Marcus asked, his face grim.

'Not long if the Brath is coming here,' Sam replied. 'And looking at this horde down here, you can be sure he's coming.'

'Let'sss get back inssside,' the Shadow suggested, prompting them gently to turn back.

They return to the audience hall, where Jayden and Kara waited with Iris, who sat on the floor, her face unnaturally pale, sweat pearling on her brows.

'How bad does it look?' Kara asked when they approached.

'We are all going to die bad,' Sam said, gritting his teeth, his hands clenched in fists. 'To think I was so close to escaping this dreadful realm finally!' He kicked some loose stone that sailed through the hall, sending echoes as it crashed to the wall.

'I am very sssory, Massster,' Alaife said, his voice empty of any emotion comped to the man's overflowing with anger.

'There must be a way out of here,' Marcus said. 'Alaife, how can we undo this ancient spell preventing crossing from here?'

'I do not know, Wissse Massster.'

'How could you not know?' the man growled, annoyed. 'You are the Keeper of Knowledge! It's your job to know it!'

'I apologissse, but the defence of the palace wasss never part of my dutiesss.'

'Is there someone here who may know this?' Jayden asked. He was pale too, but his voice was calm.

'Unfortunately, no. They were lossst to their hunger a long time ago.'

'Well, I'll say we just pick up our weapons and make a run for it,' Arlo said.

'That will be suicide,' Myrica said, cold and collected as usual, as if a vision of impending death wasn't enough to rattle her. 'There's too many of them. There is no way for us to pull it off.'

'I'd rather die fighting than wait for them to break through and slaughter me like a coward!' Arlo roared.

'Then you'll die like a fool,' the huntress hissed, looking at the man with evident annoyance. 'This place is a shelter, no matter how weak. We can make a fortified position and stand our ground for a while.'

The silence fell. Everyone knew they could not fend off the horde of Shadows forever. If there was no way out of here, the only choice they had was how to die. It was not a cheerful thought.

Iris wiped the sweat from her forehead. She felt a little bit better. The throbbing pain was still there, but her body seemed to accept it as a constant discomfort she had to endure. She looked at the Shadow, who stood quietly a little away from her companions.


'Yesss, Lady Realmfarer?'

'There must be a way to break the spell, right? To bring down the barrier.'

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