Chapter 27 The Dungeons

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They waited in silence. Each passing minute felt like an eternity. Iris drew some light and tried to keep it still and not shining too brightly, but it fluttered like a captive butterfly, pulsing and twisting in uncontrollable motions.

'Try to shape it in a ball,' Jayden whispered, leaning toward her, his light hovering in an elegant sphere over his hand. 'It's easier to hold on that way.'

Iris frowned and tried to form the energy to create an orb. It flickered and twisted some more, becoming something that bore a slight resemblance to a crooked bubble. But it stopped whirling uncontrollably, and it was indeed easier to hold on to it this way.

'See, it's working already,' he said with a smirk. 'Good thing you have your realmfarer skills because Light Magic is not your strong suit.'

'Oh, shut it!' she hissed at him.

But before they could get any further with their bickering, Myrica was back. Iris sighed, relieved. They gathered around the huntress.

'About a hundred steps lead down there. The staircase ends with a large, rectangular room. Five knights stand guard inside. Three of them sit at the table on the right side, playing cards—the other two stands at the massive metal doors on the left. I also spotted one more door, smaller made of wood, located behind the table on the right wall. The room is well lit, and I've counted at least five torches so that the light supply won't be an issue.'

'Thanks, Myr, that's a solid report,' Kara said, nodding. 'That's how I see it. Arlo and I will take the point. Jayden, can you use a light eruption to blind them before we charge?'

'No problem.'

'Good. I'll give you a signal. After that, we go in. I take the left side with Sam's support, and Arlo goes right with Jayden. Myr, stay in the middle and assist whoever is in trouble.'

'Will do.' the huntress nodded, the bow already in her hand.

'What about me?' Iris asked nervously. 'What am I supposed to do?'

'You...' Kara frowned. 'You keep the rear and stay out of the way, all right?'

'Fine.' Iris felt a pang of guilt, that she was a dead weight to her companions. But she knew she wasn't trained for battle, and she would only be a disadvantage to her team. Besides, Iris wasn't even sure if she would be able to harm another person, Inquisitor or not, intentionally. She was glad her friends didn't force her to do that.

'Ready?' Kara asked. They all nodded and started their descent, trying hard not to make too much sound. Iris noticed she was holding her breath for most of the way, so she quietly let it out, forcing herself not to tremble. The narrow stone staircase and oppressing feeling of being trapped reminded her of when Inquisition captured her. It was ironic that now she was sneaking her way into the dungeons of her own volition. But she gritted her teeth and reminded herself that Cody was kept somewhere down there, left alone in the darkness and probably scared out of his mind. She was not going to falter now, not when she came too far to go back.

The light from the room was dispersing the darkness on the staircase. They stopped a few steps before the end of the stairs. The muffled talk of knights reached their ears now. But there was no laugh, no enthusiasm to be heard.

Kara turned around and waved her hand toward Jayden. When he nodded, she showed three fingers and then started the silent countdown. Jayden raised his hand. With her last finger bent, Iris closed her eyes as instructed. But the sudden burst of light was so bright it still stung her over the eyelids.

The screams erupted from the room, full of pain and surprise. When Iris opened her eyes, everyone was already in motion. She descended the last few steps to have a clear view of what was happening.

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