Chapter 16.2 The Shadow Realm

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The next day they were all up before Lord Sun was visible in the sky. The air was crisp, and the birds were singing their song for the glory of dawn. They gathered in the middle of the clearing, equipped lightly with weapons and only small food rations. They were not planning to stay long on the other side, but they also wanted to be prepared. It was no use to jump there and back again, as it was tiring for Iris.

'Are we all ready?' asked Marcus.

'Ready as we'd ever be,' replied Iris. She knew this question was mainly directed at her.

'Myr, are you sure we shouldn't leave someone here to guard the camp?'

'No, Marcus. There is no one nearby who could steal our supplies. And this part of the forest is still well guarded against the Shadows and other unnatural creatures. I say we would need all hands on the other side.'

'Fair enough. Any objections?' Marcus looked around at everyone.

'Let's get on with it already,' hissed Kara impatiently.

'All right then. Remember, we must stay together and be on your guard. Our magic will not work there, so we will depend on your fighting skills for any threat that will come our way.'

'Don't worry, I can't wait to be able to cut those cursed Shadows finally!' boomed Arlo.

'Iris, whenever you feel tired or if anything is wrong, let us know, and we will get back here, understand?' Marcus said. Iris nodded and offered her hands to him and Kara.

They all stood in a circle and held hands to be connected to Iris. When they were training those past three days, they made sure they all visited the Shadow Realm at least once to ease the first initial shock.

'Everyone ready?' asked Iris again, seeking confirmation from their faces. When they all nodded, she reached with one hand towards the fire and drew some light. When it was hovering in a small sphere in the middle of their circle, she retook Kara's hand.

Iris closed her eyes and felt deep inside her, where her Light was shining brightly. She let her senses explore the surrounding, finding the things that were hidden behind the invisible veil. It felt like raising the curtain, unravelling the whole new world behind it. Iris opened her eyes to see a distorted vision of two realms overlapping and focused on the dark, coiling shadowy shapes. All colours and warmth slowly withdrew, leaving them in a cold, dark place, full of moving black forms. Iris' head started throbbing, so she looked around cautiously, but she did not see any immediate danger.

'We're here,' she said, letting go of the hands of her companions. They were all looking around in wonder. It was still astounding how easy it was to cross from one realm to another when just a few days ago, no one thought it possible.

'Be on your guard, everyone,' said Marcus, his hands clenched on a heavy wooden staff. 'We don't know what we encounter here. Kara, any ideas where we should start?'

The woman looked around with a troubled expression. 'I'm not sure,' she admitted. 'We usually met at the lakeshore, but I don't know where he could be in the meantime.'

'Let's search the immediate vicinity,' suggested Myr. 'Although, it would be easier if we split up.'

'No splitting up,' protested Marcus. 'If anything happens, Iris is our only way out. We can't afford to be caught up away from her. For now, let's move together, and we'll see what we can find.'

They looked around at the trees swaying on the invisible wind. The lake, brilliantly blue on their side, was pitch black here. Iris glanced over the surface and saw her distorted reflection.

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