Chapter 20.2 Shadows and Light

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'There must be another way!' Kara protested right away when Marcus shared what they discovered with the rest of their crew. They stood inside the narrow hall that was leading to the library. Arlo, Myr and Kara managed to find enough debris lying around to form the barricades blocking the only entrance leading here. Iris eyed the flimsy pile of rubble. It could hold off the Shadows for a while, but there was no other way out for them. All things considered, it was a relatively poor shield against a countless horde of creatures, and they all knew it. But they needed just enough time to stand their ground until they came up with a way out of this realm.

'I'm afraid there is none. And we don't have time to go through the whole library,' Marcus said. He looked ancient at that moment. Iris often wondered how old he was. His face was full of wrinkles, but his blue eyes were bright and alive. His stride always had spring in it as if he defied time by a sheer will to fight for another day.

Now, his face was pale and almost grey. The dark circles made the wrinkles around his eyes deeper. His shoulders were slumped, and he looked like his age was finally catching up to him.

'We don't have time for debates,' Sam said, his voice full of resolve. 'Alaife and I will break the barrier, so you can escape before those Shadows get through.'

'No!' Kara grabbed the front of his shirt in her fist. Her voice was full of rage, echoing through the long hallway. 'Don't you dare! I've just found you! You can't just throw your life away like that! I forbid you!'

'Nightingale, my love....' Sam put his hands on her shaking fist. 'I've been dead to the world anyway. All this time, I've been living on a borrowed time.'

'You can't!' Kara cried, her whole body shaking with a violent sob. 'I'm not leaving you behind again!'

'You are needed elsewhere, love.' He gently kissed her forehead.

'I hate to break your moment of heroism, Sam, but it can't be you,' Marcus said. His voice was quiet but loaded with meaning, making everyone turn towards him.

'What are you saying, old pal?' Sam asked, frowning.

'You are the reason we came here. You are our expert on the Shadow Magic. The only one who is immune to its effects and can counter the Grand Inquisitor. It can be the only advantage we have. We can't afford to lose it.'

'Alssso, Massster,' Alaife hissed. 'Your sssoul is already tainted by Ssshadow Magic. It might not be much, but it ssstil rendersss your internal power lessss potent than the pure Light ssspirit. It might not work even if you ussse it whole.'

Sam cursed wickedly, but Kara hugged him and held him tight with visible relief.

'I'll do it then.' Jayden straightened his back and raised his chin.

'You will do no such thing, boy,' Marcus said calmly.

'You can't be serious.' The young Mage scoffed. 'It's either you or me. And let's face it, you are our leader. You are the one who started this whole rebellion. Without you, there is no cause!'

'You are wrong.' The old man straightened his back and looked at his flustered apprentice with sympathy. 'I started it all, yes. But it was out of my hands soon after. Look around you, Jayden. You all have the same fire in your hearts. Each and every one of you will fight until the world is right again. I was merely the catalyst.'

'You can't sacrifice yourself, Master,' Jayden protested, his face turned even paler and knuckles of his clenched fists glowing white in the darkness surrounding them. 'We can't do this without you! I can't....'

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