Chapter 29 The Realmfarers

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The chaos erupted when Iris crossed to the other realm with the Grand Inquisitor. The Mage Hunters fell lifelessly to the floor one by one, as if someone cut the puppets' strings. The Knights and the Mages alike shouted in surprise.

'Well done, child,' Myrica said, her mouth almost curved into a smile. The knight holding the blade to her throat let his hand drop a few inches, looking around in confusion. That was all she needed. She grabbed and pulled on his wrist and elbowed him in the jaw. The Inquisitor staggered back with a groan. Myr didn't wait to see if he recovered. She dashed at the knight standing over Arlo and put the blade at his neck.

'Drop your weapon,' she ordered. The man hesitated, but she pressed her dagger firmer to his skin, drawing a few drops of blood. The knight hesitated a moment, and then he slowly let his sword fall to the floor.

Myrica looked around. Kara was already on her feet, attacking the knights who tried to surround the Mages. The rest of the Rebels made use of the sudden distraction too. Without Mage Hunters around, the Mages already started to get rid of their bindings. The remaining Inquisitors looked confused, but someone eventually took charge, barking orders, and they started to move as an organised unit again.

But before they could do any real damage, an ear-splitting shriek shook the whole chamber. Everyone instinctively staggered back from the centre, wherein the tear the darkness was coiling and bulging.

'What have you done?!' roared the distorted choir of voices. 'Where are you, Inquisssitor?! And where isss my light?!' The slithering shadow erupted from the tear and entwined around the closest knight, who wasn't quick enough to dodge. He screamed, and there was a terrible screech of metal when his armour was squeezed with enormous force. One brave Inquisitor jumped forward and slashed his sword at the Shadow's tentacle, but the blade went right through it without any harm. The trapped knight gave out another painful shriek, and his face turned to an ill shade of blue and covered with frost. The tendril released its grip, and the body fell to the floor with a sickening thud.

'Where isss my light?!' shrieked the beast again, and three more strands of shadow appeared, groping around for something to grab.

'Everyone, back off!' Myrica shouted, even though no one needed any encouragement. 'Light up the torches and make as much fire as you can!'

The knights looked at her and then exchanged confused glances. They were not sure how to proceed without the Grand Inquisitor. Those were the Rebels, and they were ordered to capture all the Mages and imprison them. But the horrible thing from the hole has just killed one of them and seemed to be a far more pressing issue than insurgents.

'Come on!' Kara bellowed, waving her torch frantically. 'Are you going to help us fight this thing, or are you just going to stare?!'

'Light the torches! one of the Inquisitors 'We can't let this thing out of the chamber.'

'You foolsss!' Brath shrieked. 'Do you think you can ssstop me? You are nothing! There isss nothing you can do now! I'm going to devour your sssoulsss and feed on your flesssh!' Even more tendrils of darkness started filling the room, coiling, and whirling franticly.

The Mages already managed to create a light barrier around the tear, trying to prevent the creature from advancing, while the others sent bolts of light toward the swirling mass of shadow. But with every tendril that the light has dispersed, another two appeared.

'Save your power!' Myrica shouted. 'We can't kill it unless it enters our real completely! Use fire to keep it back!'

The Inquisitors eagerly started putting on more fires. The new commander was issuing orders efficiently and without hesitation. A few Mages were keeping the barrier, but it was clear that they won't be able to hold it for long. Not while more and more Shadow's tentacles smashed at it relentlessly.

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