Chapter 8.2 Myths and Legends

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A week passed by in no time. All days seemed to be the same for Iris. She got up at dawn, ate breakfast with Kara and then went to never-ending torture called magic lessons with Jayden. It was true that he was a great Mage, no doubt about it. But he was also a horrible person. He never smiled; his face was always contorted in a scowl, especially when he looked at her. She was trying hard and giving her best, but it was not enough. It was never enough for him.

Iris noted that he wasn't like that to others. He was also helping other Mages in their training, and he wasn't scowling at them. She frowned and tucked her coat closer to her chest. It was chilly this morning. Jayden had some problem with her, and she had no idea what that was. But his teaching did get results. She could draw the light now, form simple shapes, and control them entirely over a decent amount of time. That's why she was clenching her teeth and let his snippy comments fall to deaf ears. It wasn't always easy, and she suspected it would be tough today because she had been in a bad mood since morning. There was only so much scorn one could take without breaking.

Jayden was already in the clearing, waiting for her. No one else was here yet. They always started first and finished last. When she got back to her tent in the evening, she was so tired she just wanted to sleep.

'Well, you finally decided to grace me with your presence, I see,' he chided, looking at her with hostility, his arms crossed at his chest, his foot tapping impatiently.

'Good morning to you too, Jayden,' she replied, working hard to keep her anger from flaring. 'Lord Sun is barely up. If I came any earlier, there would be no light to draw from.'

'We can always use fire, smart mouth. With your level of magic proficiency, you need all the training you can get. You are still far behind the regular five-year-old.'

Iris ignored him, took off her coat, even though her skin was immediately covered with goosebumps. While training, she got warm quickly, just like during physical exercise. She took out a little mirror from her pocket and finally looked at him.

He was observing her, his dark eyes taxing and cold. He looked almost disappointed at her lack of will to reply to his insults. But she was not here for bickering. She knew too well that to help anyone, she had to learn and do it quickly.

'So? What are we starting with today?' she asked calmly.

Jayden narrowed his eyes as if he was still waiting for some remark, but when she didn't give any, he only shrugged. 'Today, we'll be working on your light coordination. Create a sword.'

Iris slowly drew the light from the mirror and narrowed her eyes in concentration. She imagined the regular sword, long blade, simple hilt and let the radiance illustrate its shape in front of her. Jayden was doing the same, but when she saw his sword, her jaw dropped. It was beautiful. Its blade curved in an elegant arc, the end of the hilt was shaped like a roaring lion head and gleaming with jewels. It looked like a work of art compared to her bulky sword-like shape.

'Woah,' she gasped in awe before she could stop herself.

Jayden smirked. 'I like my creations to be detailed,' he said.

'Show off,' she scoffed.

'Ultimately, it doesn't matter. You should focus on functionality, not the visual. If you'd ever get as good as me, you can try experimenting with looks. But now, let's focus on control. You have to fend off my attacks, understand?' She nodded.

Without a further warning, Jayden's sword sprang in her direction so fast, it changed into a lightning streak. Iris tried to move her sword to intercept it, but she was far too slow and had to throw herself flat on the grass to avoid being chopped down, her sword disappearing.

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