Chapter 24 Reconnaissance

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'Can you tell me again why me coming along is a good idea?' Iris grumbled. They were walking along the main road towards the city gate. It was pretty crowded this early morning. Lots of local farmers were travelling to the market to sell their produce. Unfortunately, their carts and baskets looked rather poorly, as well as people – pale and skinny with a desperate look on their faces.

'Because there is not much risk that someone could recognise you,' Jayden said quietly. Together with Arlo, they were venturing to Amberguard to collect information about Inquisition's headquarters.

'I'm aware of it,' she said. 'But I'm not exactly an infiltration expert. I've never even been to a big city! Do you think I would be any help?'

'Actually, I was wondering about it too,' Arlo admitted, giving Jayden a side glance. 'With my old contacts, we could pretty much wrap it up between us two. Why did you insist for Iris to come?'

Jayden sighed and rolled his eyes. 'Look, I'm not the friendliest person, all right? And I don't have a whole lot of patience to deal with idiots until they finally give away something interesting. Multiple times, it was pointed out that I'm not the best choice when it involves talking to people.'

'Shocking.' Iris snorted.

Jayden glared at her. 'But you, Iris... You have just the right face.'

'What about my face?' she asked, narrowing her eyes.

'It has an innocence and naivety written all over it.'

'Excuse me?'

'Yeah, it's like when I look at you, I see an honest and kind girl, the one that would help someone in need. Not very smart, probably, but with a heart in the right place. The main thing is, you look  like you are incapable of any deception.' 

'Hey!' Iris protested, feeling her cheeks going red with rising anger. Arlo burst with laughter.

'What? It was a compliment!' Jayden smirked.

'That is the worst backhanded I've ever heard,' she hissed. 'It's no surprise you're bad at talking to people.'

'True.' He shrugged. 'Anyway, my point is, even if you have no idea what to do, it will still be easier for us to work together. Just follow my lead and don't get lost, all right?'

'Fine,' Iris grumbled. Even though she was annoyed with his condescending attitude, she was also grateful for the distraction. They were almost at the gate now, and thanks to his teasing, she wasn't trembling with anxiety.

The city walls loomed over them, intimidating and cold. Two Inquisitors guard the gate, scanning the crowd flowing inside, but fortunately, they looked rather bored. It seemed the Grand Inquisitor didn't expect any Mages to be foolish enough to come into his domain. Well, he was not wrong. This whole plan sounded somewhat crazy, but they didn't have any other options left. Iris straightened her back and tried to look inconspicuous.

Arlo was walking a few paces behind them. They agreed it would be better to enter Amberguard separately and not draw attention. They were almost through the gate when one of the knights perked up, his eyes picking Iris and Jayden.

'You two, stop!' he barked.

Iris' heartbeat stopped for a second. The knight recognised them. It was over before it even began. Before she could draw a breath, Jayden's firm hand grabbed her elbow.

He stopped and looked at the Inquisitor. 'Yes, sir?'

'What business do you have in the city?'

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