Chapter 17.1 Tales of Ruins

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The monster loomed over Iris, and all she could see were countless sharp teeth, ready to sink into her body. Unable to do anything, she closed her eyes in panic. But then she heard rustling and braking branches when someone was charging through the shrub.

Iris opened her eyes just in time to see the Shadow jumping away from a swinging axe. It wasn't fast enough as the blade drew dark blood from the creature's shoulder. It hissed furiously, backtracking away from the assailant.

'What? Not so eager when your food is not bound?' taunted Arlo standing protectively over Iris. Meanwhile, Jayden came out from the bushes and immediately started to hack at the vines bounding her. It seemed as if the dark tendrils were alive. Once cut, they began withdrawing, shying away from the blade hurting them. Jayden helped Iris to her feet.

'Are you all right?' he asked.

Y-yes, I think,' she stuttered, still shaking all over.

In the meantime, Arlo and the Shadow were slowly circling each other. The monster was quick and agile, and its long limbs gave it more range than his opponent axes. But Arlo was not letting his guard down, parrying and dodging all attacks.

'I will eat your eyesss out!' shriek the Shadow, jumping at him but was pushed back once again by a low swing of the axe.

'You can surely try, but I'll make you eat my axe first. See how you like it!'

Iris was observing the fight restlessly. 'Shouldn't we help him?'

'Nah, he's good,' replied Jayden calmly, still keeping his hand on Iris' elbow to make sure she won't fall.

But before the duel could conclude, two arrows flew out of the bushes piercing the Shadow's leg and shoulder. The creature shrieked and fell to the ground.

'Hey!' protested Arlo. 'I've got this!'

'You were two slow,' scoffed Myrica walking up to him. 'We do not have time to play with this thing.' She looked at the Shadow lying on the ground, whining and trying to pull the arrow out of his leg. She cocked her head. 'It talks?'

'It does. And has a bad mouth,' added Arlo and leaned on his axe.

'Can we ask it questions?' asked Kara, who just came out of the bushes together with Marcus.

'We should give it a try,' agreed Marcus.

Kara unsheathed her sword and walked toward the cowering Shadow, who tried to crawl away from her. She pointed her sword at the creature's chest.

'Time to die, fiend,' she growled menacingly.

'Ssspare me!' shrieked the creature. 'We're not worth the effort! We're not worth sssoiling your blade.' The howls of the monster were piercing painfully at Iris' ears, but it looked different now, sprawled on the ground and bleeding at Kara's feet, begging for mercy. It looked pathetic and pitiful. Iris was not sure if the Shadows could cry, but if they could, it was probably doing it right now. Its body was trembling all over with spasmatic whines. The creature was genuinely terrified.

'Maybe I won't kill you,' said Kara, her usually warm and pleasant voice now cold as steel. 'Do you know of any other human around here?'

'Human?' the Shadow hissed, pulling up his head and then started nodding eagerly. 'Yesss. Yesss! We know of the human! We know!'

'Where is he?' asked Kara, pressing her sword a bit more and making the creature whimper in fear.

'He livesss in the old ruinsssss. That'sss where he isss.'

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