Chapter 26 Sneaking In

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Passing through the city undetected was slow and tedious. Myrica and Kara were scouting the way ahead to make sure no one spotted them. The streets were eerily empty. There seemed to be no nightlife here at all. The taverns and pubs were barely louder than during the day; only a faint light illuminated the windows. There were no laughs, no singing, no signs of drunkards or brawls. The only sound breaking the silence was the clang of armours and heavy boots from the guards patrolling the city.

Iris was waiting in a dark alley with the rest of their company for the signal to move out. Their plan was good, they went over all the details with great care, but she still trembled in fear at the sheer thought of what they were attempting to do. She looked up at the church's towers already visible in the distance. They were close now, just a few streets away. She looked down at her hands. They were shaking, so she clenched them in fists.

A hand squeezed Iris' shoulder, and she jumped, surprised. She looked up at Jayden.

'Are you all right? You look pale.'

'I'm fine.' She shrugged.

'Don't worry, little one. You'll do fine,' Arlo said with a smile that was barely visible under his bushy beard.

Before she could respond, Kara appeared at the end of the alley and signalled them to follow. Even though they were relatively close to the church, they still had to duck and meander through the small alleyways to avoid the patrols, so it took them almost an hour to finally reach their destination – a small street right next to the building.

'We are here,' Myrica said, coming into their hideout after checking their surroundings for guards. 'It is time. Are you ready, Iris?'

Iris took a deep breath. 'Yes, I'm ready. But I need some light to start it up.'

'I've got you cover,' Jayden said and took a few steps towards the main street, lit with the torches. He reached with his hand, and the bright sphere of light appeared immediately while the glow of nearby torches dimmed a bit. Iris looked in awe. She wouldn't even dream of drawing the light from such a long distance. 'Would that be enough?' he asked, coming back to join them.

'Yes, more than enough, thanks. Now, your hands, please.'

They all clasped hands, creating a small circle.

'Remember, the moment we enter the Shadow Realm, I'll have to cloak us so that we won't alarm any Shadows nearby,' Sam said. 'It might feel a little unpleasant, but it's necessary if we want to avoid detection.'

'Do what you have to.' Myr nodded. 'Iris, we are ready when you are.'

Iris closed her eyes and calmed her breathing. She focused her senses on a light pulsing in front of her, feeling its comforting warmth. Then, she reached inside of her, to the very core of her being, where similar luminosity thud in rhythm with her heart. She could physically feel the shift in her surroundings. She opened her eyes and saw the reality paled, and something darker overlapped the view. Iris narrowed her eyes and focused on the otherworldly shapes, gaining more substance. After a few seconds, they were standing in the Shadow Realm.

The alleyway was still the same. Almost. The buildings that made up a solid wall on their side hold barely any resemblance here, looking more like ruins of something existing here hundreds of years ago. A cold wind blew straight in their faces with a shrilling howl.

'Brace yourselves,' Sam said, wasting no time. He raised his hands, and the darkness surrounding them followed his movements, swirling around him obediently. He murmured something inaudible, and the shadows burst toward them, covering them from feet upwards.

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