Chapter 12.1 The Rising Threat

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Cassius handed his horse's reins to the squire and walked forward. The landscape looked miserable. All around him was a burned-down forest. The charred stumps were the only indication that this place was full of trees once. The air was heavy with smouldering smoke. It was hard to say if the grey skies were full of rain clouds or smog. Cassius smiled. A job well done.

He clasped his hands behind his back and walked towards the wall of trees, still standing tall and green, as in defiance of a cruel reality. They were waiting for him, although it was hard to see them from a distance. You wouldn't spot the forest people if they didn't want you to. But they came here to negotiate. They understood their position was dire.

When he was barely a few steps away from the forest line, the figure stepped out from between the trees. He was tall and willowy. His long silver hair and wrinkles that marked his brown skin resembling a tree bark indicated his old age. But his back was straight, and he held his head high. Cassius stopped and gave the man a taxing look.

'You're the elder, I presume.'

'And you are the leader of the Inquisition,' the man said, his voice had a strange melody to it. It sounded like a wind passing through the forest.

'Indeed I am.'

'Cease burning our forest,' growled the elder. 'We want nothing to do with your lands or people. Do not start a fight with us, or you will feel the wrath of the Wild.'

'I'm not scared of your magic, old man,' Cassius said with a smirk. He tried to touch his mind with his dark senses, but he encountered a solid wall. The forest people had their magic, which seemed to resist his power. Curious. 'I don't have a grudge against your people. But...' He paused and raised his finger.

'Stop your games, human, and just say it.'

'Your people are hiding the Rebels.'

'We do not. We want nothing to do with humans' conflicts!'

'Maybe you don't, but at least one of your people is involved,' Cassius said coldly. 'They are hiding in the forest, and we can't find them. We searched it fair and square many times already.'

'Maybe there is nothing to find there?'

'Do you want me to burn more of your precious forest, old man?' Cassius growled, annoyed. He was done wasting his time here. 'I couldn't care less for your people. But if you enrage me, I will send every knight here equipped with torches and axes. And we will take down and burn every single tree in your forest and kill every creature living here. I will not tolerate supporters of insurgents in my lands. I suggest you choose your words carefully now.'

The elder visibly tensed and clenched his teeth. They were staring at each other for a moment, but finally, the forest man turned his eyes away.

'As I said, we do not support any humans. But there might be... renegades that are acting without our support.'

'Clearly. I need the means to see through the Magic of the Wilds. Give it to me, and I leave your people alone. Ignore me, and you can say goodbye to your dear trees.'

The elder sighed and produced a small charm out of his pocket. It was a little necklace made of vines, sticks and feathers. He handed it to Cassius, careful not to touch him.

'Wear this, and you will be able to see through our magic,' he said solemnly. 'Now, I believe our deal is concluded. Leave our lands immediately.'

'Will do, old man. But you can be sure that if your little trinket is not working, I will be back. And I won't ask nicely again.' He turned on his heel and gestured to his soldiers to back up. 

He smirked, looking at the charm in his hand. Finally, they will be able to get rid of those fools permanently. 

Picture by AnnaPersson from Pixabay

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Picture by AnnaPersson from Pixabay

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