Forty Two

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"Where's Klaus?"
"He didn't agree so I gave him a little nap." Freya said nonchalantly as she walked away from Elijah, who had just vamp sped them there.
"I'll deal with that later. Please just help me kill this bitch." Méalla shook her head. Klaus could've put her daughter at risk. She was going to talk with him. With her fists.
"Now I'm really getting to see your ruthless side Little Sister." Freyr said simply, starting to arrange a triangle shaped symbol on the floor. "However, you can only deal with Eva once you free Rebekah. It is her mind and she has dominion."

"Lay her inside the salt, and lie on either side of her. Each of you take her hand." Fresh directed Marcel and Vincent. She turned to Méalla. "I will act as a bridge into her mind, but I'm trusting you to anchor me, Little Sister. Elijah is going to keep an eye on the children."
"Do it. I'll be here." Marcel laid Eva down on the floor in the middle of the triangle, and then he and Vincent looked up at Freya for further instructions.
"Rebekah is buried deep. Eva will not give her up without a fight."
"Then she gets a fight."
"Be careful. You're entering Eva's mind. If she kills you in there, you will be lost." Marcel looked worried. Méalla didn't really care. As long as he got to Rebekah first. "And, if you kill her before you free Rebekah, then Rebekah will be gone forever. Once you have Rebekah, then, and only then, can Eva be dealt with." Vincent took a deep breath.
"We got it." Vincent and Marcel each laid down on either side of Eva inside the triangle and held her hands. Freya knelt beside Vincent.
"You'll need a weapon." She pulled Eva's knife out of her boot and held it out to Vincent, who looked at her in confusion.
"How am I supposed to take that with me?"
Freya clutched the knife and began to chant. "Nemina fari en mente. Nemina fari en mente."
She stopped chanting and looked at Vincent, grimacing slightly.
"This... is going to hurt." Honest and straightforward. Sure didn't sound like her siblings. Freya stabbed Vincent in the arm with the knife. He screamed in pain, but then fell unconscious, as did Marcel. Once they were asleep, Freya stood and walked toward Méalla, who held her hand out toward her. She took it, and they each gripped onto the other's elbows. When Freya nodded at her, she nodded in return. Elijah turned and headed for the children.
Freya began to shout the incantation to the spell. "Polto picicio a corozan poltalamus. Polto picicio a corozan poltalamus." As Freya chanted, she was so overwhelmed by the power of the spell that her back arched as her head was thrown back, and Méalla planted her feet firmly into the ground to hold onto her to keep her from falling.

Méalla was struggling so hard to hold onto Freya, who was still chanting the spell, that she yelled in frustration at the top of her voice. "Dammit Marcel! Deal with her!" Vincent's body started to shake as Freya kept shouting. Suddenly, Freya looked up at Méalla and looked scared.
"I'm losing them!"
"No you're not." Méalla said stubbornly as continued to hold onto her for dear life, when suddenly Klaus appeared. "Oh now you care about my daughter and our sister?" She glared at him as she stubbornly held Freya, who was almost in a complete back arch. Klaus silently mouthed "I'm sorry," as he grabbed Freya's arm in one hand and Méalla's hand in the other, so they are all three linked in a circle to anchor Freya better. Freya opened her eyes and looked at him in shock.
"We're not finished, you and I. But, for right now? Save my family." Freya nodded and began to shout the incantation again, stronger from the now two Original Hybrids who were anchoring her.
All of a sudden, as Vincent and Marcel wake up, the three Mikaelsons are thrown apart. Méalla rubbed her head as she looked around. Vincent was caring for his arm, Freya looked exhausted but relived and Klaus was already back on his feet.
"Elijah? What's happening?" She called into the other room, keeping an eye on Eva.
"They're waking up!" Elijah called back, relieved. The next thing she knew, he was depositing Alex in her arms. On instinct she gasped her groggy and confused daughter in her arms. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Marcel rush to Davina.
"Oh baby I'm sorry, I'm so sorry. Are you hurt? You must be exhausted, when we get home I'll make you a nice meal and then you can sleep however long you need." Méalla kept mother henning her daughter in full view of Freya and Vincent, who she doesn't quite trust but she doesn't care at the moment. She grasped Alex even tighter.
"We're going home now."

Méalla was returning downstairs after putting a very tired Alex to sleep when she hears two of her siblings in the living room.
" What? You're not fishing for a thank-you, I hope." Rebekah said, teasingly.
Méalla could hear the smile in Klaus' voice. "I'd find myself freezing in hell before I got one from you!" He laughs "Well, come on, then, let's get you back in your proper body! Though, I'll likely have to torture Freya and Esther to do so. Which, actually, might be quite fun." Rebekah hesitated before saying "No, Nik. I'm staying put. Eva's gone for good, but her body, this body,  is still linked to those children. I can feel it. Now, if I leave it, then it dies, the others die with it.
"Alex is one of those children."
"Besides, Méalla and I happen to like Davina! I'm not about to let her die. And, do you really want the wrath of every New Orleans witch just as Dahlia arrives? We need them on our side, or at the very least, not siding against us." She sighed. "And, there's also the matter of Kol. I vowed I'd bring him back. I can't even attempt to do that if I'm not a witch."
Klaus sighed. "Freya's been inside my head, she knows my secrets."
Rebekah laughed. "So, she knows you go very far for very few. So-bloody-what? Niklaus, just for one second, can we just be what we need to be? A family united?"
Méalla heard Klaus sigh. "For now, for you." Méalla saw Klaus heading to the door but before he left, Rebekah called out to him.
"Nik?" Klaus stopped, but didn't turn around. "Thank you."

Méalla can feel Klaus' suspicious stare as she stood with her siblings, daughters, Hayley, Anna, Gia and the witches to celebrate Freya. Josephine is now putting a turquoise talisman on Freya's neck. Although Klaus has a reason to be suspicious, she couldn't help but feel proud and smile a bit. Josephine hugs Freya and when she pulls away, says "You're one of us, now. New Orleans is your home". Freya smiled at her. "Your friends are our friends; your enemies, ours."

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