Thirty Eight

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Méalla watched silently for a few moments as Hayley was doing the final touches in her bedroom before for the wedding. She looked stunning. She was wearing a simple lace dress, and her hair was loose, with braids on the sides that are secured in the back with small white flowers. Hope and Saoirse sitting on the floor, playing with their toys and making happy noises. Hayley giggled slightly at them.
"I still can't believe that you're here!"
She knelt down in front of Hope. "Now, Mommy has to go and do this big thing, but don't worry! Because Cami will watch you, and after that, I'm not letting you out of my sight!" She kissed Hope on the forehead.
"And she will be watching you too, as your Mama will be supporting me."
Hope and Saoirse make excited noises. Hayley laughed, clearly thrilled to have them there. Méalla, looking on, thought it was one of the best moments Méalla would ever have in her long life. After a moment, Méalla knocked on the door to get her attention. When Hayley saw her, she smiled, and got to her feet.
She gave a little twirl. "How do I look?" She asked shyly.
"Perfect." Méalla smiled.
"I could say the same about you." Hayley said and Méalla looked down at herself in her blue dress, with blue ribbon intertwined in her crowning braid. Hayley's smile then dropped and she looked serious,
"Méalla if you've come here to say something, don't. Don't say it. You know, ever since the first day that I met you, I have felt everything for you. And all this time, you were so afraid to let yourself be happy with me. And I get it, a thousand years of heartbreak would make anyone scared to love." She looked down at her engagement ring and wrung her hands nervously. "But Jackson isn't. And I think that I can be happy with him. And I just wanna be happy, Méalla." Méalla felt tears swelling in her eyes but blinked them back. "So, whatever you're going to say to me. Just. Please. Don't."
Méalla felt her heart break further but nodded. "You deserve to be happy. As long as you are, I'll be okay." Méalla spoke slowly and softly. She tried not to let all of her hurt shine through but this was Hayley. Hayley, who from the day they met, opened her heart and could read her like a book. Hayley wouldn't be fooled by a fake smile and reassuring words. She left without another word.

Méalla watched as Aiden joined Josh, Davina, and Alex, the latter two moving so Aiden and Josh could sit next to each other. Méalla herself was up on the balcony across from the altar, Klaus at her side. Despite his words earlier, him being there made her feel less alone. Elijah joined them and put his hand on Méalla's, that was resting on the railing. She smiled weakly at him. Hayley appeared at the doorway of the ballroom, Jackson joining a moment later. All the guests rose as the orchestra started playing. Méalla looked on as Hayley and Jackson clasped hands and smiled at each other, walking down the aisle. Méalla felt like something inside her was shattering more with each step they took. She didn't know if she would be able to make it through the entire wedding. When Hayley and Jackson reached the two staircases, they split apart. Each walking up one staircase where they met on the balcony. Mary was waiting for them to preside over the ceremony.
"Please, be seated." Mary said and all the guests sat back in their chairs. Alex looked up at Méalla and gave a little wave, Méalla smiling back.
"We gather together as a community seeking peace, inspired by this couple standing before you." Directly across from them, Hayley caught Klaus' eye and smiled at him. His face remained blank while Méalla hoped the smile on her face was more encouraging than it was a grimace.
"There was a time when werewolves saw themselves not as cursed, but blessed with connection to our most pure selves. And tonight, we honor that blessing with the long-awaited unification of the two Crescent bloodlines." Mary performed the hand-fasting, binding both Hayley and Jackson's wrists with flowers. "In doing so, we choose to embrace Hayley's vampire nature. With this union, Hayley will share her unique gifts with her pack." Mary placed a long lit match into Hayley and Jackson's linked hands to light their ceremonial candle. "And now, your vows."
"To share in blessings and burdens. To be your advocate, your champion." Hayley started.
"To be your comfort, your sanctuary, and for as long as we both shall live." Jackson continued.
"To be your family."
"To be your family." They said in unison. They smiled at each other and lit their candle together.
"You two have endured all the traditional werewolf rituals and trials. There is only one remaining. Jackson, you may kiss your bride." He stared at Hayley for a long moment before he cupped her face in his hand and kissed her. Méalla looked down, Elijah squeezing her hand and Klaus grabbing her other one. When Hayley and Jackson finally pulled away, both of their eyes glew gold, and everybody knew the Unification Ceremony worked. They smiled at each other happily and turned to look at the crowd. The guests were all looking around curiously.
Méalla saw Aiden smile at Josh, and his eyes flickered gold as well. Everyone began to smile and chatter, all thrilled that the ceremony had worked.
Everybody moved into the courtyard for the reception, the three Mikaelsons following on the upper balcony. Méalla saw an all too familiar look on Klaus' face.
"Whatever you're planning, do not do it." She whispered into his ear.
"I'm sure I don't know what you're talking about."
"Jackson marries the mother of your child, in our home, solidifying his rule over the wolves you yourself once sought to control. Talk to us." Elijah said.
"Let Jackson have Hayley. Although, he isn't exactly fit to lead an army tasked with protecting my daughter. His reign will be short-lived."
"Niklaus, if you plan to harm Jackson on the day of Hayley's wedding..." Méalla started but Klaus cut her off.
"He's not one of us! He's mortal. Mortals perish." Klaus goes to walk away, but Méalla grabbed him roughly by the arm and stopped him.
"What are you doing?"
"Confide in me, Little Quill. How do you feel when you see Hayley look at him?"
"Niklaus..." Méalla said warningly.
"Face the facts! You're even now forcing yourself to deny you want Jackson dead just as much as I do. In fact, I think you want it more." Klaus smiled at them and walked away, leaving Elijah and Méalla alone.
"Elijah, please make sure Klaus doesn't kill Jackson."
Klaus was watching the wedding parade march down the main street when Elijah once again joined him.
"Has Méalla sent you to be my chaperon the entire evening, brother?"
"Chaperon, steward, babysitter... whichever term tickles your fancy most, brother. You're welcome to indulge whomever and whatever you please. I would only ask that you refrain from any homicidal behavior."
"Just one day back, and you're already more than fulfilled your quota for irritating brotherly conduct." He turned to leave, but Elijah followed him.
"Let me make myself quite clear, Niklaus. So long as Jackson brings even an inkling of joy into Hayley's life, you are not to go near him."
"It's amusing listening to you defend the man who married the woman your dear sister loves. It's almost as if you want her to be in pain."
"Just listen to yourself! Fueled by your delusions of persecution! Think, Niklaus... if you kill Jackson, the wolves will descend into chaos. You're acting out of fear, terrified that Jackson might be a better father to Hope."
"Do not bring my child into this."
"Your child arrived here today, her security strengthened by those wolves that would defend her, and you would jeopardize that alliance? Niklaus, you yourself have mentioned that had you been raised by Ansel, you might have been a better man. Now, perhaps, a better man has entered Hope's life, and having seen that, you are shaken to your core."
"You have the audacity to analyze me? That's ambitious, considering your psychological difficulties. How was your time with my therapist?"
Elijah looks at him, offended. "Was it helpful? Because it was a great risk leaving you alone with her! These days, who knows what you might do?" Elijah looked bemused.
"I have stood by you, and I have defended you for as long as I can recall. But, in the name of your daughter and her mother, I will not watch you commit this evil. And if you will not listen to reason, do it for this. If you take the joy from Hayley you're only going to hurt Méalla worse. She feels better if Hayley is happy than she would if Hayley was in mourning. Think of your Little Quill." Elijah knew it was a low blow, what he said, but it was true and if it was the only thing to protect Jackson...
Klaus stared at him angrily, but said nothing.
Everybody had come back to the compound, the reception still going on in the courtyard. Some people are eating and drinking, others are dancing, but everyone is mingling together while caterers come around with hors d'oeuvres and trays of drinks. Alex and Méalla were dancing, Méalla picking up the young wolf and spinning her to the girl's delight. They could see Hayley and Jackson are dancing together in the middle of the room, when they saw Aiden walking over to where Josh is standing off to the side.
"Alex, look. They're going to have a moment!" She whispered loudly, causing Alex to laugh. Josh started to talk, but Aiden cut him off before he can finish, kissing him softly in front of everyone. They keep kissing for a long moment, and when they pull away, they smile at each other. Alex started cheering and ran to the newly reunited couple to congratulate them, leaving Méalla alone off to the side. She leaned against the wall,watching white flower petals raining down Hayley and Jackson as he spun her around. She saw the look on Hayley's face and she wished, that just for a moment, it could be her making Hayley smile like that. She shook her head, remembering a good quote. "Don't wish, don't start, wishing only wounds the heart."
After some time, Klaus came down to the courtyard with the girls in his arms. He gestured for the band to stop playing so he can make a speech.
"Ladies and gentlemen, may I have your attention please? Hayley, Méalla, if you would join me, I would like to propose a toast." Hayley looked surprised, but both she and Méalla join Klaus at the front of the room, each taking their respective daughter.
"I want to welcome you all. As you know, last spring, Hayley and I had a daughter, as well as my sister Méalla. Due to tragic circumstance, they were lost. Now, they have returned home. Hayley and my daughter is named Hope. Méalla's is Saoirse."
The guests gasped and begqn to murmur amongst themselves about this news.
"They will live here among you, their pack, their family. We implore you... protect our daughters. Teach them. Love them, as your own.." Klaus takes a glass of champagne from a nearby tray.  "Jackson, I invite you and your bride to live here, uniting your proud and noble people in peace." Méalla turned her head to her brother in shock. He ignored her stare. "Welcome to the family, mate." Jackson nodded at him, and Klaus held up his glass. "To Jackson and Hayley!"
"Cheers!" Came from multiple people in the crowd as they disperse to mingle again. Méalla beelined to Klaus.
"What the hell do you think you're doing?" Méalla hissed at him.
"Since Jackson is not to be touched, by your command, I will watch him as he lives here." Klaus gave her a smirk. Méalla desperately wanted to smack it off his face but held back, choosing to glare instead.

Méalla was in Saoirse's nursery watching her sleep. Aiden and Josh promised to look after Alex if she let Alex stay up to continue partying so she's still downstairs. She felt the silence be interrupted by three people. She turns around to see Klaus, Elijah and a girl. By the looks on their faces it wasn't good.
"What's going on?"  She asked tiredly.
"It's Kol. I couldn't help him." The girl said as Méalla finally figured out it was her baby sister. "He's not gonna last the night."
Kol and Davina are slow-dancing outside of the Claire tomb to the sound of an old-fashioned song on the gramophone player as the four of them arrive. Both of their eyes are red and rimmed with tears as the cry into each others' shoulders. Suddenly, Kol doubles over in a coughing fit, and Davina looks panicked.
She lifted his head.  "Are you okay?"
Kol smiles weakly. "Yeah." Davina took his hand in hers and kissed it.
"I think I want to be alone for this bit." He continued to cough, walking away when his siblings got close enough to talk without shouting. He stopped when he heard Elijah's voice behind him.
"I'm afraid that's not an option."
"I haven't talked to you at all in the time we're back and you're leaving me again? Rude!" Méalla said with a forced light tone.
"Always and forever is not something that you just weasel out of, brother." Kol stared at his siblings in surprise and managed a weak smile, which they all return.
Davina, Rebekah, Klaus, Méalla and Elijah have moved Kol into the tomb where Esther once imprisoned Elijah, which was surrounded by candles. Davina was sitting a few feet away, whispering a spell over a necklace that she's gripping tightly in her hands. There are lit candles scattered all over the room where Kol was laying on the floor, surrounded by his siblings. Kol's nose and mouth were both bleeding and he was groaning in pain. Kol gripped the lapel of Klaus' coat.
"All my life, all I ever wanted was for you lot to care about me." Méalla saw Klaus struggle to hold back his tears, and before Kol can laugh, he's overcome by another coughing fit that startled Rebekah. She sat down on the ground, and she and Elijah rubbed Kol's back as he coughed before leaning him backward so she could cradle Kol's head in her lap. Kol grabbed onto Rebekah's hand and squeezed it as he groaned.
"You're my little brother, I've always cared. I've just got you back, I'm sorry I can't stop this." Méalla said, tears starting to flow down her face.
Rebekah started talking through her own tears. "Kol, listen to me. You don't have long. You're going to die." Kol could no longer hold back his own tears, and he gripped Rebekah's  arm tighter. "But you will die a witch, and we will consecrate your body. You will join the ancestors of the French Quarter, and those spirits can be brought back. And, I promise you, brother, I will not leave this body until I find a way to bring you home." Kol smiled at her, but quickly began to cough even harder. Davina finally finished her spell and crawled toward Kol to give him the necklace.
Davina talked frantically. "I tried a different spell."
Kol took her hand and squeezed it. "It's okay. I'm not scared."
Davina tried her best to smile at him through her tears, and Kol managed one last laugh before he died in Rebekah's arms. Davina broke down in sobs, and Elijah and Klaus began crying freely over Kol's body. Méalla knelt to give him a kiss on his forehead, something she used to do when he was little. She hadn't been with him the first time he died and she hadn't been with him when he came back until he was dying.  She felt like she failed him. She promised to look out for him and he's died twice, nothing she could do to stop it either time.

Méalla crawled into her bed after arriving home. Alex was out like a light and the door, exhausted from the festivities. And the door to what was now Hayley and Jackson's room was closed. She didn't think about it much further than that. Saoirse was sleeping soundly in her crib and Méalla pulled the covers up around her. She snuggled down and despite knowing she lived in a home where everybody had superhearing, she let herself crack open. Her lightning strikes twice wolf just happily married someone else and she just watched her little brother die again and she felt so drained and hurt. She just wanted to know why every thing that made her happy had to be won through battles in this never ending life of hers. Couldn't she have some bits of happiness, free of charge, no strings attached, just for happiness? She cried and cried until she fell asleep where her dreams were filled with bittersweet hopes involving her wolf and her niece and daughters and her siblings and everything was bright and sunny and joyful with no overtones of sadness and sorrow.

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