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My dear Méalla,
Our brothers had not wanted me to tell you this but I feel you must know, as a Mikaelson and to protect your children.
Before you left, Klaus fed on a prophetic witch and I have now seen what she saw. There's a weapon that could kill all of you. And you all have shadows lurking.
One will fall by friend, one by foe, and one by family. I do not know what all of this means but rest assured I am now working on it. Prophecies must not always come true. It's probably the best for you to stay away from New Orleans while we do the dirty work. I am truly sorry I couldn't have helped you earlier. Tell Alex and Saoirse Auntie Freya misses and loves them.
Your loving sister,

Méalla sighed as she folded up Freya's letter. She had gotten it just as she was closing down the house for the night. They were somewhere in a quaint little town, having stopped because of the picturesque views and the cozy looking houses. The nearest city was only a few minutes ride away and apparently has very good bookstores.
Méalla pulled a blanket over Alex, the girl having fallen asleep reading on the couch. Not much was unpacked expect for books and clothes but what did you expect from her and her daughter?
Saoirse was sound asleep in her crib off Méalla's bedroom, holding her stuffed wolf. Her ginger hair was everywhere and she was smiling slightly.
As Méalla settled into bed, Freya's letter kept her awake. Shadows looming. What did that mean? Would she have to return to New Orleans, fight another battle?
One by friend, one by foe, and one by family. She said there was shadows lurking over all of them but why only three falls? Was there something she wasn't seeing? Only questions and no answers. Well that was how she spent most of her nights so she quickly fell into an uneasy sleep and pretended that she was a normal mom, with normal family, in a normal new house with her beautiful daughters.

Klaus yanked his brush across the canvas, seeing the guilt he felt smeared across the face he was painting. He's never felt this type of divide between him and Méalla before. It was foreign, unsettling. He felt alone, truly, for the first time in his life.
As he added the ginger hair to the canvas, he finished up his explanation to Elijah, who was pacing in front of the fireplace.
"And, given the circumstance, Lucien qualifies as both friend and foe, and according to Freya's prophecy..." Klaus was cut off by Elijah.
"You are to beware both friend and foe. But, let us not forget family, Niklaus."
Klaus was hurt by the insinuation and paused for a moment before pretending to shrug it off.
"Lucien's two out of three-- I say we put him down. Just like old times."
"Just like old times? Brother, I wonder who among our family do you suppose has the greatest predilection for betrayal?" Elijah said dryly.
Klaus felt extremely frustrated. "Brother, please..."
Elijah interrupted him again. "Now, before we murder Lucien, there are certain questions that need to be answered. Chiefly, what is he doing here?"
Klaus remained silent.
"And the wolf venom... Why would he lie to you, his sire?"
Elijah picked up one of Klaus' larger paintbrushes and tossed it in the air before catching it several times.
"I'm afraid we might have to resort to something deliciously medieval here, brother..."
Klaus smirked at the word usage.
"We? I take it you will lower yourself to associate with your bastard brother?"
Elijah smiled fakely at him.
"Have you finally forgiven me?"
"I will consider it..."
Klaus started to smile at his brother, but Elijah is not the least bit amused.
"...When Méalla can say your name without dripping venom, Hayley forgives you, Gia and Anna rise from the dead, Alex is no longer traumatized by six months as a hunted wolf and hell freezes over. For now, however, let's just hope your little friendship with Lucien doesn't disrupt our mission."
Elijah turned and left without another word. Klaus was surprised and hurt by this reaction, and just gaped in shock at Elijah's words.
Is there truly no coming back from this?

It is 1002. Méalla was wearing a beautiful gown, sitting at a writing table. She knew eyes would be watching, those spies of Tristan's yet she was a woman in love. So she wrote to her Isabel in code. The raven haired beauty with eyes the color of a stormy sky. Only recently had Lucien been caught by Tristan with Aurora and suffered greatly. Now, Tristan has her family in his grasp, knowing what they are but unable to do anything because of his beloved sisters' fondnesses. Her family can help Lucien, and deal with Tristan, but lose their loves and comfort and safety in the process. It was a truly knotted up affair.
If Tristan knew of them, and sent his messengers out, there would be no peace for her and her family. Once again, on the run, hiding.
The memory flashed.
Hayley and Jackson were sparring in Marcel's fight ring, Hayley getting increasingly agitated. Her staff hits Jackson in the face with a good amount of vamp strength and cuts it deeply. Hayley dropped her staff and held her hand over her mouth.
Méalla could hear Hayley apologizing, going on when Jackson quieted her. He showed his cheek in full view, causing Hayley to involuntarily vamp out. Hayley says something but Jackson shakes his head and walks closer.
"I'm not afraid Hayley." Was all Méalla heard before the memory vaporized, causing the repressed emotional turmoil brought out by Tunde's blade to swirl around.
Hayley never being afraid was what drew her to the wolf in the first place. Drew her to everyone she's loved. Drew her to Eira as a human, to Isabel De Martel in the very beginning of her long life, to Niamh in the 20s and Anna in New Orleans.
If she were with Hayley instead of Jackson, Hayley could vamp or wolf out whenever and never scare Méalla. Because Méalla has her own darkness that very few didn't shy away from. Hayley would never have to worry about hurting her. But alas, the love she has can never work out.

Dearest Freya,
You did right by telling me. The girls and I are settled for now, although I shall not reveal where. I must warn you, where Lucien Castle goes, Tristan and Aurora De Martel follow. Last I heard, the Strix was their territory. It was a society Elijah started with good intentions that soured as soon as we realized there were too many pretentious assholes involved.
Freya, if they are there in New Orleans, something big is being planned. Be prepared from hits from all sidelines and muddled  he said she said.
Yours truly,

Méalla folded up the letter and watched as Alex murmured the spell, sending it to Freya.
"So, it's one am and you're now awake." Méalla sat with Alex on her bed.
"But sleepy."
"How about I tell you a story about a fake princess and the real one she fell in love with? Be warned, this is not a fairytale."
Alex nodded and Méalla started, recanting the way she and Isabel fell in love. Alex had fallen asleep a third of the way through but something was cathartic for her as she told the tale, so she continued until she herself fell asleep.

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