Méalla Mikaelson is a hybrid. One of the Two Original Hybrids, in fact. When Méalla's brother Elijah calls her to New Orleans to get their brother Klaus out of a bind, nobody truly knows the extent of what's going on. Méalla certainly didn't expect...
This graphic was created like a month before I even started writing this story, which I believe was 2019 so enjoy. (I've also made other graphics but like I'm proudest of this one)
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Hayley was in Rebekah's old room at the compound, where she was searching through a stack of clothes she laid out on her bed for an outfit for The Strix's party and muttering to herself under her breath. "Come on, Rebekah. You've gotta have something..." Just then, Méalla entered the room from behind her and smiled. She was already dressed in a blue gown, though her hair was still hanging loose and undone around her neck. "May I?" Méalla asked eyeing the clothes. Hayley whirled around around at the voice. "You're home earlier than expected." "No traffic, wasn't far." Méalla said as she searched through the pile of dresses until she found a bright red taffeta gown with open shoulders and handed it to Hayley, who smiles sheepishly as she ducked into the attached bathroom to change into it. "Thanks. I'd wear my own clothes, but..." Hayley cleared her throat awkwardly."I don't usually lean towards formal wear." Méalla averted her eyes while she got dressed until she finally came out in the dress, which fit her perfectly. "I take it your husband is fine with tonight's little adventure?" Méalla asked as nonchalantly as she could. Hayley looked uncomfortable as she smooths out the skirt of her dress. "Yeah, Jackson's cool. He knows that I can handle myself." Méalla looked at her. "That's not what I meant." Hayley sighed. "I know." She hastily changed the subject after a short silence. "So... What exactly am I walking into tonight?" "Only the most dangerous, influential, and pretentious as fuck congregation of vampires the world has ever known. And one of my exes." Méalla added the last part casually. "Tristan?" Hayley looked confused. "His sister, Isabel. She sent me the invite." "I wasn't aware Isabel was still with the Strix." Elijah said, coming up behind Méalla. "And you're supposed to be far away from here." "I was but you know me, I can't stay away. As for Isabel, I don't know, I haven't heard from her in at least a few decades. But the de Martels have the most dysfunctional relationships, worse than ours so Tristan probably roped her into it." Méalla shrugged. "Are we almost ready ladies?" Elijah asked, starting to tie his bow tie. "Almost. I'll be down in a few minutes." Méalla replied while Hayley nodded in affirmation. Elijah nodded back and left, finishing his bow tie as he walked downstairs. Hayley followed Méalla back to her room, where the redhead started to put her hair in a fancy updo. "Ex huh? And only a few decades? You kept in touch?" Méalla raised her eyebrows at Hayley through the mirror but obliged. "We had only been vampires a short time when we met Lucien and the de Martels. We conned our way into their castle to hide as nobles with Lucien's help. After we had to go separate ways for a number of reasons, I didn't hear from her for centuries. Then as I traveled through Europe, we met up in France by pure chance. We kept in touch after a long conversation but I haven't heard from her since I started traveling alone after Niamh. She was always different than the rest, less destruction prone but make no mistake, she is even more deadly." "Still didn't explain the relationship." "Love, do you really want me to?" Méalla turned as she finished her hair, her hands on the dresser behind her. "You haven't called me love in a long time." Hayley said quietly. "Let's just go." Méalla said hurriedly, leading the way to the hall. She stopped by Alex's door, opening it slightly to check on her. She was curled up asleep on her bed, a book still open by her head. Méalla grinned to herself and closed the door gently. Nature vs nurture is the question indeed.