Forty Four

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Méalla ate numbly, focused on nothing as she heard her siblings voices far away. Elijah and Rebekah were angry, Klaus was defending her, and all she wanted was to be somewhere isolated and let her past die. Let her love die. Let everything die.
Anna had left her bedroom this morning, to the watchful eyes of Klaus as Méalla forced herself through the motions of getting up and dressed. She was sure she was going to forcibly be snapped back into reality soon but right now she just let herself be numb.
"Someone's here." She heard Klaus say. She raised her head. 
They all quickly stand and rush into the courtyard. Upon entering, they find Josephine, who is wearing a suspiciously-placed velvet choker around her neck.
Elijah spoke, confused. "Josephine."
Josephine smiled. "Forgive me for calling so early, Elijah, but, I've come bearing a message from your aunt Dahlia." And that was the forcible snap back to reality. "She is owed a debt, and she means to be paid."
Klaus smiled weakly. "She can writhe in Hell first."
"For merely taking what your mother promised her?" Klaus' smile fell. "If you must harbor hatred, isn't it better spent on the one who traded your child away a thousand years ago? Blame Esther, if you must, but I seek only to fulfill a bargain. A bargain that, consequently, resulted in your very existence. Perhaps you should be thanking me?"
Everybody began to scowl and glare at her as Elijah stepped toward her, staring at her intently. "Dahlia."
Dahlia grinned. "My child, I prefer Aunt Dahlia."
"And I prefer murder but that's frowned upon." Méalla muttered. Klaus took a deep breath and walked toward her until they were face to face.
"You dare enter my home?"
"I only came for what is mine." As she spoke, her throat began to bleed profusely from underneath her choker "The time has come to add the children's power to my own. Though, I do not detect them here. I see you've used a spell to cloak them. No matter. Such spells will yield, as will you. Say your farewells. You have 'til nightfall tomorrow, and then the children shall be mine. Be a dear and inform the mother of yours? No reason we can't be civilized about this."
Klaus smirked and gave Elijah a look before karate chopping the head off of Josephine's body.

Méalla turned on her heel and left, going to Klaus' painting room. She heard him following her, and Elijah calling Hayley. She heard Rebekah leave, probably to try and smooth over things with Freya. Méalla was tired, so unbelievably tired. She will fight for her children and family until she's dead but it's looking more and more like it's going to be her family that kills her.
"You look like hell." Klaus commented as she slumped onto his couch.
"I would say I feel like it, but I don't feel anything at the moment. Distract me and tell me what you're cooking up."
"I'd ask the same Niklaus." Elijah came in, watching Klaus paint and Méalla sit.
"You do understand there is no time?"  Elijah did not even address Méalla. Klaus looked back at Elijah and glared at him before going back to his work. "Niklaus, if Mikael's ashes are the key to ending Dahlia, then surely you must see the need to share their whereabouts?" Klaus didn't even turn around, he simply continued painting.
"I see nothing of the sort." He replied.
Elijah sounded confused and hurt. "It is no secret that you often strategize while painting. I assume you have a plan, here. Or maybe Méalla was sharing hers. Besides the murder of course." That's it, Méalla had enough. She sprang up and pinned Elijah to the wall.
"Do not act so high and mighty. If it had come down to it, you would have done the same. I merely made it easier for you to be the brother to ally with the beloved child." Méalla let go of Elijah and went back to her spot on the couch, letting him continue to wheedle Klaus.
"You ask that I share my strategies so you can run straight to Freya and bring her into the circle of trust? I think not."
"It is too dangerous for you, brother. You cannot do this alone!"
"He is not alone!"
"And who else besides Méalla should I trust to protect Hope and Saoirse? Our new-found sister with duplicitous motives of her own? Hayley, whose allegiance to her husband grows stronger by the day, or how about Jackson, the self-declared king of the wolves?"
"You need only trust me."
"I want to." Méalla said softly.
"I would love to, Elijah. Now, more than ever, I need our brother, out closest ally, our blood..." He hesitated for a moment. "... but you have not been the same since Mother got inside your head."  Elijah looked hurt and walked away from him.
"She had gotten into Méalla's as well!" Méalla shuddered involuntarily.
"Your judgment is not what it was. You are not what you were! The Elijah I know would never have clung so desperately to the word of a duplicitous stranger, telling him what he wants to hear!"
Elijah sighed. "Freya is our blood, brother. She also has every reason to want Dahlia's demise! We have no cause to distrust her!"
"Which is a far cry from being trustworthy! She vanquished Finn, yes, but only after she herself resurrected him, and though lauded for saving Rebekah from Eva Sinclair, how do we know she didn't have a hand in waking that demon in the first place?"
"Méalla, Niklaus, if we cannot trust one another, we can't work together."
Klaus sighed and returned to his painting. "No, we cannot."
Elijah looked hurt and walked out, leaving the two hybrids alone.
"I'm afraid to tell you Little Quill, that I only stood beside you because you do not stand with Freya and our siblings. I do not trust you, your devotion to the wolves is quite worrisome."
Méalla was stricken. Her brother didn't trust her? Since when?
"What are you talking about?"
"Do not pretend that I do not know about your deep love for Hayley, your growing love for that Anna and overall care for the pack. You spent months with them while pregnant, forging quite a bond, taking one in as your own, as well as being in love with two of them.You would put them directly below our daughters and that is a risk I cannot take."
"You know the girls come first always."
"But would you sacrifice the pack if need be?"
Klaus looked at her as she stayed silent, knowing her answer. No.

"Are any of you hurt?" Méalla asked Anna as she held Saoirse and Alex gripped her legs.
"No. Dahlia didn't cross the border, but she knows the spells weakening. Jackson's out for supplies. We're heading to the Bayou."
"I'll join you in progress. Once Dahlia's dealt with, I want to get us out of New Orleans."

"Of course I tried to call you, Elijah, but since Dahlia was able to take down both Klaus and Mikael, I am guessing that a cell phone tower was a piece of cake."
"And where were the wolves who stood guard?"Elijah asked.
"Getting their asses handed to them by Dahlia, just like Klaus did." Hayley said, frustrated. Méalla sighed. Klaus arrived just then and joined them.
"That's it. You're all coming with me to the compound."
Hayley responded incredulously. "Where Dahlia sent Josephine this morning? No way! We'd be sitting ducks, just like we will be here as soon as that spell breaks..." She sighed "....which is why we have to go. Jackson is out getting supplies, and then we're taking the wolves, and we're headed to the Bayou." Hayley broke the news. Mélla saw Elijah's eyes open in worry.
"The swamp, so my child can be protected by the very wolves Dahlia so easily defeated? Absolutely not."
Hayley shoved past Elijah, shoulder-checking him in the process, and aggressively got in Klaus' face. "You know, I am so over taking advice from you, Klaus. All it has done so far is put Hope in danger. From now on, I am going to do what I want to do. We're leaving."
Hayley pushed past Klaus as well, but he shoved her backwards to stop her.
Klaus pointed at her. "You're not going anywhere unless I tell you to."
"I am not your prisoner, Klaus."
"Méalla, tell her I'm right."
"I'm with the wolves I'm so devoted to dear brother."
"All of you, please. We're playing into Dahlia's hands."
"Not doing as I say plays into her hands. While you three have been kow-towing to Freya and devising ways to flee with your tail between your legs, I've been forging a new path. I know what Freya was planning, and I know how to kill Dahlia!"
"Then do it!" Méalla shouted at him. "Why wait?"
"Because it's not time!"
"My daughter is going to be taken from me tomorrow night! I say it's well past the time!" Méalla pushed Klaus, stunning him, but Elijah got in her way before she made a second pass.
"Méalla please."

"Klaus!" Came Jackson's booming voice.
"Klaus!" Jackson sais again.
"Oh, my God! What happened?" Hayley asked.
"Klaus made Aiden spy on us. Instead, he told me everything, so you killed him!" Jackson glared at Klaus.
"You killed him, one of the wolves sworn to protect our daughter?" Hayley asked softly, edge in the softness.
"So what if I did? This is what happens to anyone who dares cross me!" Méalla saw Klaus hesitate before answering but didn't think much of it.
"Just give us the word, Jackson." One of the wolves said.
"Yes! Come and have a go, but you'll be putting your life on the line for one who was all too willing to betray you. Perhaps this never would have happened if he'd have had a real Alpha."
Jackson punched Klaus, causing Klaus to push back. When Hayley stepped in front of Jackson, Klaus pushed her away too. That's when Méalla punched him and Elijah stepped between Klaus and Méalla, Hayley, and the wolves.
"Do you wish to die?"
"You want to kill me, too, Elijah?" Hayley pushed Elijah.
"If you come at him, you come at me." Elijah said.
"You lot should make better use of your time. I suggest burying your dead." Klaus said smugly.
"Get out!" Hayley growled at him.
"Niklaus, you mentioned a plan. I recommend you begin. They all are safe for the time being. They're not going anywhere." Elijah said while Klaus turned on his heel.

"Nice job today. First Klaus kills Aiden, and then you defend him?" Hayley questioned Elijah angrily as Méalla watched Jackson put the magic dampening bracelets on the girls.
"I was protecting Hope."
"Yeah. Well, if that's true, then what happens now? Somehow, I don't think that Klaus is gonna be able to save us."
"He loves her. I love her."
"Well, if you do, then let us leave." Hayley pleaded.
"If you run to the bayou, I cannot protect you from Dahlia...or Niklaus."
"We have a way of keeping Hope and Saoirse from doing magic. Dahlia won't be able to track us down. Jackson knows every inch of the bayou. He can protect us, and I know that Marcel will help us get out of the city. The only thing standing in our way is you."
"What are you asking me to do?"
"We can't run from Dahlia and hide from Klaus at the same time. You want to protect us? Buy us some time."
"I'll stay with Elijah. I'll deal with Klaus. You get everybody out to the Bayou." Méalla spoke up, finally joining the conversation.
"What about your girls? Alex is transitioning soon."
Méalla looked over at her older daughter, who was playing gently with her sister's feet. "I'd rather break a promise than risk her life."

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