Fifty Five

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Méalla was sitting at the bar with Elijah, him drinking, her journaling when Klaus comes barging in. Méalla knew what was coming, got up, left, and decided to watch from the stairs.

Elijah took a large gulp of bourbon before he addressed Klaus. He spoke quietly.
"She told you. How convenient, to voice this ancient grievance in the very moment we need to stand united against our enemies."
"You speak to me of enemies when the greatest traitor of my life stands before me." Klaus was pissed.
Elijah slid his drink toward the right end of the bar, and as soon as he turned to face Klaus, Klaus vamp-sped toward him, shoving him into the bar and knocking it and all of the bottles and glasses on top of it over. The glass shattered into fragments, and the wooden bar smashed into pieces as Klaus quickly stood and kicked Elijah in the chest as he tried to get up.

Méalla's face remained passive as she watched her brothers start to fight. She started doodling in her journal mindlessly. Of course she had suspected something like this happened once she found out what Elijah and Niklaus did to her and Isabel. Aurora's change had seemed so sudden. She never mentioned it, tried to keep the peace. Maybe Niklaus did too, but he didn't want to believe it.

Once Elijah was upright, Klaus punched him hard in the face, but Elijah recovered quickly and grabbed Klaus' shoulders in his hands before headbutting him. Klaus angrily shoved Elijah into one of the balcony's support beams, and Elijah responded by shoving Klaus backward just as hard and punching Klaus in the jaw so hard that he spun and fell to his knees. While Klaus recovered, Elijah grabbed him by the back of the coat and tossed him into the coffee table, which he smashed as he slid across it. Elijah glared at Klaus as he unbuttoned his jacket in preparation for more fighting. Klaus stood and scowled at Elijah.
"What you did to Aurora, to me-- you set my course!" Klaus raised his voice.
Elijah pointed at Klaus for emphasis as he argued his side.
"I protected you! I protected our family. Aurora was the sister of a lunatic, and a powerful lunatic at that! Father was in pursuit. What was I supposed to do, Niklaus? And despite every one of your despicable deeds, the two you betray the most have always stood by you."
Klaus scoffed. "And why is that? Guilt. Maybe you got Méalla involved." Méalla glared at Klaus' back from the stairs.
"Funny you should mention getting a sibling involved. I remember you and I doing the same to Isabel and Méalla." Elijah glared at him angrily.
"We are not talking about that. You knew that your secret betrayal was the cause of everything I became!"  Klaus shouted as he furiously lunged for Elijah and punched him in the face, only for Elijah to immediately swing his right leg and kick Klaus so hard in the chest he's pushed backward.
Méalla thought he was being hypocritical. When Klaus vamp-sped toward him, Elijah held out his arm, keeping Klaus at arm's length so he could come no closer. However, Klaus simply let his hybrid face and fangs out and bit Elijah on the forearm, causing Elijah to roar in pain. Elijah let go of Klaus, allowing Klaus to punch him in the face with a right cross before kicking him in the chin and vamp-speeding around to hold Elijah in a head-lock, which Elijah slipped out of with vampire speed before elbowing Klaus in the face and throwing him across the room and into the far wall.
"All this blame!" Elijah shouted.
Klaus stood to his feet, scowling.
"Will you ever look at yourself? I have carried you for centuries, Niklaus. No more! You want a fight? So be it." Elijah said. Before Klaus could react, Méalla decided to say something from her spot on the stairs.
"Ah yes, I remember when you, Elijah, compelled Isabel to think I didn't exist, and when you yourself Niklaus, caused the end of one of my great loves by compelling Isabel to leave me, no reason or explanation given. Almost as if I had never mattered. So if anyone should be furious, it should be me. Now if you are going to continue fighting, keep it down. I have shit to do and the girls are home."
Méalla stood up and went up the stairs to make a phone call.

"M'ella, I almost didn't believe it when you called. What made you change your mind?"
Isabel said greeting Méalla at the door. Méalla walked in, already been invited by the neighbor on the floor below.
"Nostalgia." Méalla shrugged. "As well as Aurora told Niklaus the long held secret about the reason she left him which I'm going to lie and assume you knew nothing about what she was planning." Isabel closed the door behind them, taking and hanging Méalla's jacket on the rack.
"Why did you come over?"
"I wanted a friend."
"Well, maybe I want something more." Isabel said before she grabbed Méalla and pushed her up against the wall, kissing her passionately. Méalla returned the kiss with just as much hunger, finally able to be with someone almost as old and strong as her. Someone who knows her. Someone who will never shy away.
Isabelle broke the kiss, pulling away breathing heavily.
"What about your Alpha?"
"She's married." That seemed to satisfy Isabel for the moment as she returned to kissing her. Méalla picked up Isabel and turned them around, pinning Isabel to the wall. She started kissing around Isabel's neck as the former princess wrapped her legs around Méalla's back. Méalla carried Isabel around the couch in their way, helping Isabel shed her dress, on their way to the bedroom. As she put Isabel on the bed, Isabel pulled Méalla's shirt off and Méalla kicked off her pants. They were hungry, ferocious lovers when they were together all those years ago and they still were now.
"Less layers are more fashionable than the last time we did this, huh?" Isabel smirked as Méalla crawled up the bed to her.
"Easier to get to the fun part." Méalla said before capturing Isabel's lips in a fierce kiss.

Méalla watched Isabel sleep , her dark hair spread all around her on the pillow, just like that fateful night all those years ago. Her beauty had not changed in all these centuries. She was still just as strong and fierce as she was when they lived in a castle, among nobility. Although she pretends otherwise, her kindness had not changed as well. It was just easier to hide.
"See something you like?" Isabel asked sleepily, turning over with her eyes closed before giving Méalla a soft kiss.
"I do actually, reminds me of a beautiful princess I used to know."
"Oh really? What kind of princess?"
"The kind who would rule a fair reign but be a fierce warrior on the fields still."
"Sounds amazing."
"She really was. Still is."
Isabel opened her eyes and gave Méalla a lazy smile. Méalla smiled back. This felt familiar, safe. She needed this. She needed Iz.
She heard her phone ringing on the floor and sighed.
"Can't it wait?" Isabel whined softly, putting a hand on Méalla's arm.
"Not if it involves the sire wars beautiful." Méalla said, getting up and fumbling for her phone.
Isabel watched Méalla's faces as she listened to the phone. Horror, fury, and the slightest bit of fear. Isabel finally heard about the other three's plan, on a pact she swore never to act on, and she was not happy with her siblings.
Méalla hung up the phone, stony-faced as she started pulling clothes on.
"I have to go. There are many new developments." She finished pulling on her shirt.
"Bekah's in trouble and they need help channeling, I've got to get over there." She pulled on her pants.
"It was Tristan and Lucien all this time." She started to walk away.
"M'ella!" Isabel shouted. Méalla turned to her, face passive.
"I didn't know." Isabel said softly.
"But you knew about the pact. All those years of their planning, you never told me."
"Because I swore to myself I would never act on it. Especially now I know you have children. M'ella, I really did not know."
Méalla stared at her searchingly for a long hard moment.
"I want to believe you."
"Then do."
"That isn't as easy as it sounds."
"I promise on my life, I didn't know."
Méalla didn't say another word as she vamped out of Isabel's penthouse.

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