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Méalla slowly walked the Compound, memories of living here surfacing. Fancy parties, holiday dinners, daggerings, happy moments. Reigning hell down upon those who annoyed her. Her.
Méalla shook her head to clear those memories, coming to a stop at her old room. It's obviously not been used much, from the state of dust and piles of junk. She set her bags on the floor and decided to raid the kitchen or a restaurant before setting out to take back her room.
"Hey." Méalla turned at the sound of Hayley's voice.
"Hi. What's up, love?"
"Just looked through the kitchen. Nothing but blood bags. Was wondering if you'd supervise me on an outing to a restaurant?" Hayley asked.
"Klaus gave you body guards and told you not to go anywhere alone?" Méalla responded. Hayley nodded her head.
"Well, I was going to go for food anyway. If Klaus says anything, I'll shove it up his ass." Hayley laughed and Méalla smiled.

"So you threw them on the floor? Literally?" Hayley was obviously trying not to laugh.
"Like, I get that it's supposed to be a serious thing but that imagery just cracks me up." Méalla laughed along with the werewolf. They were walking in the French Quarter, looking for a restaurant to eat at. They stopped by a small diner in a little alley. Méalla opened the door and gestured for Hayley to go first.
"After you, m'lady."
"Why, thank you, Lady Mikaelson." Hayley curtsied a tiny bit. Méalla purposely shut the door right after herself, right in the face of the vamp body guards.
"You ladies can just take a table, I'll be with you in a moment!" A waitress called from behind the counter. They smiled back at her and chose a booth on the opposite side of the room.
"I gotta say, I really want a milkshake and fries." Méalla admitted.
"Don't tell me you're one of those people who dip their fries into their shake?" Hayley groaned.
Méalla fake gasped. "How dare you, that is delicious!" Méalla laughed at the look on Hayley's face.
"What can I get for you, ladies?" The blonde waitress came up to their table.
"I'd like a Arnold Palmer, a chocolate milkshake and chicken fingers with fries please." Méalla responded, smiling.
"I'd also like chicken fingers with fries and a lemonade." Hayley answered.
"Coming right up!" The waitress smiled at them and left to go put in their order.
"Okay, I have a question." Hayley said, semi-seriously.
"Yes, love?"
"What were you writing that made you so focused? You're always on your guard but you had no idea what was going on when you were scribbling."
Méalla diverted her eyes before responding. She quietly said something, too quiet for even Hayley's werewolf hearing.
"It's okay if you don't want to tell me. I just wanted to learn more about you." Hayley said softly.
Méalla smiled softly and responded, louder this time.
"I was working on a few different things. But when you came to get me, I was working on a novel I've been writing for years. It's sort of an autobiographical fiction, you could say."
"What's it called?"
"Well, um, the working title is Lightning Strikes Twice. It's called that because it's said that lightning never strikes the same place twice, yet I've met two people whose souls felt like they were struck in a way that matches mine." Méalla chuckled awkwardly. "Sorry that's really confusing, I'm not good at explaining it. It's just been my passion project for a long time, I don't think it's going to go anywhere."
Before the conversation could continue, the waitress came back with their food. They sat in content silence as they ate.

"Come on, at least try it!" Méalla coaxed, holding out a fry for Hayley to dip in Méalla's milkshake.
"No! It's disgusting!" Hayley shook her head, laughing.
Méalla thought she was beautiful. Her face lit up and shined with her smile.
"Pretty, pretty please!" Méalla coaxed.
"Okay, okay!" Hayley took the fry and dipped it in the shake. Méalla watch her eyes widen as she put it in her mouth.
"Holy crap, I did not expect that to be that good!" Hayley said in amazement after she finished eating it.
"Ha!" Méalla smirked in victory.
Suddenly Méalla's phone rang. She sighed and picked up the phone, seeing Klaus' ID on the screen.
"Hayley isn't at the compound."
"I know. We went out for food. Actual, real food. We'll be back soon." Méalla hung up.
"I guess that means we have to leave?" Hayley said.
"Yeah, love. I'm sorry."

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