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"You did what!" Méalla shouted, causing others on the block to turn to her. She was on the phone with Klaus later that night.
"I said, I pushed her friend over the railing and then healed him." Klaus spoke casually.
Méalla took a deep breath before responding.
"Why did you do that? I swear Klaus, you couldn't have waited until I got there and we could negotiate without the boy. I had her interest piqued, and if she's no longer willing to take my deal, it's your head on the line!" Méalla hung up the call without waiting for an answer, annoyed at her brother. He was so damn dramatic! He could've just used the leverage of the boys safety instead of actually pushing him over a goddamn railing!
Méalla's rang and she picked it up, seeing it was Rebekah.
"What?" She was not in the mood.
"Hayley's missing." Méalla snapped out of her annoyance quickly.
"What do you mean, missing?" Méalla was worried. Oh fuck, she knew Agnes making that damn appointment was fishy.
"I mean, bodies have fallen and there's no pregnant wolf." Rebekah's voice came back through the phone.
"I'll be right there." With that, Méalla started to vamp speed out to the Bayou, with no doubt Klaus was on his way as well.

Méalla arrived at the clinic minutes later.
"Rebekah! Have you found her?" Méalla was extremely worried.
"No, just a doctor with a syringe in their neck." Rebekah answered.
Klaus appeared just as she finished speaking.
"Klaus. Wow! You abandoned your quest for power to help out your family! Having an off day?" Rebekah snipped, frustration obvious. "Who took her, Rebekah?" Klaus asked calmly.
"I don't know." Rebekah answered.
"What do you mean, you don't know? And who killed her attackers?" Klaus was incredulous.
"I don't know! I had an arrow in my heart. If it wasn't Hayley who killed them, then," Rebekah was cut off by howls. Wolves. Méalla hoped they helped Hayley.
Méalla started to run out of the building, her siblings right behind her. She was relieved to find Hayley stumbling towards them, looking dazed.
"Hayley, are you alright?" Méalla stopped, seeing absolutely no wounds.
"What happened? Tell me what happened." Klaus was also checking Hayley for wounds.
"I don't remember." The wolf said, exhausted.
"You're completely healed. There's not a scratch on you." Klaus said suspiciously.
Rebekah and Méalla had both ran to Hayley, as she had stumbled after talking. Rebekah had her arms around the wolf protectively, while Méalla helped them walk to the clinic steps to sit.
Rebekah and Hayley sat, the Original's arm still around Hayley, while Méalla and Klaus stood in front of them, Méalla in a guard-like stance.
"One of the perks of being a werewolf, remember?" Hayley's attempt at a quip was weak.
"No, not that fast." Klaus stared at the girl.
"Leave her alone, she's been through enough for tonight." Méalla didn't turn to her brother as she spoke.
"It's the baby. The vampire blood, Klaus's vampire blood, in your system, it can heal any wound." A look of realization dawned on Rebekah's face.
Méalla and Klaus stared at the two on the steps incredulously.
"Your own child healed you." Rebekah said to Hayley, who was starting to look more and more out of it.
"How did you escape? Outnumbered, unarmed? Those men were ripped to shreds!" Rebekah asked the girl. The girl thought but it obviously took a lot of effort.
"I think it was the wolf. I think it's trying to protect me." Hayley said softly.
"The witches were supposed to protect you! When I get my hands on Sophie Deveraux!" Klaus pointed to Hayley.
"It wasn't Sophie," Méalla began.
"It was Agnes." Hayley finished.
"Fine! Agnes, Sophie, it's all the same to me! I'll slaughter the lot of them!" He growled.
"I'll help. That Agnes bitch is getting on my nerves." Méalla seconded. Hayley looked at her.
"Not if Elijah gets there first." Rebekah chimed in.
"Elijah? Did you find him?" Hayley asked.
"He's been in touch, and he has a plan. All he asks is that we take care of you." When Hayley smiled at that, Méalla felt a little twist of jealously, but quickly shook it off, confused. "Hey, so,uh, can we go home now? I'd really like to sleep for a few days." Hayley stood up to start walking but started to sway. Méalla sped over and caught her, feeling a growing warmth where her hands touched Hayley's skin. The soft look given and way Hayley immediately wrapped her arms around her made her melt a little inside.
"I've got you, love, I've got you." She whispered as she lifted the werewolf up with ease.
Both Méalla and Hayley failed to notice the looks and smiles Klaus and Rebekah exchanged while this happened.

Méalla was sitting in Hayley's room, wanting to make sure the sleeping werewolf was actually alright. Méalla was writing in her journal, and she had a ball of yarn and crochet hook next to her. She finished writing the events of the day and put her journal down on the dresser. The big ball of soft, lilac yarn was staring at her, waiting to be used. Méalla was indecisive about what project she was going to do with it.
Before she could think about it, Hayley stirred in her sleep. Her eyes squeezed shut and then she shot up, terrified.
"Hey, hey. You're okay, love, you're okay." Méalla whispered, coming to the side of the bed. Hayley relaxed slightly at her words but was still extremely tense.
"It was just a bad dream, you're safe, I'm right here." Méalla soothed, seeing Hayley was still upset.
"My dream, my baby was hurt, is my baby okay, please tell me my baby is okay." Hayley murmured with a cracking voice.
"Your baby is perfectly alright, love. Both you and your baby are safe and protected. I'm right here, nobody is going to hurt you."
Hayley was starting to relax and Méalla helped her lay back down. She pulled up the blanket over Hayley, and started to move away, whispering as she went when Hayley grabbed her arm.
"Could you please stay? Lie with me, I mean? You help with the anxiety." Hayley's shy voice got quieter and quieter with each word.
"Of course, love." Méalla murmured as she came back to the bedside. Hayley lifted the blanket and Méalla climbed into the bed, taking the outside. Hayley laid her head on Méalla's chest, and Méalla rubbed Hayley's arm, whispering as the werewolf calmed and fell back asleep. Soon after, Méalla fell asleep herself, comforted by Hayley's presence and weight on her chest.

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