Forty Six

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"My dear Rebekah,
I hope this finds you well. I write to offer an update and ask for your advice.
Our brothers remain at odds. Klaus will never apologize, not for the blood he's shed, nor the suffering Méalla and Hayley continue to endure, and Elijah can never forgive him. Despite my efforts, we are a house divided. Which is not to say I have no good news...
Niklaus kept his word. Marcel controls the Quarter. There, he has founded a fight gym in the old St. Anne's Church where he tests the mettle of those who wish to join his vampire community.
Elijah has begun joining him for sparring. I believe it helps him work through his anger... and he has much anger.
While the babies continue to flourish, it is clear they miss their mothers. Though Niklaus remains ever doting, he has been of no help in finding a cure for either curse.
Despite my best efforts, I've yet to find the means to undo the spell placed on Hayley and the Crescent wolves, and Hayley herself continues to struggle, unable to see her child except for one night a month during the full moon. Alex is faring well, growing strong and tall and more furious with Niklaus by the second. She misses Méalla dearly.
Niklaus has locked Méalla away and not once woken her since he put that blade in her heart. From the tales I've heard of that blade, I can only imagine the suffering she's enduring. And we're in no position to ask for outside help...
Davina's rage at our family has only grown. And, as Regent of all covens, she is far too formidable to be swayed.
Meanwhile, Niklaus has begun to see Camille for what he calls "their little chats." He claims a desire to amend his ways. In truth, he seems utterly free of remorse... which only drives Elijah further away.
I wonder if you would write me with any advice you have on how to heal their fractured bond. Until then, I remain your loving sister,

Freya crumpled up her letter, muttering a spell, making the paper disappear.

Alex winced internally as she heard another howl of pain. It sounds like another wolf was shot. She hoped it wasn't fatal. Half the pack was dead due to these hunters. The full moon is tomorrow and Hayley told her they'd take full stock then. Speaking of Hayley and Jackson, they were gesturing her forward, having scouted ahead for traps or hunters. They were headed to a cave for a night, close to the old encampment where Elijah was going to bring Hope. Inside the cave, Alex cuddled up to Hayley and closed her eyes. Memories of her mom started playing across her eyelids.

"Okay how are you doing this squirt?" Anna squinted at Alex.
"What have I said about witchcraft at the table?" Méalla grinned at her.
"Oh no I was being sarcastic." Alex giggled. Now that's she knows she's a witch, it's a bit weird to think about magic in context to her.
"I was gonna say, that's full on cheating! Now, want a snack? I heard there are beignets for grabs." Anna said.
"Heck yeah! Beignets are my life!" Alex said, getting up to join Alex.
"Bring me some too please!" Méalla called after the two as they walked into the kitchen.

"So what color should the walls be if most of the stuff I've made or brought is green?" Méalla asked Alex as they sat on the log, watching the fire. Hayley was thumbing through a baby name book beside them.
"Cotton candy pink?" Alex suggested. Méalla scrunched up her face in thought.
"Okay, how about purple?"
"That sounds more likely." Méalla said. "But pink is still somewhat of a contender."
"Okay what do you think of Cassandra?" Hayley asked.
Alex shook her head. "Too long."
"But it could be shortened to Cass or Cassie?" Hayley continued. Alex shook her head again.
"No. I don't think so." Méalla said.
"Doesn't feel right." Alex said.
"I wasn't aware Christmas was soon." Méalla responded automatically. Alex laughed and Hayley shot Méalla a look.
"Everybody paints picking a name as so easy, like choose a goddamn family member but I don't have an immediate family."
"Don't get me started. I wanted traditional Norse or Celtic names and literally none of them are right. Doesn't help that I want the perfect meaning." Méalla groaned.

"Mom look what I painted for you!" Alex gestured at the goofy family painting. Hayley's, Klaus', Elijah's, Rebekah's, Kol's, Méalla's, and Alex's faces all looked back at Méalla from the canvas as she smiled in surprise.
"You painted that? That's incredible!" Méalla came and ruffled Alex's hair before hugging her.
"I had a little help." Alex admitted, nodding towards Klaus in the doorway.
Klaus. The jerk who put her here. Who joined up with Dahlia to put her sister into witch slavery. Oh she was gonna hurt him, if her mom doesn't get there first. Elijah hasn't told her but she overheard him telling Hayley that Klaus hasn't woken Méalla up from Tunde's blade at all. If she wasn't a wolf, she could do something about that but Elijah also said the cursed were linked in some way.

Pain. More pain than she normally carries. That's all she knows at this moment, besides slight flashes of memory. Klaus betraying her, growing up. Becoming a vampire, losing Kol. Saoirse's birth, Alex's trigger. Oh god what has happened to Alex while she's been like this? What about Saoirse? Where is she? Is Dahlia dead? Dahlia has to be dead or Méalla will tear this world apart killing her.
Sometimes she hears voices. Curt tones from Elijah, exasperation from Freya, cries from the girls. She doesn't remember if she's heard Hayley or Alex or Rebekah. But she hears Klaus. He talks to her in words she doesn't understand, presumably about what's going on as he stews. Maybe he's plotting, maybe he's gloating. Either way she wanted to tear him limb from limb. Sometimes she gets a happy memory that's laced with sad or painful undertones, like Hayley's wedding or Anna's fierce determination to fight for her daughter. But mostly, she remembers the years after becoming a vampire.

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