Thirty Seven

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"Elijah Mikaelson, that was not how I wanted to spend my day." Méalla groaned as she rolled over onto her side in the aftermath of the explosion. She was burned quite a bit but healing quickly, but Elijah was taking longer. He was still unconscious, so Méalla got his daylight ring from where it had fallen and jammed it onto his finger, protecting him from further injury from the sun. She slowly started to get up, cursing out both her brothers mentally when Elijah made his awakening known. He groaned and then got himself up.
"When we get home, I'm going to kick your ass." Méalla grumbled as they started picking their way through the rubble.
"At least let my ass heal before you kick it." Elijah said roughly, groaning with every movement until he felt steadier.
"We gotta find Cami and the girls." Méalla said. "I know they all got out safe but who knows who could've been trailing Finn."
"Lead the way sister." And with that, the siblings took off, Méalla tracking the newest members of their family while one of the oldest lay smoldering in the still ablaze house.

Méalla grumbled to herself as she led Elijah through the wooded part of the road to a garage a few feet away where she saw the SUV. She accidentally stepped on a branch and Cami's head snapped up from where she had been starting to lean down. Cami was holding Hope and Saoirse and Alex was holding a branch in front of her like a shield.
"Whoever's out there, if you try anything, I will gouge out your eyes!" Cami called out nervously. Elijah and Méalla emerged from the trees behind her.
"Actually, Camille, that's probably not necessary." Elijah said as he held out his hand. The four of them came over quickly, Méalla lifting Alex into a hug.
"What the hell happened back there?" Cami asked Elijah. Elijah and Méalla started ushering everybody to the car.
"That's a discussion for the car. " He checks to make sure no one is watching them. "Let's move!"

The ballroom of the compound was full of decorators and caterers who were setting up for the impending wedding when the group walked in. Méalla heard the tail end of Jackson and Hayley's conversation.
"My world? Give me some credit. I'm not exactly the girl who sat around fantasizing about her wedding day. And, if I had, it probably would have looked a little less... this." "Yeah." Jackson agreed. "You getting cold feet?"
"No. This is what's right. For the girls, for our pack." Jackson nodded in agreement as Klaus interrupted.
"Hayley. If I might intrude, there's someone who wishes to say hello." Hayley and Jackson shared a look before they turn around to see the newly arrived group. Cami had Hope in her arms while Méalla carried Saoirse. Alex was looking around all around in excitement for the festivities.
"You brought them here? Finn could be anywhere!"
"I've taken precautions. There'll be no uninvited guests at your wedding, and after, your wolves will be the first line of defense to this home. No more running, Queen." Klaus smiled at Hayley and gestured for her to go see Hope. Méalla nodded at her encouragingly, then lifted her head to look at the decorations all around. She was glad Alex was here for if she ever did trigger her curse, and Méalla hoped she never would, she would be able to control it.
Hayley had taken Hope out of Cami's arms, and Hope immediately began cooing and babbling happily. Hayley and Cami both giggled happily as Hayley walked toward Jackson.
"Hope, this is Jackson. Jackson, this is Hope." Jackson smiled when he saw the little girl, and Hope stared at him in wonder. When Jackson held out his hand, Hope clutched his fingers tightly. Hayley and Jackson smiled widely at her, Méalla looking on. She was glad that if Hayley had to marry anyone, it was Jackson. He was a good man and he would do right by her wolf and their daughters.
Méalla walked slowly over to Jackson. "Jackson, this is Saoirse. She and Hope are basically inseparable so you should know her for all the times you'll watch them." She said softly. Jackson looked at her, searching for anything off. When he didn't find it, he tentatively reached  out to the baby girl. Saoirse snuggled closer to Méalla but grabbed his offered fingers. Alex came up from behind Méalla.
"Jackson!" He leaned down to hug her.
"Hey Alex! You've grown so much! It can't be Méalla's cooking can it?" Méalla chuckled softly at the friendly banter.

In Klaus' study, Klaus poured himself a shot of bourbon and downed it quickly as Méalla joined him. Klaus poured himself another shot and didn't  turn to face his sister right away.
"I thought you'd be happy to see Hope."
"I'm overjoyed." He downed the second shot. "And I'll be even more so provided you do nothing to dissuade Hayley from going through with this wedding."
"Is there something you wish to discuss, Niklaus?" Méalla said, irritated at his suggestion. Klaus sighed and turned to face her.
"Everyone knows you're in love with her, Little Quill. And I know she's your lightning strikes twice wolf. But, Hayley has a duty to this family, and so do you."
"I was told this was Hayley's choice. Tell me you did nothing to manipulate this decision."
"We're mobilizing an army. She will do what is asked of her. And you will do nothing to prevent that." Méalla strode over to Klaus and grabbed his collar. She coolly stared him in the eye.
"I have no plans to. Unless, of course, I learn that she was pressured into something she very much didn't want."
"Hayley is putting family first. I suggest you do the same."
"Family is always first."
"Well, then we won't have a problem, will we?"
"You didn't let me finish. Family is always first, but Hayley is as much part of this family as I am. If you did anything nefarious to make her do this against what she wants, than I will deal with you in a very unpleasant way brother." Méalla dropped Klaus' collar and turned on her heel, leaving the study.

Méalla made her way to where Jackson was getting ready. She could hear him and Aiden talking as she knocked on the doorway. When they looked up, they looked surprised.
"Aiden, can I talk to Jackson for a moment?" Aiden nodded slowly, leaving with a parting look at Jackson. Once he left they stood in silence for a moment.
"If you've come to threaten me about what happens if I hurt Hayley, I already heard what Klaus will do." Jackson forced a light tone. Méalla smiled softly.
"I would be much, much worse than Klaus but that's not why I'm here. I came to say thank you and to ask you something. Thank you for putting up with Klaus but especially for protecting our daughters."
"And?" Jackson gently prodded.
"As you know, Hayley means a lot to me. She's stubborn, and fierce, and tough talking but deeply caring. I want to ask that if you are going to love her, that you love her right. I ask that you protect her and stand by her always. And..."
"This family is dangerous to be apart of. If anything happens to me, or one of my siblings, make sure Hayley isn't caught in the middle. And make sure she doesn't do anything stupid as a reaction. She may be part of the family now, but that doesn't mean she has to inherit all the people who hate us or all of our battles." Méalla's voice got softer and softer with each word.
"I promise, Méalla." Jackson said solemnly.
"Thank you. Congratulations on your wedding." Méalla left the room, going to get herself and Alex ready. She passed Aiden on the way out. She didn't listen as he started talking to Jackson.

"Did she try to threaten you?" Aiden said, looking after Méalla.
Jackson looked at the retreating figure. "No, in fact she gave me her blessing."
"And in return?"
"Nothing but the request I always protect Hayley."

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