Thirty Two

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"That was too easy." Hayley told Klaus as he carried Méalla back to the car where Alex was waiting. Esther had just left her unconscious and unchained with a note sent to the courtyard with a message on it. Hayley had found it just before Klaus announced they were going to see Hope. Alex heard and hid in the car because they didn't want to take her with them.
"If I have any idea, Méalla probably got under Mother's skin and she decided enough was enough. Let's just hope she is not as badly affected as Elijah." Klaus shifted Méalla into the back seat and Hayley crawled in after her to keep watch, Alex sitting shotgun. She angled them so Méalla was leaning on her shoulder and slightly in her lap. Alex kept looking back at them nervously.
A few hours into the quiet car ride, Alex was asleep and Méalla was still totally unconscious. Hayley stroked the Mikaelson's hair softly, thinking about how she'd much rather marry her than Jackson but that Méalla's selflessness would flat out tell her not to.
"I don't want to hurt her." Hayley said, catching Klaus' eyes in the rear view mirror.
"I know."
"I just want what's best for my people. But that means marrying Jackson. She's gonna hate me, isn't she?"
"No. You don't see the way she looks at you. She'd never be able to hate you." Hayley and Klaus lapsed back into silence.

Méalla opened her eyes groggily as she felt something below her stop moving. She realized she was leaning on somebody. Recognizing Hayley, she immediately relaxed. She sat up as she heard Alex say "Are we there yet?"
"Are we where yet?"
"Mom!" Alex shouted in glee as she turned around from the front seat. Klaus was driving and Méalla was leaning on Hayley in the back seat.
"We are going to see our daughters, Little Quill. And yes, Tiny Wolf, we are almost there."
Méalla stared around her, stunned at this development. As Klaus turned into a driveway, Méalla saw Elijah and Rebekah in the front yard, each holding a baby. The baby Rebekah was holding was wrapped in a familiar green blanket with pink flowers on the border. Saoirse.
As soon as Klaus stopped the car, Hayley and Méalla clambered out, running towards their babies. They stopped just a few feet away, staring at their little girls. Saoirse was wearing a white onesie with a green foliage pattern. Rebekah walked slowly over to Méalla, Méalla's eyes never leaving the bundle in her sister's arms. She slowly passed Saoirse over and Méalla tentatively reached out, lifting her up and hugging her to her chest. The small body was warm, fitting perfectly in Méalla's hold and Méalla felt almost all of her tension leave her. She pulled out from the hug, looking her girl up and down. Saoirse had a big smile on her face. Red hair was beginning to grow and her wide hazel eyes were curious. Her hands were just so tiny, wrapping around Méalla's pointer finger. She didn't cry as Méalla pulled her close into a hug again.
"I think she recognizes you." Rebekah said softly. Méalla couldn't speak over the lump forming in her throat and the tears in her eyes blurred Rebekah's understanding face. Alex was next to Méalla, staring at Saoirse with wide eyes.
"Saoirse, this is your big sister Alex." Méalla turned Saoirse to face Alex. "You might not remember but she met you the day you were born." Alex reached a finger to touch Saoirse's hand, which Saoirse immediately grabbed tightly.
"Just like you did when you were born." Alex laughed lightly. Méalla lifted Saoirse to put her in Alex's arms, holding until the girl had her. She knelt down, wrapping an arm around Alex while playing with Saoirse's fingers. She felt content, she and her daughters finally together again. It was like the world had faded to just the three of them, everything else no longer mattered.

Elijah and Rebekah watched as Méalla and Klaus stared in wonder and contentment at the babies in their arms. Rebekah was happy, these fierce, lonely, and sad "bad guys" now had a reason to smile. A real smile, not a smirk or a malicious grin. Méalla was holding Alex and Saoirse protectively in her arms and Hayley played with Hope's feet while Klaus pressed a kiss to her forehead.
Elijah forgot his paranoia for a moment, watching proudly as his siblings  held their two miracle children, along with the family they picked up on the way. Klaus' eyes, often filled with rage and bitterness, and Méalla's sad and fiery, now so tender and happy. It was an achievement for sure. Last year Klaus was reigning terror as the evil hybrid and Méalla refused to talk to Elijah, or stay anywhere near her family. Things have changed, although Méalla and Niklaus would still like to keep their image as the tough hybrids.

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