Forty Nine

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Méalla sat and listened as Alex regaled the wolf hunters and Elijah took over for what happened after he-who-shall-not-be-named stabbed her.
"His plan included ruining trust and endangering our daughters. What a very smart man indeed! He should get a fucking medal!" Méalla growled, staring at a picture of her bastard of a brother on her nightstand.
"Méalla, if you could not burn the house down in your anger. I ask that you make up for lost time and spend time with your daughters whilst Niklaus deals with Lucien."
"Don't have to tell me twice." Méalla looked down at Saoirse in her lap and Alex lying on her shoulder. She missed so much. She missed Alex's first turn, when Saoirse started walking. She kissed both of her girls on their heads. Elijah left after a few moments of silence.
"How are you feeling?" She quietly asked Alex.
"Exhausted and my leg hurts but I think I've mostly healed."
"I'm sorry I wasn't there for your first turn."
"It's not your fault."
Méalla softly started to sing to Alex, feeling the girl's head get heavy, indicating she had fallen asleep. The familiar sensation brought her back to the night that started of all this.
She had come to this forsaken city to help her brother, who then betrayed everything they've been through. This feeling was more than pain, more than anger. It was its own entity and Méalla didn't know what the hell it was.
She couldn't stay here. She couldn't stay in New Orleans, it has too much of a bitter taste now. She'll take her daughters and go far away, she'll show them the world.

"Are you okay?" Méalla asked, seeing Hayley staring into space, a haunted look on her face. Hayley was obviously lying when she replied.
"I'm fine. Come in."
Méalla walked into the room, and Hayley returned to packing.
"Jackson's gathering the pack to tell them to go back to their families... what's left of them."
She anxiously cleared her throat and ran her hand through her hair, keeping her back to Méalla. Méalla held out her hand, which had a set of keys on a key ring hanging from her index finger.
"Leaving too? Elijah asked me to give these to you." Hayley turned and saw the keys.
"I'll thank Elijah on my way out."
Hayley paused for a moment, and they stood awkwardly until Hayley continued.
"You know, there was a moment at the bonfire last year when I thought we would be okay. That Hope could be raised by a real family. For the first time, I was happy. I hate Klaus for taking that away from me." Hayley's face was strained, holding back tears.
Méalla nodded knowingly, but didn't have any words for once in her life. What could be said?She pulled out a red velvet jewelry box and handed it to Hayley.
"These belong to you.  Elijah recovered them after you turned."
Méalla turned and walked toward the door, but before she left, she stopped at the sound of Hayley's voice.
"You said leaving too. Where are you going?"
"I haven't decided. But I'm taking the girls and I'm getting as far away from New Orleans as I can muster the courage too."
Méalla could almost feel the intensity of Hayley's look, although she couldn't tell if it was anger, hurt, or something else.

Méalla could feel Klaus' stare from the balcony as she said her goodbyes to Elijah and Freya. Their luggage was already in the car and Alex was holding Saoirse by the door. Freya promised to keep her updated with everything and Alex was taught the letter spell.
Hayley and her had already said their goodbyes and promised to stay in touch. Méalla didn't know if that was a promise she could keep. She wanted out, including lightning strikes twice and always and forever.

Freya was in one of the studies, staring at her blue pendant talisman, holding in one hand while she applied ice to her bruised forehead with the other. After a moment, Elijah came downstairs to join her, and she put the necklace in her back pocket before turning to greet him, smiling weakly.
"I supposed I was misguided to believe Hayley's and Méalla's return would ease tensions in this house."
Elijah grinned. "Misguided. Delusional. Refreshingly optimistic."
He paused for a moment and stared at his oldest sister.
"You're new."
Freya, realizing that something is wrong, became concerned.
"What is it?"
"I received some unsettling information from Lucien Castle. I don't trust the source, but I... trust you." Elijah said.
Downstairs to the courtyard, Freya was preparing to perform a spell on a table while Klaus bled into a bowl for her.
"If you fed on this prophetic witch, her blood is still in your system. If there's a weapon that can kill you, we need to know."
Freya lit a tall black candle and placed it in the middle of the table, surrounding it with smaller lit white candles. She took the bowl of blood from Klaus and sets out four small pieces of paper with Norse runes written on them. The runes spelled "Elijah," "Rebekah," "Méalla," and "Klaus." Freya stared at the black candle in the center, looking nervous, before she dunked her fingers in the bowl of blood.
"No mentre le prophecie que la otra ve. No mentre le prophecie que la otra ve"
As she chanted, blood started to drip from inside her right ear, and the house started to shake. Freya's voice became more and more strained, as though the effort is hurting her, and both Klaus and Elijah became concerned.
"No mentre le prophecie que la otra ve. No mentre le prophecie que la otra ve." Freya chanted louder.
Elijah worriedly grabbed Freya's arm.
"Freya? Stop!"
Despite Elijah's pleas, Freya continued and was overcome by visions of the prophecy. She saw Elijah's painted portrait in the living room splashed with blood and the beast with large, long, and wickedly sharp fangs roar as he bared his bloody teeth.
Suddenly, the pieces of paper with the four Original vampires caught on fire as Freya gasped loudly, her eyes flying open. The flames on the table finally extinguished themselves, but Freya was visibly shaken by the visions she saw.
"It's true. You have a terrible shadow over you. Rebekah, too. If this prophecy is fulfilled, you will all fall..."
She looked up at her brothers, clearly not wanting to share the next piece of information.
"One by friend, one by foe, and one... by family." She finally continued.
Elijah and Klaus both exchanged worried looks.
"Although, there's something odd." Freya ventured.
"Odd?" Elijah echoed.
"The shadow over Méalla is different. Fading and pulsing. I don't know what that could mean." Freya said slowly, trying to think of a way to put what she saw.
Elijah and Klaus looked at each other once again, in agreement for the first time in a while.
"We shall deal with this. Méalla will not become involved." Elijah said.

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