Sixty One

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Alex sighed happily as she walked out of the compound. She was going to go help Jackson and Hayley move their stuff from the Bayou into the Quarter. Her mom had started to forgive Klaus and she feels she might be too. She was thinking about how happy her mom was last night when she felt a stabbing pain in her neck. She immediately reached for her neck and came away with a dart, but also thrusting her hand out in a pain infliction spell. She heard cries and as she started to shift, she felt two more darts hit her in the chest. She wobbled slightly and then fell unconscious, landing right into a waiting Tristan De Martel's arms. Tristan doesn't normally go after children, but this was a Mikaelson child who was a werewolf witch hybrid and she needed to be dealt with or used as leverage. Whichever worked best.

"Klaus, I came as soon as I got your message. Where is she?" Méalla came in, seeing Klaus in bloodied clothes.
"Taking a shower. She died Méalla. Because she loved me."
"It's not your fault and Cami won't blame you either. It was Aurora."
"I know. That's why I'm going after them. Alex is with Jackson and Hayley in the bayou. Freya is taking care of the girls. I want an all out blood bath."
"Klaus no. Let Elijah and I deal with this. You stay with Cami. She's your lightning strikes twice person and she needs you."
Klaus glared at her but she didn't relent. Klaus did and went upstairs to find Cami.
Méalla felt awful. Cami was now in transition. She knew a human among supernaturals was dangerous, but Cami? Cami was too far. Cami was the lynchpin to Klaus. Cami was her friend. She wanted revenge.

Alex woke up when Strix vampires came in carrying Hayley and Jackson. They both looked incredibly beat up. She tried to get up but realized her wrists and ankles were shackled. She tugged and tugged, feeling the burn of wolfsbane every time. She saw a IV line in her hand and followed it to a bag, presumably wolfsbane. Alex tried to cast a breaking spell on the chains as Hayley and Jackson were being hooked up the way she was. Nothing was happening and she realized that it must be the magic restricting shackles on her wrists.  Jackson woke up next, trying with all his might to get out of his chains.
"Jackson. Jackson! Stop! It's not going to work!" Alex cried at him, seeing his leg was bleeding massively and the more wolfsbane he struggles with the less he'll heal.
A Strix vampire came in and slapped her, yelling at her to shut up. She tried to bite him and he yanked her head back by her hair. Her lip was bleeding from where she had been slapped. She struggled against her restraints some more until Jackson yelled at her to stop. The vampire holding her hair let go of it as soon as she stopped struggling so much, but couldn't get his hands out of the way of Alex's mouth fast enough. Her wolf face came out and she bit him, hard. He yelled and punched her in the face. He cradled his hand as Alex felt her nose break.
"Stupid bitch!"
"A stupid bitch who just signed your death sentence!" Alex retorted back, the vampire kicking and breaking her bad leg again in fury.
Suddenly a hand ripped through the vampires chest and pulled out his heart. The vampire fell, revealing Tristan De Martel.
"That's certainly no way to treat a guest." He said calmly.
"Let her go!" Jackson shouted, the effort weak.
"Ah but no. She's useful." Tristan said before turning and walking back out of the room.

A little later, Tristan came back into the room with two vampires, who grabbed and lifted the chair Alex was in. They carried out of the room as she struggled and Jackson, weakened by the wolfsbane shouted softly for her.
"So you're the adoptive runt?" Tristan said as the two vampires set her down in front of him. Her wolf face came out and she tried to break her shackles again.
Tristan sighed. "You do realize the effort is futile? Although, you do put up a good fight."
"What the hell do you want?"
"To protect my sireline. And my sister back. The downfall of your family. All simple, achievable things, with your help."
Alex let out a laugh at that. Tristan raised an eyebrow.
"Something funny?"
"I'd never turn against my family, even if they were a way for you to defeat them. Besides, your sister seems more intent on getting back with my mom than to be associated with you."
Tristan sighed again.
"I really hoped we could be civil about this."
"Is that why you hooked me up to wolfsbane?"
"It's called a safeguard."
"As soon as they realize what's happened, my mom will come for you. And you will live to regret it."
Tristan gestured with his fingers and the two vampires carried her back into the room with Jackson and Hayley.
"Maybe after a few more hours with wolfsbane you'll be more accommodating!" Tristan called after her.
Alex scoffed.

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