Fifty Seven

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"With all the nauseating dinner theater we've endured throughout the centuries, these performances are, by far, the worst." Elijah commented, sipping a glass of bourbon.
Both Tristan and Aurora roll their eyes and throw their heads back in identical expressions of exasperation. Isabel just sighs.
"Dearest siblings, while I am inclined to loving what would eventually be a prisoner in your plan, speaking as Aurora is too, we should let the Mikaelsons deal with this. Their wrath is far more dangerous than anything else in the world." Isabel said.
"You're just a traitor!" Aurora accused.
"As I heard, you slept with Klaus only hours ago. You're killing your own cause." Méalla immediately responded in defense of Isabel.

"Aurora, my sister..." Elijah started. Klaus immediately cut him off.
"Aurora is quite aware of our desire to see Rebekah home, and I'm sure she'll do everything in her power to oblige." Klaus said.
Just then, Méalla heard footsteps as Freya walks into the courtyard and makes an appalled face at the sight of her siblings' guests.
"We're welcoming our enemies to the dinner table now? Convenient, given she's the one who has the answers I want."
Freya gestured at Aurora, who is so offended by the accusation that she scoffed loudly and rose to her feet.
"Oh, for heaven's sake! Now I have to deal with the long-lost sister?" Aurora exclaimed.
Aurora turned to Klaus with a stern expression.
"First, Freya it was not my plan blame dearest Niklaus and second Aurora, the long lost sister is far better company than any of you." Méalla also rose. Aurora glared at her before turning back to Klaus.
"Nik, please spare me your family's rage and paranoia. It is exactly this kind of lunacy which led me to steal Rebekah in the first place."
"Yeah Nik, spare her the rage and get right to lust, I'm sure Cami would like that." Méalla needled her brother.
Freya interrupted, causing Aurora and Méalla to look back at her.
"What did you do with her?"
"Oh, I'm sorry, love, but this prophecy has you all acting as fools. And I've no intention of risking my life to foolishness."
Tristan merely looks embarrassed by her behavior.
"Tristan, do we really believe your sister is in the right place mentally to even think of protecting my sister? Because if she could easily be stolen from you, imagine how easily she's stolen from Aurora." Méalla said.
"Oh now, I can't trust Rebekah with any of you."
Aurora gave Tristan a pointed look before she continued.
"And I certainly can't trust the silly dear to endure on her own, so I decided to put her someplace safe. Imagine a spot where no harm could come to her. Where, in fact, no one could possibly even track her down."
Aurora smiled at the rest of the room as the Mikaelsons all stared at her in bewilderment and horror.
"Yes, rest assured, Rebekah is perfectly fine... at the bottom of the ocean."

"You're bluffing." Klaus said as he narrowed his eyes.
Aurora simply shook her head as though she's playing dumb, and Klaus becomes even more overwhelmed with anger.
"Tell me you're bluffing!"
"Oh, you should all be thanking me. Rebekah's never been safer! She has plenty of company down there. There's all the little crabs, and octopus, and..."
Aurora made accompanying hand gestures to communicate the crabs and octopi just as Klaus angrily slammed his hands on the table and stands to his feet. Before Klaus can react further, however, Tristan vamp-sped over to Freya and held the point of a knife to her throat.
"Harm my sister, and I'll be forced to return the favor."
Méalla vamp-sped over to him and ripped him off Freya, and then pinned him to a face first to a support beam.
Lucien smirked at this development and awkwardly sipped his drink.
"Oh, this all escalated very quickly..."
"Shut up, Lucien, or I'll tear your tongue from your head." Klaus snapped.
Lucien rolled his eyes. "Be careful with your threats, Nik. Anything should happen to me, I won't be able to protect your precious Cami."
Aurora's eyes flashed with jealousy.
"Okay, that is the third time I've heard her name! Just who is this Cami?"
Freya glared mutinously at Aurora.
"You have bigger problems." She growled, thrusting her hand in front of her and flicking her wrist telekinetically snapping Aurora's neck and causing her to collapse onto the floor in a heap. Klaus, both appalled and impressed, shouted at her.
"Well done!" Méalla added on.
Elijah seemed to be in agreement with Freya and interrupted him as he grabbed and dragged Tristan back to the table by the back of his neck and shoving him down onto his seat,
"Niklaus... Which of these two vulgar parasites would you first like to torture?"
Lucien took a deep breath, clearly not keen to be alone with either Mikaelson brother, but Klaus just shrugged.
"Well, it's half a dozen of one and six of the other, isn't it?"
Klaus walked over to Lucien and stood behind him, squeezing his shoulders tightly in mock affection before smiling devilishly at Elijah.
"Why don't you take the stable boy? Tristan and I are long overdue for a good catch-up."
Klaus looked down at Lucien with a cold smile and whispered menacingly into his ear. "Oh, if anything happens to Camille..."
"Oh, I'm quite sure Lucien's aware. Devastating error." Elijah said with a slight tinge of amusement.
Lucien pursed his lips, not wanting to set either of the brothers off. Meanwhile, Freya smiled coldly down at Aurora's unconscious body, which is still splayed across the rug where she fell after her neck was snapped.
"Siblings, which one do I get? Preferably one with lots of violence." Méalla questioned her siblings.
"None. I need you to do something for me." Elijah said.
Méalla scowled and walked over to Elijah, feeling his hand on her arm and his voice enter her thoughts via the mental link.
"Freya found information on why you are seemingly not to fall. I need you to investigate it."
Méalla glared at her brother but nodded her head. She walked over to Freya and put her hand on her sister's arm. "What evidence to you have for me?" She spoke through the mental link.
"It's in my attic. It has a post it on it with your name in runes on it."
"Aptly named. Call me if you need help with them."
"Hayley's going to come, she's going to help me. I need you to be safe."
"On little sisters honor, I will be as safe as I can. Make sure to keep these rags to riches away from my children."
"Understood." Méalla took her hand off of Freya's arm, breaking the mental connection.
"Have fun boys!" She called out as she vamp-sped to Freya's attic.

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