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They had decided to move outside, hoping the cool night air would help slow down the fever. Méalla had carried Hayley outside, wrapping a towel around the feverish wolf while Elijah and Sophie trailed behind, each respectively doing their part. Sophie was mixing herbs and ingredients that they had at the house while waiting for Rebekah to come back and Elijah kept bringing out cool towels to swap with the ones on Hayley. The wolf was in more and more pain and she grasped Méalla's hand tightly, while Méalla tried to keep her cool.
Rebekah signaled her arrival by slamming her car door closed. She sped into the backyard and handed off the herbs to Sophie.
"She's burning up, we need to move faster." Méalla's voice was anxious.
"Get her in the water!" Sophie commanded and Méalla gently lifted Hayley up bridal style, and carried her into the pool. She lowered her arms so Hayley was submerged more while Sophie followed them in.
"I don't see how a midnight swim is supposed to help." Rebekah said, frustrated.
"Her temperature is sky-high. The water, with the help of the herbs, should cool us down. Drink this!" Sophie handed the herbs to Hayley.
"You're going to have to get her heart rate down." Sophie said to Méalla
"How do you suggest I do that?" Méalla snapped.
"Hold her. It's a natural human remedy to slow the heart rate and reduce blood pressure." Méalla nodded and wrapped her arms around Hayley, pulling her as close to her as she could.
"This is never gonna work." Rebekah was extremely anxious, watching the wolf groan in pain. They all were.
"Davina will break the link, we just need time." Elijah's confident tone had too much underlying worry.
Méalla held Hayley tightly but the wolf started to hyperventilate.
"I can't breathe, I can't breathe!" Hayley cried through gasps and pants of pain.
"Okay, love, take long, deep breaths. Focus on the sound of my voice." Méalla soothes the wolf, who was still writhing in agony.
"You'll be okay, you'll be okay. Focus on my voice, okay?" Méalla whispered than started to recite something she had written recently.
"Once upon a time begins our incomplete story. This is a story of creatures of the night and creatures who turn with the moon and witches who could command magic at their fingertips. A long, long time ago, these creatures had built a beautiful city, filled with art, beauty, music, joy. Sadly, our heroes had to leave the city when a great evil came, for they were not yet ready to fight this beast. Sisters and brothers then separated or slept or wreaked havoc for decades, until a beautiful creature of the moon helped create the road of redemption. The sisters and brothers came together, in this beautiful city that was once home, and along with the beautiful girl beholden to the moon, and an unexpected path adjoined to the road of redemption, sparked a war that had been brewing for years, and victory was theirs. It would be quite a long road to journey but for the two who created it, they would finish it." Méalla felt Hayley gaining control of her breathing, in rhythm with her words, but was still groaning in pain. Méalla heard a gasp from behind them and felt Hayley relax slightly in her arms.
"I just felt it lift." Sophie said softly. Méalla knew it was true, as Hayley was relaxing and breathing easier. She started to move to stand on her own, but still held Méalla's hand tightly as she leaned on her for support. They look towards Sophie, who had removed one of her earrings, as she pricked herself but Hayley was untouched. Elijah and Rebekah sighed in relief.
Méalla looked back, straight into Hayley's beautiful green eyes and felt her breath catch. They stood there for a moment, Hayley holding onto Méalla and staring at each other, until Sophie broke the silence.
"Elijah, as soon as your brother finds out that the link is broken, he'll kill Agnes. I know you don't owe me anything, but please, don't let him kill her." She pleaded. Méalla wanted to slap her but instead just stayed silent and continued to help Hayley steady herself.
"Elijah! She's our only access to the power we need to survive. Promise me that you'll stop him!" Sophie continued.
Elijah dialed a number on his phone, presumably Klaus'. "It's me, where are you?" He listened for a moment. "Don't hurt her. I'll be there shortly." He hung up and turned back to Sophie. "I'll make you one last promise. I won't let my brother kill Agnes."
Sophie nods at him, and Elijah picks up his walks away. Hayley had let go of Méalla and started to walk to the steps of the pool with Sophie behind her, Méalla watching to make sure she was really alright, but before they climbed out Hayley gripped Sophie's arm tightly.
"I know you were just using me to save your people, but try it again, and I'll kill you." Hayley hissed and climbed out of the pool while Sophie hung her head, defeated. Méalla smirked a bit, proud of the feisty werewolf.

Rebekah had said her goodbye to Méalla and left and Méalla was sitting sadly in her room. She was also slightly avoiding Hayley, due to what she felt and what happened between them while in the pool. She didn't know why Hayley in danger scared her so much. She shook her head as she heard someone at the door.
"Where is he? I've been trying to find him all day. Marcel knows that Klaus lied to him about where he lives." It was Josh, Méalla saw from the top of the stairs.
"I'm not his damn keeper, Josh." Hayley groaned.
"Fine! Just, tell him to call me, please." Josh spoke, still slightly scared.
"Okay." Hayley shut the door. Before Hayley left the hall, someone knocked on the door again. Hayley stomps over to the door and opens it. "Ugh, what the hell, Josh?"
Méalla did not expect the voice she heard instead of Josh's.
"Hi there, I'm Marcel. I don't think we've met!" His cheery voice was bullshit and Méalla sped down the stairs, pulling Hayley behind her.
"Marcellus. You're not as dead as we thought you were, how very good for you." Méalla snarked.
"Méalla Mikaelson. Now that's something I didn't expect. I mean, I heard rumors you were back in town but I mean with Elijah and everything, I didn't think you would be apart of the family reunion." Marcel remarked.
"Well, you thought wrong. Why are you here, exactly?" Méalla replied.
"To say hi. I'm off now, got an empire to run." Marcel sped off, and Méalla let out a slow breath. She gently shut the door behind him.
"Should've made sure that little shit was actually dead, that fucking cockroach." Méalla muttered. You could say she wasn't thrilled about Marcel being alive or him running New Orleans, mainly because of how much it hurt her siblings when he supposedly died.
"You don't talk to me at all after the pool but you immediately pull me behind you! Why are all you Mikaelsons so confusing?" Hayley shouted, waving a hand through her hair. Méalla didn't have time to answer as she felt multiple things pierce her back and darkness cover her vision. Last thing she heard before passing out was Hayley crying out her name.

She woke up to Elijah, Klaus, and Rebekah's worried faces.
"Hayley's missing." Klaus said.
"Fucking hell, who's the fucker behind the assholery this time?"

Klaus and Elijah went after Marcel but Méalla knew it wasn't him. She had a hunch Hayley would be out in the bayou, but not by choice. After her brothers left, she took off, leaving Rebekah with instructions to call if anything else happens.
She arrived in the bayou and closed her eyes to try and catch Hayley's scent, or the two heartbeats. She caught a faint whiff, and following it, heard Hayley cursing out somebody named Tyler.
"Who are you?" Méalla asked as she appeared right behind Tyler.
"A Hybrid. That's all you need to know."
"Ah, so you're the foul creature who betrayed my brother, who sired you." Méalla snipped.
"Brother?" The dude was confused.
"Oh surely you know there are more Originals than you've met. After all, Klaus wasn't the only Original Hybrid." Tyler's eyes widened in panic when Méalla sensed someone behind her.
She twirled, only to get three arrows to the heart. She grumbled inaudibly as she passed out, still weak from being attacked before.

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