Fifty Four

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Hayley and Jackson were at the Fete De Cadeau with Davina and Elijah and Klaus are gone by the looks of a discarded body in the courtyard. This left Méalla time with Freya alone.
"Freya!" Méalla called out to the older girl, catching her in the library.
"Méalla, hello. What can I do for you?" Freya said.
"The curse. You said in your letter the shadow over me was different. Then when I fed on the witch, I saw nothing of my own demise. Freya, does this mean I come out unscathed?"
"I am not sure Little Sister. But there is a shadow over you just the same, so I'm telling you to be careful."
Méalla chuckled.
"We never catch a break do we? First huge stuff like Dahlia, Mother, getting put down and now this prophecy. The smaller things like the woman I love marrying another man, my brother having the woman my other brother loved kill another woman I loved and now a woman from my past shows up at the very convient time her brother and old cohort are trying to bring each other's sireline down. Ha!"
"Yes I'd say you've had quite the year."
"Do you want to know why Isabel de Martel is even a vampire? Her sister Aurora tricked me into turning her once Aurora got turned. Aurora cut Isabel's wrists and I barely got to her before she died completely. And why I left her behind? Elijah had just found compulsion existed, and he and Niklaus each compelled her different reasons to leave me. They said it was to protect me. I don't know if I've ever forgiven them for that. I'm sorry, I'm rambling. You didn't want to know all that."
"Méalla I'm your sister. I know some may find that meaningless but it is not to me. I care about what you're going through and I want to know more. I want to know you. Besides having history of our foes helps us take them down."
Méalla smiled at Freya who looked at her curiously.
"If your siblings are the cause of the death of so much love of yours, why stay?"
"I stayed for a long time. I thought it was for the best those loves didn't survive because my love for my siblings never wavered. But after Niklaus killed Niamh, Elijah letting me think he himself had done it, well that's when I ran. So many had died loving me. I wanted to keep anybody else from getting close."
"Where'd you go?"
"Around the world. I met so many incredible people and I saw wonders like never before. And the little everyday things, the things people do in their mortal life or the exciting, possibility fatal things people do despite their mortality, those were my favorite to experience. A family dinner, or swimming with sharks. People celebrating life. Not enough do so."
"Oh but I do, M'ella! Wine, cheese, men, women, art."
"Isabel." Méalla greeted without turning around. "This is my older sister Freya."
"Freya, Isabel, my first sireling."
"Charmed. The genes in your family are incredible, so attractive."
"Stop flirting with my sister, Iz." Méalla said stiffly. Freya and her had been having a moment that Isabel had ruined.
"My apologies. May I speak to you?"
"Is your brother or sister or Lucien in the same vicinity?"
"Not that I'm aware, no."
"Then yes."

"What is it?" Méalla said, turning back to Isabel after leading her to a different room.
"Aurora's back. Taunting Klaus, most likely causing a divide between your brothers. And Lucien and Tristan are working together."
"And you conveniently tell me this now. Tell me, where do you fit in?"
"I don't know the plan. For some awful reasoning, they haven't included me. But the sire war is starting and I want as little blood as possible. I want life to be back to normal."
"Yes you've mentioned that, and somehow I still don't quite believe you."
Isabel walked closer to Méalla. "If the Originals die, their sirelines die too. If you all fall, vampire kind and the people and things I care about, will disappear. I appear to be the only one who wants to stop that from happening."
"Mom?" Alex walked into the room, looking bleary eyed.
"Mom?" Iz raised her eyebrow. "I thought your daughter was a toddler?"
"Alex is my adopted daughter. If anything happens to her, I will end you and your family."
This snapped Alex fully awake. She tensed and clenched her hands, ready to use her magic or her wolf bite.
"I remember when Klaus adopted a child. I don't remember it going so well."
"I'm not Niklaus." Méalla's hand tightened into a fist. Isabel took a step back.
"I think I should leave you to think about this and talk to your siblings. It's really good to see you M'ella." Isabel vamped out of the room.

"Who was that?" Alex asked, still tense.
"Isabel De Martel. An old love and my first sire. Currently here because all the infighting among vampires. You may know her as the real princess from a story I told you."

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