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"What the fuck do you want Elijah?" Méalla Mikaelson muttered into her phone as she entered the bar he arranged their meeting at.
"Hello Méalla." Elijah calmly called from a barstool across the bar a pretty young bartender.
Méalla grimaced as she walked over and plopped onto the stool next to him.
"This is your sister?" The pretty bartender asked Elijah, eyeing the redheaded Mikaelson.
"One of them, yes. Her name is Méalla." He answered.
"Obviously, you just called me across the restaurant." Méalla muttered under her breath.
"Méalla, with one with such a way with words, you have a tendency to not actually use them when upset with people." Elijah didn't even look up from his whiskey. The pretty blonde bartender, name tag read Camille, stared at him in shock. She was barely able to bear the disgruntled sister next to Elijah and he scolded her like she screamed at him.
Méalla just glared holes into the side of her brother's head.
"Camille, may we have a minute?" The young woman nodded and walked away. Elijah then turned to face his younger sister. "It's Klaus. There appears to be that the witches here want to use him to upend Marcel. Their leverage is quite a powerful one."
"Marcel? The vampire Klaus raised and mourned when he died as we left the city?" Méalla was truly confused.
"The very same. Sophie Deveraux is heading out back in a few minutes. Her sister Jane-Anne, the one who brought Klaus here. She was killed for doing magic. We are going to meet her there."
"She's a witch. She's supposed to do magic?" Méalla pointed out.
"Supposedly, not under Marcel's rule." Elijah shook his head.
"Fine, brother. Only for Niklaus. Once this is finished, you keep your agreement." Méalla's voice was firm, no room for argument. She got up sharply and missed Elijah looking at her sadly. He got up and followed her out back.

"Why are we following you to a cemetery?" Méalla's impatient tone annoyed an already flustered Sophie. The dark haired, light skinned witch was leading them to a gated entrance, passing through while Méalla and Elijah stopped at the entry.
"I'll tell you inside. This is sacred ground, which means vampires have to be invited in. But since I'm desperate, come on in." She waved them in and the two Originals followed.
"We can talk freely here."
"Why don't you tell us what your sister wanted with my brother?" Méalla sounded just as impatient as before.
"Isn't it obvious? We have a vampire problem, and we need help. It's Marcel. He has an army backing him and witches have been trying to fight back, in vain. That is, until Jane-Anne met a girl, a werewolf passing through the Quarter from a small town in Virginia." Méalla groaned internally, able to guess what town exactly. Sophie continued, unaware of Méalla's distaste. "She has a special connection with your brother."
"Which is?" Elijah prodded.
"She spent some time with your brother. One thing led to another and she's pregnant. Your brother is the father."
"That's impossible." Méalla growled.
"Nothing is impossible, especially not when it comes to your brother. Think about it – they call him the hybrid, right?" Sophie turned her head, on the neck Méalla was extremely tempted to snap. "Bring her out!"
Méalla's breath caught as a group of witches brought out the girl. She was a brunette in simple clothes, with a feather necklace. She didn't look thrilled to be among the witches.
"Who the hell are you?" The girl asked, with a unique kind of attitude.
"May we have a moment, please?" Elijah glaced at Sophie and she lead them to a tomb, waiting outside with the rest of the witches while the werewolf, Méalla, and Elijah went in to speak.
"So, have they been holding you here against your will?" Elijah calmly asked the girl, sitting on the bench next to her. Méalla leaned against the wall and watched as they talked.
The werewolf girl felt the eyes of the other vampire as she talked with Elijah. She felt like her soul was bared. When she had seen the female vampire, a warmth had arisen in her body. She felt a pull towards her and intrigue.
"Perhaps if you knew my brother's story, it might explain how this is possible. Here, if I may?" Elijah reached for the werewolf's temple.
"What are you doing?" The werewolf girl recoiled from Elijah.
"Relax. If you open your mind to me, I can show you."
Méalla watched as the girl didn't resist this time and Elijah showed her the stories. She assumed it was their early lives, before they became what they were.
"It became clear that he wasn't just a vampire."
Elijah spoke out loud.
"He was also a werewolf. That's how the curse works. It isn't activated until you take a life."
The girl slowly began to have realization spread on her face.
"Niklaus was the result of an indiscretion our mother had hidden from us all. An affair, with a werewolf, such as yourself. Méalla, we didn't find out until after Niklaus, was also the result of the same indiscretion, nine months after Niklaus was born."
"Your dad was a dick." Was the first thing out of the werewolf's mouth when she and Elijah opened her eyes and pulled away from each other.
"You can say that again, love." Méalla spoke for the first time as Elijah chuckled.
"I'm Hayley, by the way. You should probably know my name if you're gonna tell me your whole life story. I mean, I know yours. Your family is legendary. Your brother is a notorious psycho...who I slept with. Classic me." Hayley awkwardly reached her hand for Elijah to shake. Méalla nodded her head when Hayley's eyes lifted to her.
"I wonder if perhaps this baby might be a way for my brother to find happiness. A way to save him from himself." Elijah mused for Klaus.
"I'm glad you feel that way, because we need your help." Sophie stood at the entry of the tomb.
"What, precisely, is it that you want and what does it have to do with this young woman?" Elijah, ever so cordial and calm. Méalla did want to hear the answer, however. Sophie was risking everything.
"We want to run Marcel and his vampires out of town. Klaus is the key. Everything Marcel knows about being a vampire, he learned from Klaus. Marcel trusts him, looks up to him, and he won't see the betrayal coming."
"Yes, well, as I'm sure you're aware, my brother Niklaus doesn't like to be told what to do."
"That's why I brought you here. Marcel drove the werewolves out of town decades ago. Do you really think he's going to welcome a hybrid baby to the neighborhood? Convince Klaus to help us, and no one has to know about the newest member of the Original family." Sophie stared down Elijah. Méalla felt like they had underestimated her as they seemed to forget she was there.
"That sounds remarkably like blackmail, and blackmailers often get tenfold of what they dish out." Méalla's voice was cold. The witches had jumped in fright and Sophie now looked a little afraid but stared her down as well.
"Like I said, I'm desperate."
"Well then, chop chop Elijah." Méalla's chirp sounded more like a threat than a farewell. He trailed her out of the cemetery.

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