Thirty One

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"You left her there?" Hayley shouted at Klaus in complete disbelief. They were standing on his balcony, Elijah safely in his room.
"Left who where?" Alex came walking into Klaus' room. Her face was tired, Hayley knew she hadn't slept since they told her about Méalla.
Hayley and Klaus both gave each other a look but still silently agreed to not tell Alex that Klaus had left Méalla.
"Actually, I don't want to know. Do you know where my mom is yet?" Alex inferred from the looks on Hayley and Klaus' faces that they had been talking about Méalla.
"You left her with your mom didn't you?" Alex's voice to Klaus was cold. She felt something in the bottom of her stomach start to twist and turn.
"My blasted mother had set a trap for one or the other and Méalla would've told me to take Elijah, who was faring poorly. If I had known that mother was playing mind games with them, I would've brought both home, immediately."
The twisting and turning in Alex's stomach became stronger, and she felt bangs, like thunder in a storm. She knew Klaus was right but her worry increased and before she knew it, a clap of sparks burst near Klaus' head.
"What was that?" Hayley scrambled around, Alex feeling the storm inside her quiet. She felt something when the sparks clapped. Like she had a connection with them. She mentally reached to touch the storm inside her and suddenly, more sparks showered down over the balcony. She gasped in surprise.
"It appears that a witch has broken in. Alex, stay here. Your mom will kill me if you get hurt." Klaus started to walk away but Hayley must've seen the look on Alex's face.
"Klaus, wait." She looked at Alex's hands, which Alex now realized were clenched, and her eyes widened. "Alex, was that you?"
Alex looked down at her hands, which when she slowly opened, sparks fizzled at her fingertips.
"But I'm not a witch?" Alex said softly.
"Well, Tiny Wolf, I think you might be wrong." Klaus stared at her, surprised.

Alex sat on the bed, stunned as Hayley was on the phone with Davina. Davina was on speaker, helping them find an answer to what's happening. Klaus was pacing on the balcony.
"So you've never felt this before?" Davina asked, voice confused.
"I mean, I've felt angry and upset but sparks had never appeared. But it was like a storm, fizzling out when I calmed down."
"Was your dad able to do magic?"
"If he was, he never did it around me. My mom didn't either, all though I didn't have much time to find out."
"Wait! I just remembered something I read about while helping with Méalla's miracle baby." Alex heard Davina muttering to herself before stopping.
"Alex, did you feel unsafe with your dad?" Davina's voice was soft.
"Yes." Alex squirmed and Hayley reached out and grabbed her hand.
"What I'm reading is that a witch who's convoluted, like if their bloodline had been merged with other creatures or non magical people many times, can subconsciously suppress their ability to use magic if they feel unsafe or gone through trauma. They can bring it back to the surface when they feel safe and emotions run high."
"So I am a witch?" Alex said slowly, looking at her hands.
"Appears so. Now, I've gotta go, but Alex, you'll be okay." With that, Davina hung up.
"Well that's an interesting turn of events." Alex's attempt at lightness was weak.
She was scared of this new development and what it could mean. Nobody she lives with is extremely fond of witches. She doubted they would kick her out, but she worried the affection would change and so would how they treat her.
Klaus saw a familiar look in Alex's eyes and softly asked Hayley to leave the room. Hayley squeezed the girl's hand before leaving.
"Tiny Wolf?"
Alex didn't respond much, only looking up at Klaus. He sat down next to her, gently taking her hand.
"I know that look on your face. It's one I used to wear often. Probably still do. You shouldn't fear us no longer caring about you. Nothing would change that you're family. Especially for Méalla. She'd go through hell and back for you. We all would."
Alex's voice was soft. "Promise?"
Klaus smiled. "Promise."

Méalla snapped awake, feeling her mother's presence.
"Considered my offer anymore?" Her mother sat down on a chair across from Méalla.
"Still no." Esther made a noise of frustration and a small clenching gesture with her hands. Méalla smirked internally at the discontent of her mother.
"You were always the most stubborn one."
"No, that would be Rebekah. I'm just not as blind to your bitchiness as Finn."
Esther flicked her wrist in annoyance and Méalla let out a strangled groan as her head flooded with pain. "Not helping your case Mother."
"I am trying to help you!"
"By erasing part of who I am now! If you wanted less monstrosities of children, you shouldn't have made them monsters in the first place!"
Esther got up and left without a word, leaving Méalla where she was. Méalla pulled on her chains in frustration, worried about the fact that Elijah's screaming had silenced and that she's probably spent days in here while her mother, brothers, and father were out there plotting to hurt the people she loves. Who knows what's happened while her mom had been playing mind games, for all she knows, her family could be suffering in other tombs! Or Mikael! What if he had gotten to her siblings or even Alex? She tugged sharply at her chains as thoughts swirled around in her head.
Méalla then doubled over in pain, with as much give the chains had and she expected her mother but she saw nobody. She had another flash of pain and this time, when her eyes squeezed shut she was transported from her spot in the tomb. She was standing in a white, misty place that she didn't recognize She heard mumbling that sounded like, "If I'm a witch I can find her, if I'm a witch I can find her." She recognized it as Alex.
"Alex!" Méalla shouted. "Alex, I'm here!" Alex didn't seem to hear Méalla. She walked closer, and started to hear background noise and other voices. She heard Klaus talking about spending the day with their real father. About Esther raising him from the dead, about Klaus killing him to protect Hope and Saoirse. She heard what she thought were sobs as Alex's muttering grew quieter. The white mist started to fade as Méalla felt the shackles on her wrist once again.
Not wanting Esther to know, Méalla created a little mental box to sit in so she could cry in peace. She felt Klaus was truly upset and she couldn't blame him, but she wished she could've met Ansel just once, to see what a life without Mikael could've been. She cried about Alex sounding so desperate, she cried about everything the mind games had brought to the surface.

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