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"didn't you kiss me in your apartment last week? saying you missed me?" last week's events just gave me major flashbacks to way before last week. i was taken back that he brought that up.

"it was a mistake. mistakes happen." i cross my arms. i was clearly not in the mood.

"a mistake that has happened more than once?" my stomach twists. i feel guilty all the time. after things happen between dane and i. it doesn't feel guilty in the moment but after the moment, i crumble.

you may be absolutely confused right now. let's go back, to the beginning where i actually met dane.

i was out with my friend melodi. when we're together, it feels like a fever dream. she got us in this hot club that was popping at the time. she has major pretty privilege. works all the time.

i was wearing this black bodycon that matched my shape. i felt good. i knew i looked good. melodi wanted to find the 'love of her life' here. at the club? actually anywhere we went, she was looking. she was big on that. she was chasing for sure.

crazy thing was, i think she did find him. his name is zack. and they were definitely meant for each other.

right, let's get back to how dane and i ended up where we were. we went to to the club, i met him at the bar. i knew he was with cara. i still did what i did. i'm still so disgusted.

he saw me from the bar and watched me walk up towards the bar. he walked up to me.

"i like your dress." he said to me. i smile and took the compliment.


"can i get a shot of tequila?" i asked the bartender. i pull out my purse to pay, but the bartender doesn't take my money. he points to dane who happened to walk away.

"any drink you want, it's on him." why? why would he do that? my nosey ass, should've minded my business. but i wanted to know why he did that? was he being nice? no, you're cara's best friend, of course it was to be nice.

i down the shot and follow after him. my grandma would be disappointed. chasing a man.

i tap him on his shoulder, he turns. in that moment it felt like we were the only people in the club. was i catching feelings?a add

i scanned him briefly. his eyes were hazel. soft features i really liked. his abs popped out his shirt.

"can i help you? or will you keep staring?" he chuckles. and i get embarrassed. forgetting the main reason i followed him.

"yeah, actually, you can. you don't have to pay for my drinks. i've got a great paying job and able to hold my own. that's it." i purse my lips thinking i ate that.

"i'm glad you're able to hold your own, thought it would be nice to pay for a beautiful woman and the best friend of my girlfriend." shit. why did i forget? i was staring and embarrassed myself again.

"i- yeah." i've embarrassed myself enough. i walk quickly past him, but he grabs me. slowly backs me into a wall. his hands slide down my figure. while making eye contact with me.

"you should stop." i suggested. i didn't sound too sure. i didn't want him stop. i liked the feeling. his hands, his stare.

"you want me to stop?" his hands move to my back, sliding down towards my ass. grabbing it softly. he looks down at me. my heart starts racing. i can see why cara is so in love with this man.

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