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(a/n: we're still in a flashback about dane and sunny's affair from the beginning :)) )

**smut warning** if you'd like to skip, you'll see "/" in the beginning and scroll until you see it again.

tobais and i went on a small date. it was absolutely amazing. he is a great conversationalist and took me to a bunch of places. he was perfect.

but, he was nothing like dane. they were complete opposites and i liked it. i haven't spoken to dane since cara's birthday party. he didn't like the fact i was speaking to tobais.

i saw the jealousy on his face, when i had walked passed him. if i'm being honest, i didn't have a small care. he has a girlfriend, i have tobais.

i've spent my days with tobais if i weren't working. i felt happy. i had never thought to see myself with someone. i liked the independent me so much, i never really saw myself with someone.

tonight i was staying at tobais's. and no, we haven't done the nasty. not yet, at least.

i had all my stuff packed and ready to go. the doorbell rang. i stopped what i was doing and answered the door. i open it to cara. she seemed super excited.

"what's going on? are you okay?" i ask worriedly. she held her hand up and there it was. bling bling, diamond ring. i lost my breath for a second. then came to reality.

"oh, my, god!" i screamed loudly and she joined in. i hugged her super tightly. then my heart did a thing. it broke? not literally but, literally. why did it do that? no, i didn't have feelings for dane, that's stupid. we only met up twice. i don't fall that hard. i'm in my head.

"cara, i'm so happy for you! when did he ask?" why did me asking that make me want to vomit? i'm not jealous, i'm happy for my friend! she's getting married for crying out loud.

"he asked last night! you're the first person i have told so far. especially since i want you to be my maid of honor." i felt guilt sink hard.

i had a sudden realization that i cannot be with tobais. he deserves the world and i can't give it to him because i'll be thinking about him the whole time.

after talking to cara, i call tobais and let him no i'm not ready to pursue anything. he understood but i know he really didn't. i wasn't being fair. i curled up into a ball on my couch. the doorbell rings. maybe it's tobais.

wrong, it was dane. i felt anger stir up in my body. why was i angry? i'm not even allowed to be.

"i know you know." he looks down, in shame, guilt. why? he shouldn't. i simply didn't have him first.

i swallow hard. i don't want to say anything to him. he tries to take my hand and i snatch it away. i'm angry.

"i gave you an option, you know?" i stare at him in his eyes. i still don't wanna say anything.

"dane, why are you here?"

"i felt like i owe you an explanation." for what exactly?

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