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(a/n: you get to see cara's perspective from the beginning.)

i met this handsome guy at a party. he was 6'2, soft features i liked, chiseled jaw, and was absolutely hilarious.

i had brought my friend sunny along to this party. sunny's my ride or die. we've know each other since middle school and never left each other's sides.

"thank you for coming with me." i smiled at sunny. she had the most perfect smile. and she always looked good.

i grab her and i a solo cup. we poured some vodka and downed it. we were ready to party.

in the middle of the dance floor was sunny and i. we always stood out in front of everyone. we were the duo everyone knew about. we were the life of the party when we were together.

"sunny, i'll be back, i'm going to use the bathroom." she nods and continues to dance. i push and make my way out of the amount of dancing people.

not watching where i was going, i bumped into that 6'2 man i mentioned earlier. he smiled and it was absolutely beautiful. it made my heart jump.

"dane." he stuck his hand out.

"cara." i say while shaking his hand.

"you look great, and your dance moves are amazing." i blush a little.

"thank you, my dance moves look better when i'm with my partner in crime." i point back to sunny. he looks over to her.

"yeah, she definitely knows how to party." we both laugh. this man caught my eye and i felt speechless.

"can i get your number?" i stare at him blankly. i was caught off by him. he waves his hand in front of my face. he laughs and i get embarrassed.

"uh, oh my god, sorry, yeah, you can have my number." we exchanged numbers and kept the conversation going. i don't fall hard, but this man made me fall down the stairs and faceplant.


months later

i had been talking to dane for a while. and eventually became his girlfriend. things had been great. he was constantly making me smile and giggle at my phone.

he even brought flowers into my workplace. when i tell you, this man had me hooked. i was hooked.

but things went downhill with us. arguments about stupid little things. we didn't talk for a while. but it caused me to make a stupid mistake. i cheated on him.

i was drunk. i was mad. careless. and at the time, i didn't care if i hurt him. i was going back to my old ways. messing with different guys while being fully committed to another.

his name was carter. i knew carter from work. i always thought carter was handsome, but never thought things would pursue but being co-workers.

i drunk-dialed carter. he came over to my place, i was at first ranting to him about dane. then things escalated. i cheated on dane.

trust me, i felt all the guilt when i woke up the next day. i wanted to tell sunny everything, but i couldn't. i felt too dirty. i never even had the gut to tell dane i cheated on him. i skipped passed it like it was nothing.

dane and i forgave each other after our arguments. and i didn't speak to carter. i ignored him at work. but he begged and begged for me to leave dane and be with him. i told him no, my heart is with dane.

until it wasn't. i couldn't even tell him i fell out of love with him; during the time. he was nothing but loyal to me and i'm here, fucking another man.

carter was a fever dream. he knew my angles, he knew how my body wanted to be treated. he showed me this attention that dane just couldn't.

dane wasn't bad at sex. he was great, even. but carter. i'm getting horny just thinking about him.

i wish i could tell someone. i want to tell someone about how i'm cheating. i want this guilt to be off my shoulders.

as of right now, i'm driving myself to carter's house, just so we can fuck. dane would be going to a club with his friends tonight, so i had time.

i ring the doorbell to carter's house. he opens it. he's shirtless and wearing those gray sweatpants i'm in love with.

he pulls me in and showers my face with kisses.

"i've missed you." he told me. my heart jumped and skipped. when this man would speak, i would be ready to ride like there is no tomorrow.

"i've cooked you something to eat." he grabbed my hand into his kitchen. it smelled delightful.

he cooked me fettuccini pasta with a glass of wine. my favorite things. i kissed him.

"you're amazing." i snuggled up into his arms and he held me tight.

"eat, now. so i can fuck you later." he knew ways to make my butterflies flap in my stomach and my pussy.


after i left carter's house. guilt settled as it always did. you'd think it be gone, with the fact i've been doing this for years.

i went home and dane was sitting on my couch. he was waiting there like he found out i was cheating. so my heart races.

"hey, baby." i say softly. i set my purse and keys down and walk slowly to him. he gets up and bends down to kiss me.

my heart slows down. he doesn't know, at least i don't think so.

"where'd you go?" i bite my lip in nervousness. where did you go? oh, that's right, to fuck your hot ass co-worker.

"went to see an old friend." i lied straight through my teeth.

"oh, okay. you want to watch a movie?" i nod. he walks past me and i catch his smell. it wasn't his smell. he smelled sweet and it smelled familiar.

it was a strawberry smell. was he cheating? or did he just smell sweet. maybe, he was with his sister.

i'm not to worried about him cheating. he would never. but i definitely did.

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- renee 💗

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