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let's just say that things have not been good lately for dane, cara, and sunny. besides tobais giving bomb dick to sunny.

let's start with the fumble of dane and cara's relationship. then how that soon fumbled the relationship between dane and sunny.

let's start with cara.

cara had gone home after her lunch date. she was nervous for dane to come home. she waited for him for hours. that mainly is because of sunny. dirty dane.

dane doesn't get home till ten at night. cara was fidgeting with her wedding ring. she knew this night was the end of her marriage.

"dane, hey, can we talk? it's super important." dane doesn't want to even talk to her. he's still upset at the fact he knows she cheated and she still hasn't say anything about it.

dane walks over to her. his attention is fully on her. making her even more nervous. she continues to fiddle with her wedding ring.

"talk." his voice was deep and more scary to cara. she gulped and was getting tongue tied with the words she was about to soon confess.

"it's hard to find the words to say this. and i'm embarrassed that i let it go on so long. and that i've haven't found the guts to tell you. i understand what'd you would like to do next after i tell you this." dane knew what was coming. she was finally admitting that she cheated.

"i... i... cheated. and i couldn't find the heart to tell you. you treat me so well and i didn't ever think it would go this far." dane stands there, silently. he doesn't know what to say. he was waiting for this moment, but had no words.

"i've also have to tell you, i'm pregnant. and i don't know if you're the father or him." he steps back from her. he knew she cheated, but her being pregnant? that was a lot to take in.

"it's funny, because i knew you cheated. but being pregnant and not knowing the father? that's even more funny." dane said sarcastically. it made cara embarrassed.

"you managed to fuck someone else for so long. and couldn't even find the heart to tell me." he scoffs.

"i asked you to be my girlfriend and days later you cheated? that's low. real, fucking low." cara felt upset and angry with herself.

"dane, you act like you haven't done anything as well." cara connected pieces together. she knew things too.

"let me know what i've done, cara." dane puts his hands up as if he hadn't done anything.

"you're fucking my best friend or ex best friend." dane didn't know how to react. she knew.

"i should've known. you coming home late. you smelling like her damn perfume. and when you stared at her during our vows?" he was caught as well. he couldn't even lie.

"so what is this now? a fucked up marriage? we couldn't even be a normal married couple for two fucking months. heck, even less!" cara gritted through her teeth.

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