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he didn't call for days. i had been anxious. he definitely knew about dane and i. i mean i completely understand as to why he would storm out and never call.

i took some days off of work, i hadn't really been in a working mood. especially since i hadn't heard from tobais. it makes me nervous. i would go to his job, but cara is also works there.

a hard knock was on the door, it scared me out of my thoughts. i quickly get up, because it could possibly be tobais.

i slowly open the door. it's my sister, olivia, with wine. and behind her was carson. her husband, whom i dislike. that's a lie, i hate carson.

"what are you doing here?" i say shocked, even more shocked that carson is here. olivia walks past me, carson following behind her.

"what happened to, hi, hello, how are you?"

"no, i believe i get to ask why are you here... especially with him?" carson gives me a dirty look.

"sunny, love, we're married." she sets the wine on my island. she goes through my cabinets to find wine glasses. i hated the fact she married such a scumbag. their relationship has been so rocky every since the got married. i don't like carson but can't say much because this is who my sister is supposedly interested in.

"i know you need a drink, sunny. remember, my sister intuition?" she wasn't even wrong, i did need a drink. i pull a seat up to the island and take the wine my sister was making. i down it in seconds.

"talk with me. what's going on?" i take a deep breath.

"um, dane and i aren't together. and the new guy i'm with just disappeared on me? and that's been messing with my head for days."

"have you tried texting him?" carson mentioned. who said he could talk? but let me polite for my sister's sake.

"no...?" his question replayed in my mind? why haven't i texted him? asked him if he was okay?

"well, not every time he's gonna call and text you first. maybe you should text, see if he's okay." this might be the only time i might side with carson.

maybe i was overreacting. maybe he's busy and has a lot to deal with, especially being handed a different position in the old office i used to work at.


haven't heard from u in a couple days, are u doing okay?

i closed my phone and set it on the counter. nothing to be stressed about, right?


he hadn't texted me back. it's been days. maybe i should drive to his job? i feel like a crazy girlfriend. but we had no labels on our relationship. i need to catch a break, get some air.

i grab my car keys off the counter and go to the store.

the car ride was quiet. which left me in my thoughts. i hated being alone with my thoughts, but i couldn't put myself to turn on some music.

i make it to the store and grab a cart. i do need to go grocery shopping.

i haven't necessarily talked about my job, because what am i doing on a wednesday, at 11 am shopping for groceries?

i've taken a mental break from working. i know that's not how jobs work but i need to find something that i actually enjoy doing. i have a lot of money saved up, which is how i am still surviving, fortunately.

when i was shopping, i didn't expect to see his face. it surprised me in fact.

he looked up from the item he was holding and saw me. gave a small smile. i nodded.

he was still handsome as ever. but i couldn't. things broke off for a reason. i know he was hurt about when it officially was done.

being together after cara. but that was never really going to happen. everything was too perfect. until it all crashed.

i watched him study me. i should turn my cart around, but something in me resisted. he put the item down and walked up to me. my heart started to beat as fast as ever.



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- renee 💗

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