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i believe i made the right decision. ending things with sunny. she was the highlight of my days, but what hurt most is that my feelings never even considered to her.

it was always, cara this, cara that., what about cara, what if... why couldn't it just be me and her without cara being apart of everything. i understand what we were doing was wrong, but the connection between sunny was so natural and we fit.

i couldn't even fuck her without her feeling guilty in the end. she would never tell me, i could just see it on her face.

i haven't been home for days. i've been living in a hotel for days. i look at my phone constantly to see if sunny would text me. she didn't. i was a little devastated that she wouldn't; her texts made my heart jump flutter or some dumb shit like that. i think i might love her?

maybe i shouldn't have broken things off. i feel so empty without her. and i bought the woman a fucking house, for crying out loud. funny what fast love does, right?

i know i'm crazy for buying her house, but i did plan a future with her. i did see something with her. maybe some kids, if she wanted them of course.

when i originally bought the house, i was sort of drunk. and some how convinced my bank that buying a second house was fundamental for me.

the look on her face when i told her it was hers. i just knew i put the ring on the wrong woman. when i bought cara the house we were in, she didn't even like it. but brags all the time to the married women on her facebook group chat.

i did love cara. i truly did. in the beginning. our relationship for sure escalated. why couldn't we communicate? why couldn't we tell each other we weren't right? if i did that earlier, who knows where i'd be? would i be with sunny? would i have even met sunny?

i think my love for cara started to de-escalate on its own. it had nothing to do with sunny. i just knew she wasn't the one. normally in my old relationships, i would break it off. but i couldn't with her? maybe i did or do love her somewhere deeply, i personally have no idea.

sunny made my day brighter. ironic, right? when i first really saw her at the club, my heart did not beat normally. when she walked up to the bar, my heart stopped. i was in front of an actual masterpiece made by god. and i don't usually fall as fast, but i fell for her and she hadn't spoke a word to me yet.

i need to stop thinking about sunny. we're over. and i have to be to work. i have a meeting to attend and apparently it's important.


i make it over to work, minutes before the meeting. i would usually be here an hour earlier, but i'm in a rough patch, so being late makes me feel a little sane about my life.

"good morning, mr. dane." the receptionist, angie, angel, angelica? i never really knew her name, it was one of those. but i did know she was a good fuck.

yes, i did fuck the receptionist. way before cara and sunny. it was a 4 time thing. she cut it off because she was getting married. not that i really cared, i was horny.

i enter the elevator and press the floor i needed to be on. i really don't wish to be at work. but i needed to distract myself. the elevator door opens and i walk straight to the meeting room.

"nice of you to finally join us, mr. evans." that was george, he's new and thinks he has some authority over me. i do what i want, when i want. simple. i roll my eyes and sit down.

"dane, i wish to introduce you to tobais monroe. we will be building a partnership with him and his company." i've seen this guy before. but where?

ah, cara's birthday party. he was flirting with my sunny. whatever they had, didn't go far, mainly because of me. which i was perfectly okay with.

i couldn't focus on the meeting. my mind would always go to sunny. sunny this... sunny that. sunny take me back! i don't want to beg her back just yet.

the meeting finally ended and i was going to go home, but toby? whatever his name was came up to me.

"to formally introduce myself, i am tobais monroe. i've seen some of your work and i admire it, mr. evans." he stuck his hand out. i didn't want to shake it, but to be polite, i did.

"call me dane." tobais and i actually continued a conversation and i do actually like him. despite the fact, he was with my girl. his ideas were quite interesting and i will do my best to help pursue and push them out.

"i hate to cut this short, but i have lunch with my lady." tobais said and walked to the elevator. nice guy, really.


i was at a conflict. i sat in the hotel room with two choices. fix my broken marriage with my pregnant wife who's possibly having my baby or fix my kind of relationship with sunny?

would cara even consider wanting to fix things? would sunny even take me back?

a beep from my phone.

1 message from Sunny

can i give back the house keys? didn't feel right having it.

out of all things. i would have expected more. but she's stubborn and she wouldn't tell me she's missed me. i missed her.

keep them.
i miss you. and i'm sorry.

wow. just like that? is she really letting me go? do i deserve it? i will do anything to fix us. but i'm going to give her the time she needs.

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- renee 💗

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