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  dane's event


he made eye contact with me after the kiss. he knew it was going to hurt me. he came in and planned to hurt me for not coming with him to europe. tobais comes from behind me.

he wraps his hands around my waist and kissing my cheek. i'm still staring at dane with hurt. but his attention is more on tobais.

"dane, my man, you're back." he leaves from behind me and shakes dane's hand firmly. the handshake goes into a hug.

"who's the beautiful lady on your arm, this evening." yeah, who is this lady on my man's arm?

"this is yahira, she's my girlfriend." yahira was her name. she was beautiful and had a bomb ass unique name? i don't stand a chance against this woman. and girlfriend? like this woman is going to last. she's not me.

tobais stuck out his hand and shook hers.

"um, dane, this is my lady, sunny." i flash a fake smile towards him. he puts his hand out so i could shake it, i was hesitant.

i shook it eventually. it was quick and made me gravitate towards tobais.

"sunny, i'm yahira." her accent was thick and fit her. i'm fucked. and she was hot? yeah, i don't stand a chance.

"no, i caught it." that was rude. tobais turned his head and gave me a look. that look was mean and i only seen it during our arguments.

"i apologize, just a little irritated, didn't get a nap in today." i smile towards her. but that smile was obviously fake. i hate this woman, i don't even know her.

"no, girl, i get it, the flight here was terrible. couldn't even catch a nap because of the turbulence." and she's relating to me? i fucking hate her. but she's so pretty. i'm going to find something off about her.

kyra pops up behind me making me jump.

"dane!" she screams and launches into his arms. he swings her around. their sibling dynamic was adorable.

"kyra, this is yahira, girlfriend." kyra raises an eyebrow at him. yahira puts her hand put, kyra was hesitant to shake it. so, she feels the same way as i.

"um, i'm need to use the bathroom." i kiss tobais' cheek and i excuse myself from the group.

i had the urge to cry. i mean, he did what i did, move on. i got lost finding the bathroom, but it didn't necessarily matter to me. i didn't even need to use it.

i found myself on a staircase fiddling with my fingers. i'm upset obviously. kyra was right. i do love dane. seeing him with someone made me feel things. like, feelings. cara had moved on now, if he were single, things would be different.


the word stuck in my head. i heard footsteps and ignored them. they became louder and got closer to me. i didn't move, i didn't really care if some stranger say me crying. i was hurt.

those footsteps appeared with a body. i saw him at then end of the stairway. god, this is not what i need.

"sunny," he said, i saw his lips part. he had more to say but i wasn't in the mood to hear it. can he just leave?

"sunny," he repeated. my ears were listening my eyes weren't focused on him. he wanted eye contact. i'm not giving it to him. it shows weakness. i wasn't about to give it to him. i was upset with him. i was angry. but it's not like i could do anything about it. they're just emotions.

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