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@ work


i didn't really do work, at work. i was trying to figure out the perfect plan to propose to sunny.

the where was easy, the how, was hard. how was i going to do this without her even knowing. she's incredibly smart. she catches onto things quickly, but this is the one thing i don't want her catching onto.

i was texting her sister constantly. texting her what i'd be doing and where.

sunny doesn't talk to her parents. and i don't know much about them. she's very brief on the subject. but, i wanted her to have some family with her in this moment. she doesn't have many friends, as i, and she's mostly on her own.

i want to be the best thing for her as possible. which is why so much thought is being put into this. it literally has me stressing.

i remember the day we met exactly. and it would be coming up in a couple weeks. i would do it then.

i thought about how our wedding would look like. who would be there? my sister of course and possibly my dad.

i then too realized i didn't have many people. my heart sank. i've spent most of my life in my career and picked it over my friends. hopefully i can make changes.

a knock on the door interrupts my thought process.

"mr. evans, i'm out to get lunch." that was my assistant vic. vic is a nice guy. he gets things done with persistence. maybe this is the friend opportunity i'm looking for?

"mind if i grab lunch with you?"

"really?" i nod my head and grab my coat.

"where were you planning to eat?"



my sister has been living with dane and i for 2 weeks. and i enjoy her company. but i hate her husband. every time she brings him up, i want to drag him be the ear. but i have to keep my cool.

"olivia?" i shout walking into my home. i hear silence reply.

i put my stuff down slowly. i walk quietly to the guest room. i peek in the room and she isn't there. i fully walk in to see if i mighty missed her but the cut off.

i see her in the bathroom. she was very concentrated on something.

"olivia?" i say quietly. i see tears fall from her eyes. i walk more into the bathroom. i notice what she's holding. my hand cups my face.

"you're pregnant?" i say loud but quietly. she doesn't reply. i felt myself getting hot. i'm not even having the child. excitement rushes to me.

"i'm going to be an aunt?" i say with a question.

"i'm going to be an aunt!" i yell with much pride.

"i have to go home." my eyebrows furrow together. i want her away from her husband as much as possible.

"what? just tell carson over the phone." i didn't realize how rude it sounded until it came out of my mouth.

"sunny, what the fuck? you want me to tell my husband i'm pregnant with his first child over the phone?" i rolled my eyes.

"you throw this word husband around like he treats you any well." she turns to look in my direction.

"how do you think dane would feel if you told him you were pregnant over the phone?"

"dane and i's relationship is nothing like yours. it's not toxic, it's healthy. i would never tell him
over the phone." she sighs deeply.

"listen, i only tell you the terrible part of my relationship with carson. but we're married and we're going to go through it. but for you to think it's okay for me to not tell him in person, is a low i'd never expect my sister to reach."

"i love that man, no matter what we've been through. and now i'm definitely going home." i felt bad. i'm used to knowing the worst side of carson. i've ignored him, disrespected him in his face. and he probably only hears the best of me.

but it's not completely my fault i think the way in do. my sister feeds this imagery of him into my head that he's terrible. but i really don't even know what he's like for real.

"yeah, you're right. but you also have to think, i think this way because you have me thinking this way." i put blame on her, it's easy for us to do this to each other.

"really? you're going to put the blame on me in this situation?" she throws her hands in the air and i see the frustration grow on her face.

"whatever, olivia, leave, i don't care." i said storming out the room. i didn't want her to leave, all that was out of anger. my emotions got the best of me and i started to silently cry. it's the best way for me to keep my emotions in.

i love my sister to the moon and back. she's my other half, my sister soulmate, us arguing was unfamiliar to us. we've just been so used to figuring out the problem then and there instead of arguing.

we learned to do the opposite of our parents. our parents loved to argue. we didn't want to do the same as them. we learned it wouldn't be healthy for our relationship.

would there be times where we did have sister fights? yes, but those fights were resolved within minutes and laughing. something in me felt this tension would last a while. i would love to support my sister and her adventure through pregnancy. if i have to get to know carson in order to do it, i will. anything for my future niece/nephew.

i quickly wiped my tears that were falling down my face. i wanted to compromise with my sister. i'm not letting her leave on bad terms.

i gently knock on the door of the guest room. i wait a few seconds for the door to open. my sister quickly embraces me into the biggest hug. it made want to tear up, again.

"i don't ever want to get an argument like that ever. only with carson." she lets go of me and holds out her pinky. i lock my pinky with hers owing a pinky promise to her.

"oh, thank god. because me neither. and if you need to tell carson in person, tell carson in person. i shouldn't stand in your way. this is your life and you live it how you want to."

"well, if you don't mind. i didn't want to leave you just yet, i asked him to come out here." i couldn't react. i shouldn't react. i'm just going to be happy for her. that's not business.

"okay." is all i could come out. i do have strong opinions on carson, but it'll have to do. for the sake of my niece or nephew, i will suck it up.

"love you to the moon and back." she said to me. all i could do was hug her until she couldn't breathe.

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- renee 💗

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