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our home


we had a home together. it feels like a really good dream. i've loved this woman for about a good 3-4 years, and we're doing something that doesn't require us to hide.

certain people think houses could become a home. but home is her, she's my home. wherever she is, is where my home is.

i always knew she was meant for me. which is why i'm planning to propose eventually. i love her and she is not slipping from my fingers.

we haven't discussed labels for where we stand, but i think it makes us unique in a way.

when i met sunny, it was something about her. meeting the one at a club isn't the ideal love story, but it's ours.

i convinced her sister to come out here and help me distract her from the idea even floating from her mind.

which is why she's staying with us. she's created this fake story between her and her husband. sunny tells me they have the most toxic relationship, but it works for them?

i guess people love the adrenaline in that. me, i don't have time for.

the night we denied the apartment, we moved all the stuff we had into the house. it was already furnished from before. but, sunny said it wasn't us. i don't know what that exact means, except that money is coming out of my pocket to make the house the way she likes it.

whatever my lady wants.

one thing about her is, she doesn't like when i spend money on her. every time we talk about it, she's very defensive about it. i just love to show i can provide for her. but i think she's very used to independency that when i pay for things, she's very iffy about it.

i remember a date we went on some weeks ago, she didn't want me to pay for dinner. not even the ice cream after.

the waitress came with the check and i never seen her grab something so fast. she quickly pulled her card out and paid for dinner.

but i want to open an account for the both of us. so then things would be ours. i thought about this as i was driving from work to my home.

"sunny?" i called out. oliva peeks from around the corner.

"she's the room." i thank her and head to our room. i slowly begin to undress myself during the walk there.

i catch her in the bathroom brushing her teeth. i gently wrap my hands around her waist, kissing the back of her neck.

"hi, handsome." she giggles.

"how was work?" she asked me.

"work," i replied sarcastically. she rolled her eyes at me.

"it was fine, just long. i really was waiting to come home to you. do you go to the studio today?"

"uh, yeah, i went to pick up some dresses for my models and watched a couple shoots. then i came home." she's been teaching me a lot about what she does and i enjoy every bit of it. the excitement that lights up in her face when she speaks of it.

"can we talk about something?"

"what's up?" her voice hints concern.

"i want us to open an account together." she just stares at me.

"for what?" her voice is now annoyed. i realize this conversation is going to steer in a different direction. but i also should've known. she walks past me into the closet. i follow behind her.

"why not? my money is yours." i begin to undress into more comfortable clothing.

"dane, you know how i feel about money in general. plus, what about my money? you want to share that with me?"

"i want to share everything with you, which is why i brought it up. if you want to keep the money you make into a separate account that's fine, but i want to share my things with you."

"then it wouldn't be sharing, it just be me having access to your money. and that isn't necessarily fair." is she on my side? i couldn't tell.

"so, you're willing to share money in the same account?"

"have you thought about the many possibilities if we do after? like, what if we break up or-" i cut her off.

"do you plan on breaking up with me?"


"okay then." she's making this more difficult than ever.

"sharing an account is like getting a tattoo with my name on your body. vice versa."

"i'm not superstitious." she rolled her eyes and walked out of the closet. she hops in bed and opens her laptop.

"dane, you're not understanding me." i sigh because i'm slowly regretting even opening this conversation. i knew she would tell me no.

it's something about the person you want to spend your life with tell you no about something you really want them to say yes to.

"then let me understand. this is important to me, i want us to do this. like i said, your money is ours and my money is ours. i have no intention on leaving you. i have no intentions on stealing it from you. you have my word." she doesn't say anything. she continues on in her computer.

"okay, looks like we're done with the conversation... what's for dinner?"

"olivia made pork chops, mac n cheese, and greens." at least dinner is going to be the best thing out of tonight.

after finishing dinner, i made my way back go our room. it was silent between the both of us. i put my phone on the charger and made my way in the bed. i make my back facing her.

i felt a little defeated, but that's what she wants. and i go by whatever my lady wants in the end.

i hear her laptop close and slight shuffling in the bed. her hand makes it way over my stomach with her head in the crook of my neck.

"dane, i love you so much. and i know you're upset with me. and i understand. i don't want us to go to bed being mad with each other. we're supposed to be a team." she moves her head. off of me and i sit up in the bed.

"i know you know, i'm not used to the whole spoiling thing. i've been independent for so long, you coming and treating as i should be treated, it's unusual. all of this is unusual, us going out in public? no hiding from a wife that were to be my best friend. i don't want things to go left, when they're finally going right."

"i also know how much sharing with me to you is important and i want to be fair with you as much as possible. so, i'm willing to share an account. under one condition." i raise my eyebrow.

"no rush. but whenever it's time, a ring on this finger, will get me to share an account. because that prepares us for a new beginning. where we literally share, everything." she grabs my hand and kisses the back of it.

"okay, i promise i can do that." i reply. little does she know, that ring will be on her finger very soon.

sorry filler chapter.
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- renee 💗

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