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  conference room


10 minutes before this meeting i was heading into, i was notified sunny was apart of it.

in fact, george wanted to invest in her clothing, fashion company. i'm all for supporting women, but, not her. not cheating women. not women who participate in affairs.

i have every right to be upset. she's my, or was my girlfriend. and this was a secret for so long. dane was the reason things didn't work the first time. it made sense. i wasn't dumb.

i think i was more upset with the fact that, she will always be a puppy when it comes to him. she will always choose him. i'm someone who she comes to when he isn't around.

i wondered if she stayed because of my mother? felt bad. she shouldn't have said yes. this pain wouldn't be here. and i would've probably be the one in europe or taking care of my mother.

through the glass, i saw her. something in my craved her. but i had to resist. she hurt me. but yet, i was still attracted by her beauty. she was admiring the sky overview.

george comes and dane walks behind him. i give him a cold stare. the three of us, in the same room. i could jump out the window and fall to my doom. but let me keep my composure.

the door swings open and she quickly turns her body towards us. she goes from having the biggest smile to it dropping in seconds. she put her smile back up but it was more fake.

she shakes george's hand, dane's, then mine. she doesn't make eye contact. it wouldn't be so bad to see her big, beautiful, brown eyes.

get out your head tobais.

"you don't mind these two joining? we're a team." george says. she stares at us with hesitation.

"no, i don't mind." she chuckled slightly. i just wanted this meeting to be over. if i'm honest. the room is silent and awkward.

"let's sit." george says and the awkward leaves the room. to be a gentleman, i walk to sunny's chair. she was sitting head of the table. dane and i both pull out the chair for her.

where the hell did he come from? i give him a cold stare and sit in the chair close but far from sunny. dane sits across from me.

i hadn't spoken to dane since that night and to be honest, if i did, i would've fucked him up. my feelings would've gotten in the way.

my focus goes to sunny as this is her meeting. is about investing in her.

"so, ms. sunny, or is it mrs. now? it's been a while." george makes the worst joke. it definitely didn't lighten the mood.

"still ms." she answered. it could've be different if she never told me about dane.

"you're here, because we want to work with you." i give a strong grunt knowing that my view was quite opposite.

"need a water, tobais?" i wave my hand off and stare straight in her direction.

"as i was saying, we want to invest in you. invest in your fashion, thing." one thing i do know about sunny, is that this styling people in her clothing has become her passion. so for george to call it thing, it will possibly set her off.

"mr. newman, let me ask you something." as i said, this is her passion. she's not gonna let anybody call it a thing.

"what's your question?"

"am i being used right now?" i'm impressed with the way she's about to handle herself. a little proud i can say. but, that's about how far it'll go.

"what do you mean by that?" dane sits up in his chair and waits for her to answer his question.

"you don't think i know the lack of women you work with? especially in this building. half the time used as tools and something to stare at? you want to work with a woman coming into a future of good because it will benefit you and you will look better, correct?" i felt the corners of my lips begin the rise higher. this woman continuously impressed me. even when i'm upset with her.

"and here, i thought i was getting a better opportunity for myself and the people i work with. who i treat as equals. and if i am being completely honest, i'm not about to be your little pawn. i want people to invest in me because they want to be equal and work with me. i want you to actually be interested in my, your words not mine, "fashion thing". with first not calling it a 'fashion thing'. i believe we're done here, gentlemen." she gets up from the chair and walks out their conference room im much confidence.

"now what, george?" dane asked, he seemed annoyed. i'm slightly annoyed by the fact we lost a good opportunity. i know i said i didn't want to work with her. but that pushed me to want her even more.

you know, to work with?

"we need to convince her to give us a second chance." george stated boldly.

"maybe, if we do as she said and work a little more to get invested into her brand, maybe we get a second opportunity." i suggested.

"you want us, to learn about her fashion thing, tobais?" george said, as if what i said was a joke.

"maybe, start with not calling it a fashion thing. i'll start you off, she works with styling her clothing on models, daily. and she works hard at it too. there days where she'll stay up at night and she won't sleep until she gets her vision." i stood up and excused myself from the conference room.

my body comes into contact with another.

"ow, but i am so sorry." the beautiful face looks up at me and i see her get even more embarrassed.

"tobais..." she said trailing off.

"sunny, let's talk. have dinner with me."

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- renee 💗

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