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(a/n: we're still in a flashback about dane and sunny's affair from the beginning :)) )

i thought it would be easy to ignore or avoid him.

cara wanted to throw a birthday party for her birthday. which i was okay with, until i found out dane was coming.

again, no problem with him, but huge problem with him. the more i found myself thinking about him, the more i knew i had to stay away. but it's harder when it's your friends boyfriend.

"i want you to help me set up for the party. it would mean a lot." setting up was not my thing. but why say no to the birthday girl! i take a deep breath.

"fine. i can help set up. but don't ask for help cleaning up, i'm leaving!" i said being dramatic. i most likely was going to help clean up either way.

she claps her hands in excitement. "oh, dane is coming to help set up as well!" i choked, covering it up with a cough.

"i really want you guys to get to know each other, you're my best friend and he's my boyfriend." oh, we know each other. in the complete wrong way.

"oh, okay." i drifted off, i had no idea what to say. what can you say?


saturday came, way too soon. i shouldn't even be making this about me. it's not about me. it's about cara today. i bought her an amazing glass wine that was bedazzled in her name. i also bought her expensive wine, that really hurt my pockets, by the way.

i came early to set up, her car wasn't at her apartment. but his was. he was here. i prepared myself and took deep breaths. i took cara's present and headed inside.

i hadn't seen him for two weeks. until now. i am going to give small talk to be nice and forget about what happened the last time we saw each other.

i walked inside cara's apartment and saw him. he immediately turned around. i didn't make eye contact. but felt his stare. i set down cara's gift on the table.

"where's cara?" i stuff my hands in my back pocket, walking a little to see if she had laid any decorations around.

"she went on some errands, won't be back for a while." he starts walking towards me. we are now inches apart. he's staring down at me. i gulp silently.

"i like the way you did your hair today. i would like to see it more." he smiles. i don't. i cross my arms.

my hair was in a high puff. it is my go to when i wear my natural hair.

"where are the decorations?" i try getting the conversation back on track.

"you're gonna pretend like that night didn't happen. like you didn't feel what i felt?" he definitely is a confrontational person.

"i know what i felt, i felt like i belong with you. not cara. i'm waiting for you." what does that even mean? why are you waiting for me?

"what are you waiting for?"

"waiting for you to tell me to leave her, for you." how can someone be in so deep? i kiss him and he fell in love.

"cara is in love with you. i can see it, her eyes light up when she speaks about you. i could never and would never ask you to do such a thing." hopefully that give him so closure about what he thought this was.

"it's something about you, that has me drawn. i'm obsessed with the way you look, talk, act, walk, the way you will still constantly reject me no matter how much i attempt to get at you. i have these feelings that i can't stop having. i think about you a lot." my heart raced. someone actually thinks about me this way? why did i have the sudden urge to kiss me. why did he do things to me?

i take a step back. and i just stare at him for a moment. did i really want him? or was it because he's attractive.

i didn't think about my best friend. i thought about me, i thought about what my future could look like. with him in it. maybe i was getting to deep.

"what are you thinking about?"

"the decorations, where are they at?" he chuckles with his stupid beautiful smile.

"if you kiss me, i'll tell you where the decorations are." he teased. i cringed on the inside.

"dane, seriously.. the decorations." i huffed irritated. i cannot and will not. he pointed to a box behind me. i grab the happy birthday banner.

"that's a two person job." he said, i mentally roll my eyes.

"you're holding the pins."


he was all cuddled up next to her. it made me sick. the way he flirted with me earlier and saying a bunch of bullshit to do all this in the aftermath. i shouldn't even care.

i don't care.

i took a sip of my wine, i looked at cara in envy. a part of me is like, 'fuck that bitch, take her man,' the other part is like, 'they look happy together, leave them alone.'

was i quite jealous? a little. i didn't think it would catch up to me like this. maybe i did have some feelings for dane. no, i do have feelings for him.

being single gets hard, when you can't have someone you wish you could have.

this party was full of people i didn't know or liked. i was basically alone.

i go on my phone to text my sister, olivia. in my peripheral a skinny but muscular figure stands in front of me. i look up. he was absolutely stunning.

"is this where the cool kids sit?" he smiled, his teeth were stunning. i was absolutely confused and i believe my face showed it.

"i've been watching you a little, you haven't socialized with anyone here." i'm a little flattered he had been watching me, but a little creeped out?

"i'll let you in on a secret, i don't really like some of cara's friends." he laughs and sits besides me.

"tobais." he puts out his hand.

"sunny." i put my hand out. he pulls it up to his face and kisses the back of my hand.

i would never let a stranger do such a thing, but he was hot. i felt a taken back by the small kiss on my hand.

"sunny. i would've never guessed that would even be your name, but looking at you, it fits." i start to blush like a schoolgirl. maybe this is what i need. a single man.

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- renee 💗

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