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present time

"didn't you kiss me in your apartment last week? saying you missed me?" last week's events just gave me major flashbacks to way before last week. i was taken back that he brought that up.

"it was a mistake. mistakes happen." i cross my arms. i was clearly not in the mood.

"a mistake that has happened more than once?" my stomach twists. i feel guilty all the time. after things happen between dane and i. it doesn't feel guilty in the moment but after the moment, i crumble.

"dane, we're over. there's nothing more between us." he grabs my hand.

"i'll fuck you right here, right now. it'll show if we're really over." what the fuck is wrong with him?

"what's not clicking? me and you are over." he takes my face and kisses my lips. i fall for it, again.

i felt more dirty. since cara was under the same roof.

"you don't deserve cara." i say as his plants kisses on my neck.

"and she doesn't deserve you." he continues to kiss my neck. what did he mean by that?

"what do you mean by that?" he takes my hand and drags me out the door. he opens my car door and sits in the driver's seat. he motions for me to sit in the passenger.

"why are you being weird?" i ask him. he pulls out his driveway.

"dane, what the hell? where are we going?" he doesn't say anything. why is be bing weird. i sit in silence. why was he being like this?

"dane evans. pull this car over right now!" he does fidget and keeps driving.

my eyebrows furrow. he was making me
upset, i wasn't getting any answers. the car ride was quiet for a good half hour. i knew he wasn't taking me home, because he passed my exit.

he pulls up to this beautiful home, in the middle of literally no where. he unbuckles his seat and then unbuckles mine.

"get out the car, sunny." i roll my eyes and open the passenger door. this man will be the death of me.

"if you keep rolling your eyes, they're gonna get stuck and i won't be able to see your beautiful eyes anymore."

"that's just a myth." i rolled my eyes, yet again. he grabs my hand and we walk to the beautiful lit up home.

we walk in and i'm in awe. i look and canvas the area.

"who's house is this? why are we here? why aren't you answering any of my questions?"

"this house belongs to you. we're here because i bought you a house. and now i'll answer all questions you have for me." did i hear him correctly?

he bought me a house? i'm not taking it. i love my apartment. hell, no. this comes with a price, it does.

"y-you're crazy, dane. you bought me a house? b-but you're married?" i stuttered like crazy. what is the price?

"what do i owe you. because you're selling this. i cannot take this."

"you're taking it."


"yes." he said sternly.



"yes." i finally settle. i still happened to be stunned.

"why did you buy me a house?" i looked at him.

"i love you, sunny. me being married didn't even change that. i don't know what's next, but i know you're next in my life. i don't know how i'm going to settle the news to cara."

"settle what news?"

"i want to divorce her. be with you. and do everything in public with you. i don't want to hide you." he cupped my face with his hands. he pulls me in for a kiss.

i hug him. i felt safe in his arms.

"thank you." i kiss him and get excited about the house he bought me.

"what did you mean, when you said cara doesn't deserve me?" he takes a few steps back from me. i had a feeling this wasn't good.

"you would put her feelings over yours anytime, for any situation. she doesn't do the same. she also envies you." she envies me?

why was he right? i do put her feelings over mine. i don't want to do that anymore.

"envies me how?"

"you're independent, you make 6 figures, you're beautiful, has the guys and girls swooning over you. you have me, her husband whipped." i never saw cara to be jealous of me. but then again, it all makes sense.

dane hugs me. i was quite hurt, she never necessarily liked me? jealous people always try to be one step ahead of you and that's what she was doing. attempting to be one step ahead of me.

"i also found out, she cheated on me." i raised an eyebrow.

"before us. actually it was right after i asked her to be my girlfriend. she cheated on me. and still is. i saw her messages." he looked down. he's messing with his wedding ring. i hate that this hurts him.

"i figured." his head quickly turned to mine.

"did you know? please don't tell me you knew."

"i didn't know, i had a feeling after your sister told me she had a feeling."

"i wish you brought this feeling up, months ago." he said sounding a little pissed.

"what would that change?" i asked getting annoyed because he was pissed off.

"the relationship between you and i! me and you would be together. living here, in this house! things would be different." he runs his hands through his hair.

it was silent for a while. i walk to the couch. this house was pre-decorated. i'm going to fix a few things.

"sunny, i'm sorry." he walked to me and sat on the ottoman in front of me.

"i love you and nothings about to change that. you have my heart fully." he grabs my hand and kisses the back side.

"i really can't keep this house, dane."

"you will."

"i won't."

"you will."

"i won't." i crossed my arms.

"you will."

"i will." fuck, got my ass a second time.

"good, now that that's settled, let's fuck in your bedroom." i giggle. dane throws me over his shoulder. and runs up the stairs to my room.

it was beautiful. the bed was at least a king. the theme was a beautiful grey. dane threw me on the bed. his body hovered over mine.

"mr. evans." i say formally.

"miss cameron?"

"i would like you to fuck my like there is no tomorrow, sir." he grins.

"i can gladly do that for you, miss cameron, soon to be mrs. evans." sunny evans.

that has a ring to it.

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- renee 💗

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